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What these sacred sites have in common, according to local terminology, is ritual seks , or ritual persetubuhan , that is, the idea that a sexual act can or should be one of the ritual acts performed by the pilgrims. Investor Relations. Masked performance.

On mimesis as a magical act, see Prostitutes Saint-Fons []—8 and Durkheim []— On mimesis in the ritual context, see Kramer; see also TaussigGebauer and WulfHennand Wulf Blog entry. On the religionization of Islam and other belief systems such as Hinduism, Buddhism, and Christianity, see Hefner —3; on the Prostitutes Saint-Fons of adat in ritual and political contexts, see, for example, AvoniusDavidson and Henleyand Gottowik The term adat should not be reduced to local religious traditions, as it comprises many customary spheres of life.

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However, here adat is conceptualized in contrast to agama as a standardized, scripturalized, and globalized form of religion. On antistructure, subversion, and transgression in ritual contexts, see also KoeppingRao and Hutnykand Donnan and Magowan However, the opposites mentioned are considered not only to be in contradiction to one another, but Prostitutes Saint-Fons complementary to each other.

The ambivalent Prostitutes Saint-Fons of leading politicians in Central Java towards heterodox ritual activities like Prostitutes Saint-Fons seks may be evidence of the pressures of competing religious and economic interests groups and the need to Prostitutes Saint-Fons to shifting political circumstances.

However, the fact that the political decision-makers have successfully avoided a permanent clampdown at Gunung Kemukus is in line with the traditional Javanese concept of power following Anderson.

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For other publications on shared and Prostitutes Saint-Fons sacred sites that have resulted from this research, see Gottowik, a, b, and There are various, and in part contradictory, legends regarding these three sacred sites, which have been passed down orally.

In what follows, I refer exclusively to those versions that Prostitutes Saint-Fons significant in the context of ritual seks. The travelling gardener Nasional News The local authorities took action against this legend by distributing leaflets putting forward a desexualized counter-version see Pemerintah Kabupaten Sragen, no date.

The juru kunci at the grave of Pangeran Samudro, Hasto Pratomo, defines ritual seks in a remarkably Prostitutes Saint-Fons way. That ritual seks are particularly effective when performed on Prostitutes Saint-Fons consecutive Jumat Pon with the same partner is not deducible from the legends but, according to the pilgrims, an empirical finding see also Fuhrmann Prostitutes Saint-Fons At the end ofthe authorities closed Prostitutes Saint-Fons karaoke bars and expelled most of the prostitutes.

The author of the Prostitutes Saint-Fons just quoted, the Australian Aubrey Belford, has worked as Southeast Asian correspondent for the news agency Reuters. In Novemberimmediately after the authorities had banned ritual seks at Gunung Kemukus, in the four daily newspapers Kedaulatan RakyakKompasSoloposand Tempo alone more than one hundred articles appeared that discussed critically and controversially the Prostitutes Saint-Fons, social, and political background of these heterodox ritual practices and their embeddedness in Javanese society.

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See the twelve newspaper articles mentioned in this article as examples. It is said about Ratu Kidul that she resides alone in Prostitutes Saint-Fons splendid palace at the bottom of the South Sea, surrounded only by other female spirits. Time and again, she fetches women and men who swim in the sea or walk on the beach to her realm, where they are drowned Prostitutes Saint-Fons forever lost. While the women must serve her in the palace, she makes the men sexually submissive see Schlehe Therefore, ritual seks in Parang Kusumo ultimately aims to satisfy the sexual desire Prostitutes Saint-Fons Ratu Kidul and her female spirits, Prostitutes Saint-Fons task that until recently was performed by the rulers of the Mataram dynasty, but today is increasingly undertaken by male pilgrims at this sacred site.

Since Senopati, Hamengkubuwono X is the first sultan of the Mataram dynasty to live in a monogamous marriage.

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From his association with his wife Ratu Hemas five daughters have emerged, but not a Prostitutes Saint-Fons son. He is currently trying to install his eldest daughter as heir to the throne, but is facing resistance on the part of his brothers. The loss of power that is now threatening to occur is attributed by the local population, in so far as it is traditionally oriented, to the fact that Hamengkubuwono X has not adequately fulfilled his obligations towards Ratu Kidul.

See Fic and Levenda ; for different perceptions of Central Javanese temple complexes and tantric practices, see Sumiarni et al. See also Eliade Prostitutes Saint-Fons See Bharati —68, Eliade —76, and Woodroffe —63; also Chalier-Visuvalingam —2 and Young References to the former spread of this doctrine mention tantric texts from the kakawin and tutur tradition, which, although they have disappeared on Java, remain in use, at least in part, on Bali.

For a discussion of these texts, see RubinsteinCreese and Bellows and Creese ; see also Nihom While the bedhaya dance is performed at the court of Prostitutes Saint-Fons sunan of Surakarta to this day Floridaat the court of the sultan of Yogyakarta this has not been the case since the s. Little is known so far of the reasons for the disappearance of this dance from this kraton Hughes-Freeland — Blog entry, Prostitutes Saint-Fons other daily newspaper has Prostitutes Saint-Fons on the events at Gunung Kemukus in more detail.

This is why the reporting in Solopos is Prostitutes Saint-Fons analysed in what follows. By way of comparison, the reporting on this phenomenon in Tempowhich published almost 30 articles in the same period, was also consulted.

Since autumn the practices at Gunung Kemukus are under pressure again: all Prostitutes Saint-Fons bars were Prostitutes Saint-Fons and most of the prostitutes expelled.

But the pilgrims continue to perform ritual seks —under the eyes of the authorities. Islamization is defined here as a dynamic process that Prostitutes Saint-Fons at Prostitutes Saint-Fons scriptualization, purification, and dogmatization of Islam. According to many observers, this process accelerated in Indonesia in the s, marking an irreversible process Prostitutes Saint-Fons the extinction of traditional Prostitutes Saint-Fons and practices adat by a globalized Islam a global religion, or agama.

However, Prostitutes Saint-Fons are also historians and anthropologists who have always emphasized, like this contribution, that Islamization in Indonesia is not normatively unitary, but antagonistically plural.

For a discussion of shame and its significance in Balinese and Javanese culture, see, for example, Geertz —3 and Keeler Abboud, Patrick Sex mountain. Anderson, Benedict Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press. Arnez, Monika Frankfurt am Main etc. Avonius, Leena Barth, Fredrik Balinese worlds. Beatty, Andrew Varieties of Javanese religion. An anthropological account. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

A shadow falls in Prostitutes Saint-Fons heart of Java. London: Faber and Faber. Becker, Judith Gamelan stories: Tantrism, Islam, and aesthetics in Central Java. Arizona: Arizona State University. Behrend, Timothy Sex Prostitutes Saint-Fons sexualities in contemporary Indonesia: Sexual politics, health, diversity and representation. London and New York: Routledge.

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Bharati, Aghenanda The Tantric tradition. London: Rider. Blackwood, Evelyn Boon, James Affinities and extremes. Bourdieu, Pierre The logic of practice.

Stanford: Stanford University Press. Braginsky, Vladimir Bruinessen, Martin van and Julia Day Howell eds London and New York: Tauris.

Chalier-Visuvalingam, Elizabeth Creese, Helen Women of the kakawin world: Marriage and sexuality in the Prostitutes Saint-Fons courts of Java and Bali. Armonk: M. Creese, Helen and Laura Bellows Davidson, Jamie S. The revival of tradition in Indonesian politics: The deployment of adat from colonialism to indigenism.

London: Routledge. Donnan, Hastings Prostitutes Saint-Fons Fiona Magowan eds Transgressive sex. Subversion and control in erotic encounters. Prostitutes Saint-Fons and New York: Berghahn.

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Durkheim, Emile []. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp. Efendi, Yusuf Eliade, Mircea Yoga—Unsterblichkeit und Freiheit.

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Frankfurt am Main: Insel. Emigh, Prostitutes Saint-Fons Masked performance. The play of Self and Other in ritual and theater. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. Fic, Victor M. Indonesia: The origin and evolution of its pluralism.

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From the Hindu-Buddhist era, through the Islamic Prostitutes Saint-Fons to a modern secular state. Three volumes. New Delhi: Abhinav Publications. Florida, Nancy K. Prostitutes Saint-Fons, James Honolulu: Asian Studies Association. Frazer, James George []. Der goldene Zweig.

Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt. Fuhrmann, Klaus Formen der javanischen Pilgerschaft zu Heiligenschreinen. Gebauer, Gunter and Christoph Wulf Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.

Geertz, Clifford The religion of Java. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. New York: Basic Books. Prostitutes Saint-Fons, Zeinaldi Gliszczynski, Vanessa Julia von Gottowik, Volker Die Erfindung des Barong. Berlin: Reimer.

Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia 25—— Gottowik, Prostitutes Saint-Fons a ed. Dynamics of religion in Southeast Asia. Magic and modernity. Amsterdam: Amsterdam Prostitutes Saint-Fons Press. Gottowik, Volker b. Gottowik, Volker c. Leiden: Brill.

Guzman, Orlando de Harjo, Hank Mendut: Fabled love story of Java. Bloomington: Author House. Haryanto, Ignatius Hill edsPolitics and the media in twenty-first century Indonesia. Decade of democracypp. Land and New York: Routledge. Hatley, Barbara Melbourne: Monash University. Hefner, Robert London et al. Henn, Alexander Hennings, Werner New York et al.

Henschke, Rebecca An adulterous pilgrimage. ABC Radio National, Hooykaas, C. Hooykaas, Agama tirtha: Five studies in Hindu-Balinese religion. Amsterdam: Noord-Hollandsche Uitgevers Maatschappij. Hostetler, Jan Hughes-Freeland, Felicia Embodied communities: Dance tradition and change in Java. New York: Berghahn.

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Ida, Rachmah Jaluli Keeler, Ward Kinney, Ann R. Prostitutes Saint-Fons Siva and Buddha. The temple art of East Java. Koepping, Klaus-Peter Shatterering frames. Transgressions and transformations in anthropological discourse and practice. Kramer, Fritz Der rote Fes. Laksono, P. Tradition in Javanese social structure, kingdom and countryside: Changes in the Javanese conceptual model.

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Novel Prostitutes Saint-Fons. Jakarta: Gramedia. Mulder, Niels Mysticism and everyday life in contemporary Java. Singapore: Singapore University Press. Nihom, Max Vienna: De Nobili. Novitasari, Rika Dewi Asceticism and eroticism in the mythology of Siva. Pemerintah Kabupaten Sragen n.

Gunung Kemukus. Daya tarik wisata makam Pangeran Samudro. Priyono, Ami Jakarta: Gramedia Film. Quinn, George Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. Rahardi, Floribertus Ritual Gunung Kemukus: Sebuah novel. Yogyakarta: Penerbit Lamalera. Rao, Ursula and John Hutnyk eds Celebrating transgression.

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