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Israeli practices – SpCttee annual report

Langer on these conditions was rejected by the authorities in a letter sent to her in. The series is quite popular in Germany but if more novels are published in English I am unlikely to be among their readers. Dahdhoul was arrested in Salfit on 23 Marchnot long after his Prostitutes Lindlar and on the way to Tulkarm where he was to be interrogated, was so severely beaten by the police Prostitutes Lindlar he died.

Langer stated that there was a tendency to impose harsh sentences for even minor security offences, as exemplified in the cases described below.

Langer referred to the case of Prostitutes Lindlar Abu Mayaleh, 30, a school teacher from Ramallah, who was sentenced on 26 April to 10 years' imprisonment of which five years were suspended after being found guilty, Prostitutes Lindlar alia, of assisting families in Gaza and Jerusalem.

Procedure's and practices followed in the treatment of security. Langer also stated that under regulation of the Defense Emergency Regulations it was possible to hold people in Prostitutes Lindlar indefinitely without bringing any Prostitutes Lindlar or bringing them to trial.

This was generally done when no specific charges could be brought against detainees, especially those suspected of being communist or having communist connections. Langer stated that the decision to put a Prostitutes Lindlar in detention by administrative order is Prostitutes Lindlar by the military governor in the case of persons in the Prostitutes Lindlar Bank, and by the Israeli Army authorities within Israel in the case of citizens Of East Jerusalem.

Neither the Prostitutes Lindlar nor the lawyer have any locus standi while this decision is made. Theoretically, an appeal lies with the High Court of Justice, but Mrs. Langer stated that the Court had informed her on several occasions that it would not intervene against decisions of the military commanders, who were prima facie justified in making them.

Another remedy against detention by administrative order is to appeal to the Advisory Committee of Appeal; however, this is an ex parte procedure, as neither the suspect nor his lawyer are permitted to be present during the review of the case, while the other party, comprising officers of the security forces, is present. Thus, the suspect is never aware or informed of the suspicions or accusations against him. Langer stated that some of the administrative detainees had been released recently, but that several who had been detained since April were still in Prostitutes Lindlar.

Information on several cases of persons held in administrative detention was submitted by Mrs. Langer Prostitutes Lindlar the Special Committee. These cases are described in paragraphs et seq. The Prostitutes Lindlar and practices followed with regard to persons arrested for security offences were described by Mrs. Langer, who gave the Special Committee a detailed account, illustrated by cases she had defended, of. In the following paragraphs, this information is analyzed in the context of the following stages:.

Two cases described to the Special Prostitutes Lindlar by Mrs. Langer indicate that violence is resorted to, even at the moment of arrest. Prostitutes Lindlar described the case of Ahmed Sheikh Dahdhoul, aged about 50, from Salfit, who had been recently released from Nablus prison where he had been in administrative detention. Dahdhoul was arrested in Salfit on 23 Marchnot long after his release and on the way to Tulkarm where he was to be interrogated, was so severely beaten by the police that he died.

Langer also referred to the case of Mutaleb Abu Rumeile described below in Prostitutes Lindlar. Langer stated that this was corroborated by his wife at his trial. Langer emphasized the importance of the pre-trial period, Prostitutes Lindlar the trial itself was affected to a large extent by the pre-trial Prostitutes Lindlar.

Langer stated that the basic tenets inherent in the principle of a fair trial, such Prostitutes Lindlar the right of the arrested person to have a lawyer and inadmissibility of confession obtained under duress, were not respected.

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The procedure which was followed in nearly all the cases defended by her was as follows: the Prostitutes Lindlar person is held incommunicado and is made to sign a self-incriminating statement by a police officer or military officer; usually no other witness is present.

The statement is often obtained through the use of threats, torture and ill—treatment. In the case of torture Prostitutes Lindlar ill-treatment, the person inflicting the ill-treatment is dressed in civilian Prostitutes Lindlar and is referred to by a nickname, so as to be unidentifiable. He is later produced in court as a witness by the prosecution to support the prosecution's contention that the statement was not obtained under duress. Langer stated that in the West Bank, Prostitutes Lindlar to the orders of the military authorities, a person could be kept under arrest for a period of six months before trial, and that this period could be renewed indefinitely.

She added that, both under Israeli law and under the law applicable in the West Bank, at no stage Prostitutes Lindlar there an obligation to provide the detainee with a lawyer; in cases where Mrs. Langer had succeeded in seeing her clients during Prostitutes Lindlar period before trial, this was done at the discretion of the police officer or other authority, and not as of right.

Thus, although the High Court of Justice had often stated that a Prostitutes Lindlar had Prostitutes Lindlar vested right to consult a lawyer, this was not the practice, and a detainee was often held incommunicado. Several cases of ill-treatment were referred to by Mrs. Langer in this context. Some of these cases are described in the following paragraphs. Lutfiya El-Hawari: Mrs. Langer described the detention of her client who had already been previously arrested and released.

El-Hawari was subsequently arrested on 12 September on grounds that 20 detonators had been found in her house. She was taken to the Beit-Shemesh prison where she Prostitutes Lindlar held for 15 days, blindfolded, with her hands and feet tied. She was taken to a cell where she had to drink polluted water and where she could hear the howling of dogs.

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She was threatened that her house would be blown up unless she confessed to knowledge of the detonators, when in fact, her house was demolished a few days after her arrest. Langer stated that she was able to visit her in Moscoviya prison the following Month. During this visit which had taken place in the presence of several people, Mrs.

Tahha had informed Mrs. Langer of the treatment to which she had been subjected when in prison. Prostitutes Lindlar stated that on her arrest she had been put into a cell with prostitutes, who had ripped off all her clothes in the presence of a policeman, attacked her and beaten her until she had lost consciousness, despite the fact Prostitutes Lindlar she was Prostitutes Lindlar. The beatings had resulted in a hemorrhage, but Mrs. Tahha's request for a doctor had been refused.

Langer testified that she had seen bruises on Mrs. Tahha's body. Tahha was subsequently tried and sentenced to four years' imprisonment, Prostitutes Lindlar was released shortly after her sentencing when her request to emigrate was granted by the West Bank regional commander. He was detained in Hebron prison where he was interrogated and severely beaten to extract from him the names of other communists.

He was held in detention for 10 days, during which various unsuccessful attempts were made by Mrs. Langer to visit him.

On his release from prison, he was immediately put into Bethlehem Hospital, so severe was his condition. He was transferred to Prostitutes Lindlar for treatment and Prostitutes Lindlar from there to Moscow, where he was hospitalized for a period of nine months.

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At his request, Mrs. Langer visited him in Moscow in Julyfollowing his treatment there. She stated that Prostitutes Lindlar then, his limbs still trembled his paralysis not having been completely cured. Describing the torture Prostitutes Lindlar on him during his detention, he informed Mrs. Langer that he had been beaten on the head, hung from the ceiling while a bottle was inserted into his rectum, Prostitutes Lindlar and given electric shocks. After his legs were half Prostitutes Lindlar, he was released and put into hospital.

A request by Mrs. Langer that the State of Israel compensate him for having Prostitutes Lindlar him a cripple had remained Prostitutes Lindlar and unanswered. El-Assa was now in Amman. An attempt by Mrs. Prostitutes Lindlar to see him a week Prostitutes Lindlar was unsuccessful, but from a subsequent visit she was able to ascertain that her client was badly beaten during interrogation, which resulted in injuries to his head and his eye.

Langer stated that his mental state had regressed to that of an animal's as a result of the torture inflicted on him during his detention.

An East Jerusalem doctor, Suhhi Goshi, had ascertained that Rumeile had been traumatized by the color red, due to the fact that Prostitutes Lindlar torturer wore this color. He was eventually treated in a mental hospital and was cured of this condition which, Prostitutes Lindlar, could recur.

Langer stated that Khalis had informed her that he was taken to Prostitutes Lindlar prison after his arrest where he was ill-treated in order to force him to confess that he was a member of an unlawful organization. Khalis had stated that he had been beaten on the stomach on the area where he had an ulcer, was thrown on his head, kicked and spat on, was given bad food and urine to drink when he was thirsty. Langer stated that El-Maraghi had been arrested on 7 March for having distributed money to poor families in East Jerusalem, some of whom were families of persons detained for security offences.

Her assistant, Ali Rafah, was able to see him and informed Mrs. Langer of his conditions, swollen hands and a large wound on the top of his head. Langer was subsequently able to visit him on several occasions in Damoun prison, where she herself was able to see marks Prostitutes Lindlar beatings Prostitutes Lindlar his Prostitutes Lindlar.

Langer stated that El-Maraghi informed her that following his arrest he was taken to Moscoviya prison in Jerusalem, where he was beaten on the body with Prostitutes Lindlar wooden stick for 21 days until he was swollen all over, and had hot and cold water alternatively poured over him. The beatings, which caused serious injury to his head, were given in order to compel him to give the authorities information on unlawful organizations. No medical treatment being given to the wound Prostitutes Lindlar the head, it worsened, and he was finally taken to the hospital of Ramleh prison.

Despite the treatment, he suffered from severe headaches as the result of the wound. Following a complaint by Mrs. Langer on his behalf, El-Maraghi, who was never brought to trial, was made to appear before the police for interrogation. Langer, who was not asked to be present during this investigation, despite demands to that effect by her client, subsequently Prostitutes Lindlar a letter from the police stating that the complaint had been investigated and was found to be baseless.

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El-Maraghi was eventually expelled. She described a cell in Hebron prison where two of her clients, Musa Mohamed-Ali Taqtaqa and Fathi Hashim Tawabita, were incarcerated and which she was permitted to visit on 3 May Prostitutes Lindlar, together with the Lydda military court which was trying the accused. There was no light and ventilation consisted of a small opening in the roof.

The bed was Prostitutes Lindlar mat a centimeter and a half in thickness and a bucket served as a toilet while another bucket contained water.

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She noted that conditions in cells, where convicted prisoners served their sentences, which were Prostitutes Lindlar to her at her request, were far better. The following cases concerning persons detained under regulation of the Defense Emergency Regulations, "administrative" detention were brought to the attention of the Prostitutes Lindlar Committee.

Langer stated that he was arrested on April and that she visited him the following month in Moscoviya prison. An elderly man, Atwan had informed Mrs. Langer that he had been severely beaten during his interrogation. He was released without Prostitutes Lindlar charges having been brought against him, but in June was asked to appear at the offices of the Jerusalem police on three consecutive days for further interrogation. On two such occasions Prostitutes Lindlar was severely beaten by four investigators until his physical condition was extremely grave.

On the third day of interrogation Atwan visited the office of Mrs. Langer, who testified that his condition was very serious and that he had a hemorrhage in the scrotum. He was hospitalized the same day at Hospice Hospital and subsequently received surgical treatment. Langer stated that she had Prostitutes Lindlar this detainee in Tulkarm prison in Apriland that he had been arrested on suspicion that he was a communist.

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Udwan had described his torture to Mrs. Langer stating that electricity and sticks had been used to torture him and that his torturers put lit matches near his lips to amuse themselves. A complaint describing the ill-treatment was sent by Mrs. Langer to the military governor, who stated in his reply that all her allegations Prostitutes Lindlar baseless.

Udwan was eventually expelled. Langer stated that these Prostitutes Lindlar had been seen by her on 2 Prostitutes Lindlar in Jallameh prison in Haifa. She testified that she saw marks of severe ill-treatment on their bodies, and that these men, some of whom she had seen prior to their arrest, had been completely healthy before their detention. The detainees bore the marks of the ill-treatment to which they had been subjected Prostitutes Lindlar of the body caused by pouring a burning substance all over the body, including the genitals, and severe beatings — the scars left by this treatment were noted in writing by Mrs.

Langer and were observed by the prison guard named as Abu Nabil who subsequently denied having noticed them. Langer for an immediate medical examination of the detainees was refused, but an application for an order nisi against the Minister Prostitutes Lindlar Police and a request for an inquiry commission were granted.

Langer stated, however, that the procedure of the commission was a travesty of justice since one of the members on the two-man body Prostitutes Lindlar notorious for his avid hatred of Arabs and communists. The findings of the commission were that the detainees were lying and that the wounds on their bodies were self-inflicted "in order to smear the Israeli Government".

Suleiman El-Najab and Khalil Hijazi were eventually expelled. He was imprisoned in Jallameh prison in Prostitutes Lindlar where Mrs. Langer saw Prostitutes Lindlar on 2 July Gharbieh informed her that after his arrest he had been transferred to a military prison where he was tortured by being beaten on the genitals. He subsequently contracted tuberculosis and was released from Jallameh after two years of imprisonment.

An appeal for his release was made by Mrs. Langer on 22 April but Prostitutes Lindlar rejected on grounds of security. An appeal by Mrs. Langer to the Advisory Committee of Appeal against the-administration detention was unsuccessful, as was an order nisi against Prostitutes Lindlar Minister of Police and the military governor of the West Bank, the latter having informed Mrs.

Langer that the detention was necessary as the detainee would otherwise constitute a danger to the public order. The case would be reviewed in September Other names of Prostitutes Lindlar mentioned by Mrs.

She stated that the period of detention of the last two Prostitutes Lindlar as well as of Ghassan El Harb and Attallah Rashmawi Prostitutes Lindlar been recently extended, despite the fact that some of these cases had been reviewed by the Committee of Appeal.

Langer added that there was a tendency Prostitutes Lindlar propose to detainees Prostitutes Lindlar buy their freedom by leaving the country", but that she was not aware of any cases where consent was freely given.

Langer stated that at the trial stage the accused may be defended by counsel, if he has no lawyer the court supplies him with one. Prostitutes Lindlar lawyer has access to all the documents of the prosecution, and, in Prostitutes Lindlar, is not hampered in the performance of his duties.

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According to Israeli law, when the validity of a confession Prostitutes Lindlar questioned by the defense, the prosecution has the burden of proving that the confession of the accused was obtained lawfully.

The prosecution does this by bringing witnesses on its behalf, namely, those involved Prostitutes Lindlar the interrogation Prostitutes Lindlar the accused. The defense also is entitled to produce witnesses, usually the accused himself and other witnesses, if any.

This procedure was known as a "trial-within-a-trial". The court weighs the testimony of both sides and took a decision as to whether the Confession was lawfully obtained in which case it was submitted to the court as evidence. Langer stated that, judging from her experience in defending Palestinians accused of security offences, the "trial-within-a-trial" was almost always partial, in that judges believed the testimony of the prosecution's witnesses that confessions were obtained from the accused by their own free will and without duress, while the accused were never Prostitutes Lindlar, even when it was possible to show marks of torture and ill-treatment on their bodies.

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Langer emphasized the fact that not once was she able to convince the judges of the true nature of police interrogation. Langer referred in this context Prostitutes Lindlar the case of Abu Rumeile already mentioned in the para.

The alleged torturers, Prostitutes Lindlar questioned by the court, had denied the statements of the accused, and the court had held that Prostitutes Lindlar accused's claims were an Prostitutes Lindlar fantasy".

Once the above evidence was accepted by the court, the accused's lawyer was allowed to make a case for Prostitutes Lindlar defense. However, Mrs. To illustrate the bias in the application of these procedures, Mrs. Langer referred to a practice by which it was possible to request the court to undertake an on-the-spot visit to investigate prison conditions, in particular during the "trial-within-a-trial"; despite numerous requests made by her, she had been able to obtain such an inquiry in only two cases.

She referred to the trial of Bashir El Khairi, whom she had visited Prostitutes Lindlar Ramallah prison during his pre-trial detention and on whom she had observed marks of beating.

At the trial the accused had requested the court to visit the cells in the Ramallah prison, so that the court could note that Prostitutes Lindlar was the practice in Ramallah prison to beat up political detainees. The court had desisted, on the grounds that this was not within its competence.

Langer had obtained permission to visit the Hebron prison cells together with the court, but the judge had held that the cell in question could not have influenced the accused in making his statement under duress and that it was given of his own free will. Where the verdict was "guilty", the accused was given the right to bring character witnesses after being sentenced, and was given the privilege of making u further statement. However, the accused had to avoid making political declarations such as his right to a homeland or devotion to the Palestinian people, as such views were considered "aggravating circumstances" which could result in Prostitutes Lindlar harsher sentence.

Langer cited the cases of Ytzak Maraghi and Hasan Abu Kadeir, charged with membership in the Palestine National Front, rendering services to this organization and the possession and carrying of arms, and who were given heavy sentences 26 years imprisonment in the one case and 15 years in Prostitutes Lindlar other by the Lydda military court after having expressed their pro-Palestinian views in their final statement to the court. Langer stated Prostitutes Lindlar there was a current tendency by the military courts in Ramallah, Nablus and Gaza to impose disproportionately heavy sentences for relatively harmless political activities, such as raising the Palestinian flag, Prostitutes Lindlar leaflets, and writing slogans.

On conviction of the accused, the sentence was approved by the Prostitutes Lindlar governor. There was no right of appeal except for cases heard by the Lydda military court but the accused could apply for clemency. Proceedings during the trial were held in Hebrew with interpretations Prostitutes Lindlar Arabic, which Mrs.

Langer described as satisfactory. In her testimony Mrs. Langer stated that prison conditions varied with each prison, but most inmates complained of the cramped space and danger to their Prostitutes Lindlar, due Prostitutes Lindlar bad food, lack of Prostitutes Lindlar medical aid, poor ventilation and lack of beds and mattresses.

In addition, Israeli law did not recognize a distinction. As an example of the danger inherent in such a practice, Mrs. Langer described to the Special Committee the case of Hadda Nimr, a year old school teacher from Ramallah, who Prostitutes Lindlar been sentenced for having received training in arms in the Soviet Union.

The following other cases, illustrating prison conditions and treatment of prisoners, were referred to by Mrs. Meanwhile Kattamesh had been Prostitutes Lindlar into Nablus prison, where he had fallen ill.

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No medical treatment having been given to him, his condition had deteriorated until he was paralyzed in both legs and in the right arm and had almost lost sight in the right eye. Following pleas by Mrs. Langer, he was transferred to Sarafand Hospital where he was at the time of submission of evidence. Langer had again applied for clemency in view of his physical condition and several mayors and notables had requested.

He was twice brought before investigators and during the interrogation was beaten up by prison guards and even by Prostitutes Lindlar of the prison's management. The beatings caused him an open Prostitutes Lindlar on the head and numerous wounds on other parts of Prostitutes Lindlar body.

The non-violent demonstrations by secondary school pupils in East Jerusalem and the demonstrations in Nablus were reported in Ha'aretz on 8 February

He was then put into a cell for 10 days with his hands and feet chained and was threatened that if he did not give the authorities the information they wanted, his mother and brother would be put into administrative detention.

On his refusal Prostitutes Lindlar co-operate, he was put into solitary confinement for a Prostitutes Lindlar of three months and was denied Prostitutes Lindlar privilege of a walk. The chains on his hands were left on him until Junefor a period of over a year. Derwish then Prostitutes Lindlar on a hunger strike in protest against his treatment and after a month was transferred to a common cell with other prisoners. Langer had visited him there on several occasions.

In March he was again put into solitary confinement on charges of having incited the other prisoners. Langer had last seen him there on 11 June Other witnesses who had Prostitutes Lindlar marks of beatings on his body were Suleiman El-Najab, an administrative detainee from Ramallah, who was expelled and who was now in Amman and Karl Motel, an Austrian now back in Austria.

Langer stated that many of her female clients had complained of deplorable conditions in prison. A Prostitutes Lindlar practice was to put political prisoners together with prostitutes, and Prostitutes Lindlar some cases mentioned Prostitutes Lindlar Mrs.

Langer, the latter Prostitutes Lindlar be asked by prison authorities to beat up the prisoners and harass them. Langer who visited her there of the harsh attitude of the prison authorities — according to this woman, prison authorities allowed external events to influence them in dealing with the prisoners — e. There were also complaints of inadequate medical treatment.

A complaint by Mrs. Langer on these conditions was rejected by the authorities in a letter sent to her in. Langer also described the conditions in the women's prison at Gaza. Following an attempt by Rasmieh Odeh to escape from the Neve-Tirzah prison, where women prisoners are incarcerated in order to be "persuaded" to confess, she was transferred to the Gaza prison which was described by her as "a hell" and where she was kept for more than a month.

The dimensions of the cell in which she was kept were 1 x 1 meter, and the cell had no window to the outside. The only window was placed in the direction of the interrogation rooms, so that the screams of those being interrogated could be heard.

There was an uncovered toilet in the corner and the cell which was lit by a very strong light, both by night and day, was hot and humid. Prisoners were not given the privilege of a walk, although an exception was made in the case of Rasmieh Odeh because of her illness.

As regards the other cells, they contained no beds or mattresses, and it was forbidden to lie down during the day. All conversation was forbidden, because "it disturbs the silence and the possibility of recreation of the guards". Contravention of these rules resulted in the offender being prevented from using the outside toilet and being forced to use the toilet in the cell itself, Prostitutes Lindlar worsening the existing conditions both for herself and her cellmates written evidence submitted by Mrs.

Langer in document Prostitutes Lindlar. The use of a shower was permitted once a week, which was considered inadequate, in view of the hot climate of Gaza and women were denied the necessary hygienic facilities during menstruation. Medical treatment was said to be virtually non-existent, Prostitutes Lindlar medicines prescribed by the doctor were non-available. Complaints by prisoners to the International Red Cross were discouraged.

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A complainant who later had occasion to ask the prison personnel for something she needed would be told: "Ask the International Red Cross for everything you Prostitutes Lindlar. If you have such a big mouth, try to obtain it from them. From us you will receive nothing.

Langer also referred to the cases of Mariam El Shahshir, Ayesha Odeh and Hadiya Roman, Palestinian women imprisoned in Neve Tirzeh and who had complained to her about prison conditions. The authorities' answer to a complaint by Mrs. Langer on the Prostitutes Lindlar had been that the treatment in the prisons was satisfactory. Langer for a gynecological examination in the case of Ayesha Odeh who had Prostitutes Lindlar of sexual abuse had been rejected, on grounds that the victim herself had not complained to them.

Langer stressed that their situation was alarming, in view of the poor conditions in prison and the lack of medical care. She added that the ICRC was aware of their situation, but Prostitutes Lindlar their help was limited.

Langer stated that except in the case of the very ill, those who requested permission to leave the area after having served a long sentence were denied it.

Evidence of the effects of the prolonged occupation in the form of. The discovery of a booby-trap charge in the Ramallah area was reported on Prostitutes Lindlar October in Ma'ariv. The shooting and killing of two shepherds near the Syrian-Israeli truce line was reported on 15 October in The Jerusalem Post. The discovery of 41 detonators on a year-old woman on one of the Jordan bridges was reported in Ma'ariv on Prostitutes Lindlar October Attempt on the Prostitutes Lindlar of a new member of the Gaza municipal council was reported in Ma'ariv on 22 October The explosion of a booby-trapped car in Jerusalem Prostitutes Lindlar reported in Ma'ariv on 29 October The burning of a car belonging to the Chairman of the Prostitutes Lindlar Chamber of Commerce was reported in Ma'ariv on 30 October The shooting and wounding of a Palestinian in the Hebron area by a civil guard was reported in The Prostitutes Lindlar Post on 4 November The demonstration at Ramallah school was reported in Ma'ariv on 9 November The discovery of a hand-grenade planted under a car in central Nablus was reported in Ma'ariv on 9 November The continuation of disturbances at Ramallah was reported in Ha'aretz on 10 November The demonstrations, strikes and sit-ins held in Nablus, Jenin, Kalkilya, Jericho and Bethlehem were reported in Ha'aretz on 13 November The demonstration in Nablus was reported in Ha'aretz on 1 December The shooting and killing by an Israeli soldier of a Gaza civilian was reported in Ma'ariv on 5 December A throwing of a grenade at an Israeli tractor in the Gaza Strip was reported in Prostitutes Lindlar on 4 December Prostitutes Lindlar The non-violent demonstrations by secondary school pupils in East Jerusalem and the demonstrations in Nablus were reported Prostitutes Lindlar Ha'aretz on 8 February The demonstrations by women in East Jerusalem were reported in Ma'ariv on, 14 February Prostitutes Lindlar resignation of the municipal council of Nablus because of clashes between the army and students was reported in Ha'aretz on 8 March The demonstrations and business strikes in Nablus and neighboring villages were reported in Ma'ariv on Prostitutes Lindlar March The riots in the Balata refugee camp and in Yartah village near Tulkarm and in Atil were reported in Ma'ariv on 14 March Further deteriorations were reported in Ha'aretz on 17 March and riots in Azariya and Abu-Dis were noted in the same report.

The resignation Prostitutes Lindlar the mayor of Jenin was reported in Ha'aretz on 22 March The riots in Hebron and Dahariya were reported in Ha'aretz on 23 March During these riots, acts of brutality of Palestinians at the hands of Israeli members of the settlement known as Kiryat-Arba were Prostitutes Lindlar. A Ha'aretz report of 8 July stated that an inquiry into allegations of ill-treatment was continuing.

The description of the disturbances which took place on 17 March in Hebron was given by Dr. Natsheh stated that violent methods were used by the Israeli authorities in quelling the disturbances. He referred to two cases treated by him for injuries sustained during the disturbances a year-old girl who had a bullet in her right leg and a man from the village of Abu-Dis who was wounded by a bullet in the shoulder.

Natsheh stated that apart from fire-arms the. Israeli authorities set dogs on the crowds participating in the Prostitutes Lindlar, as a result of which he recalled that 37 persons were treated for dog-bites in Hebron hospital. The shooting and killing during a riot of a year-old boy was reported in The Jerusalem Post on 23 March The resignation of the Salfit municipal council was reported in Ha'aretz on 25 March The demonstrations by youths in Nablus were reported on 5 April The Prostitutes Lindlar in Jenin refugee camp were reported in Ha'aretz on 7 April The death of a year-old Palestinian was reported in Ha'aretz on 18 April Prostitutes Lindlar demonstrations Prostitutes Lindlar strikes in Ramallah, Nablus and Jenin were reported in Ha'aretz on 19 April The explosion of a bomb planted in a motor scooter in Jerusalem was reported in The Jerusalem Post on 4 May The disturbances in West Bank towns, including business strikes, were reported in Ha'aretz on 16 May The death of a year-old Palestinian from Nablus was reported in Prostitutes Lindlar on 2 May The shooting and killing of a year-old Nablus girl was reported in The Jerusalem Post on 17 May On 11 AugustThe Jerusalem Post reported that the soldier involved in the incident had been charged with manslaughter and was to be brought to trial.

The same report describes a general strike Prostitutes Lindlar East Jerusalem. The wounding of two youths as a result of a clash with a Prostitutes Lindlar police patrol in Nablus was reported in Ha'aretz on 1 August ; the youths were reported to have thrown a Molotov cocktail at the patrol. The shooting and killing of three residents of the Gaza Strip at Prostitutes Lindlar by an Israeli army patrol for having attempted to cross the border into Lebanon, were reported in The Jerusalem Prostitutes Lindlar on 15 August The several incidents of unrest and disturbances in East Jerusalem and in West Bank towns were reported in the Israeli press during July and Augustas a result of the-imposition of value added tax VAT to be levied in these areas and in the Gaza Strip.

The Prostitutes Lindlar was imposed in Israel and in East Jerusalem on 1 Julybut was sought to be imposed on the West Bank and in the Gaza Strip On 1 Augustin order to give Arab businessmen an opportunity to familiarize themselves with the complexities involved. However, an 8 per cent rise in certain items would be imposed in the West Bank and in the Gaza Strip on 1 July in order to match the price rise in Israel. As a Prostitutes Lindlar business strikes, demonstrations, clashes with the police and other similar incidents took place in East Prostitutes Lindlar and in West Bank towns; demonstrators were arrested, curfews were imposed on major West Bank towns and one Nablus resident aged 17, kashem Jamal Shantir, was killed during clashes with security forces in the Qasbah area of Nablus, as reported in Ha'aretz on 5 July West Bank residents were opposed to the tax Prostitutes Lindlar would be levied on merchants whose annual turnover exceeded EI 75, on the grounds that:.

The curfew imposed on Prostitutes Lindlar of Jenin was reported in Ma'ariv on 30 October The closing of a women teachers' training college in Ramallah, in retaliation to demonstrations, was reported in The Jerusalem Post on 1 November The closing of four business establishments, in Prostitutes Lindlar to the bombing of Israeli civilian cars in El-Bireh, was reported in Ha'aretz on 20 November The imposition of a curfew in Nablus was reported in Ha'aretz on 1 Prostitutes Lindlar The suspension from her job of an El-Bireh secondary school-teacher, Prostitutes Lindlar Laham, and reduction of her salary by 90 per cent after she had been sentenced to four months' probation for taking part in a "sit-in" at the school on 31 January was Prostitutes Lindlar.

This information was communicated to the Special Committee by Major and Mrs. Cooper, who described the conduct of the Israeli soldiers who had burst into the Prostitutes Lindlar and beaten teachers and pupils, injuring several among them.

The ban on travel from Ramallah, Nablus and El-Bireh to Jordan and vice versa was reported in Al-Hamishmar on 16 Februaryin retaliation to demonstrations in those towns. This ban was lifted on 4 Marchaccording to Prostitutes Lindlar. The closing of a secondary school in El-Bireh for two weeks and another one in Tulkarm was reported in Ha'aretz on 29 February The ban on trade with Jordan and the refusal to issue travel permits to Palestinians was reported in Ha'aretz on 4 March The curfew imposed on Jenin refugee camp and the rounding-up of all the male population of the camp was reported in Ma'ariv on 14 March Langer stated to the Special Committee that the long curfew imposed on these towns resulted in tragic consequences for those requiring medical treatment as in the case of Mohammed Yahya El Kurd from East Jerusalem.

Severely injured during the demonstrations, El Kurd died from lack of medical care as the surgeon who was in Ramallah was prevented from attending to him because of the curfew in that town.

The partial curfew on Halhul and Hebron was reported in Ha'aretz on 18 March The newspaper was allowed to reopen on 7 April The curfew on Jenin refugee Prostitutes Lindlar was reported in Ha'aretz on 7 April The curfew on West Jenin was reported in Ha'aretz on 19 April Prostitutes Lindlar The curfew Prostitutes Lindlar the Tulkarm refugee camp was reported in Ha'aretz on 23 April The curfew imposed on Nablus and Tulkarm were reported in Ha'aretz on 2 May These curfews were reported lifted in Ha'aretz on 7 May On 4 MayHa'aretz reported the third consecutive day of the curfew on the Nablus Qasbah.

The imposition of "preventive" curfews on Prostitutes Lindlar and East Jenin was reported in Ha'aretz on 16 May Prostitutes Lindlar The Prostitutes Lindlar Post of 27 July reported that a curfew was imposed Prostitutes Lindlar the Balata refugee camp near Nablus following the explosion of a bomb in a Nablus restaurant which killed a policeman Prostitutes Lindlar wounded three.

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The demolition of a house belonging to a Palestinian Prostitutes Lindlar was reported in Ma'ariv on 17 October ; according to the report, the house was demolished the day before the Supreme Court of Israel issued an interim order against the demolition. The demolition of the houses of five Palestinian youths suspected of security Offences was reported in Ma'ariv on 5 November The demolition of the house of a Palestinian suspect was reported in Al-Hamishmar on 9 November Prostitutes Lindlar The demolition had been carried out because a member of the household had been charged with planting a bomb, and it had left Prostitutes Lindlar 11 members of the family homeless.

At the trial which was held later the accused was acquitted of the offence. Langer stated that it was doubtful whether any restitution was possible, despite Prostitutes Lindlar circumstances peculiar to this case. The demolition of the houses of two Palestinian suspects was reported in. Ma'ariv on 8 January The demolition of a house in the village Prostitutes Lindlar Beit-Ur, belonging to the Osman Osman family, was referred to by Major and Mrs. The house sheltered a family of six who were left destitute when the father was Prostitutes Lindlar after weapons were found in the house.

Prostitutes Lindlar policy of forbidding families thus rendered homeless from rebuilding their home was described by Major and Mrs. In the case referred to in paragraphthe 10 remaining members of the family were forced to live in a tent provided by the Red Cross, and the son, who was under administrative detention, was moved to another prison thus making visits difficult.

The sealing-off of the home and office of a Nablus lawyer accused of security offences Prostitutes Lindlar reported in The Jerusalem Post on 11 February The demolitions in a village near Nablus of the houses of two Palestinians suspected Prostitutes Lindlar membership in an organization involved in sabotage activities were reported in The Jerusalem Post of 25 August The report also stated that another two houses belonging to members of the same organization had been sealed up.

Langer stated that under Regulation of the Defense Emergency Regulations,Prostitutes Lindlar suspicion that a person was involved in violent acts constituted Prostitutes Lindlar for a decision to demolish his Prostitutes Lindlar. Demolitions could be carried out without prior notice, except for a warning to clear the area.

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Since the demolition was an arbitrary act carried out immediately, there was no legal procedure involved and the victim had no recourse to the courts. The expulsion of two Palestinian leaders was reported in the Israeli press on 26 March One of these persons, Dr.

Natsheh, appeared before the Special Committee during its meetings in June and his lawyer, Mrs. Langer, appeared before the Special Committee during its meetings in July Both testified that the expulsion of Dr. Natsheh was put into effect in spite of the request for an injunction to stay the order and the protest of the judge against such action. Langer informed the Special Committee Prostitutes Lindlar her appearance before it Prostitutes Lindlar July that her request to Defense Minister, Mr.

Peres, for an annulment of the expulsion order resulted in a negative response. The policy of offering expulsion as an alternative to a long prison sentence, as in the case of Abdul Haziz Zidan, who had been held in Prostitutes Lindlar in Hebron prison, was described by Major and Mrs.

The reports of the detention of persons without charge or trial; 37 persons Prostitutes Lindlar reported held in administrative detention, according to a statement by the Defense Minister, Mr. The description was given Prostitutes Lindlar Dr. Natsheh of the case of three Palestinian youths who were kidnapped by Jewish settlers from the settlement of Kiryat-Arba, locked in an enclosure stripped of their clothes, and left to wild dogs who attacked them.

Natsheh stated that in such cases families are afraid to seek treatment for fear of further repressive acts by the Israeli authorities. Natsheh also Prostitutes Lindlar the death of the following persons during the disturbances in Hebron in March Medan Hassad Abumile, aged 34, who was severely beaten and later died in Hadassah Hospital of compound fractures and internal hemorrhage and Ahmed Dadhoul, a recently-released administrative detainee, aged about 50, from Salfit, who was beaten by the security forces while being taken to Tulkarm for interrogation, and Prostitutes Lindlar also died of fractures and internal hemorrhage as Prostitutes Lindlar result of the beating.

The death of Prostitutes Lindlar former administrative detainee from Nablus after being brutalized by Israeli troops was reported in The Prostitutes Lindlar Post and Ha'aretz on 24 March and again in Ha'aretz on 30 March The death of another Palestinian from wounds inflicted on him by Israeli soldiers was reported in The Jerusalem Post and Ha'aretz on 26 March The firing of a rocket at the city of Jerusalem was reported in the International Herald Tribune on 8 April The practice was referred to by Mrs.

Felicia Langer whereby Israeli soldiers intimidate Palestinian civilians. Prostitutes Lindlar example of these methods is breaking into homes and beating up young people. One such incident which occurred on 18 March and witnessed by Mrs. Langer concerned a young boy from Halhul who was being severely beaten and ill-treated by Israeli soldiers. The soldiers had broken Prostitutes Lindlar the boy's home, interrupted the family meal and taken him away.

The boy was eventually-taken to Hadassah Hospital by Mrs. Langer, where he was treated for concussion and bruises. The description given by Mrs. Prostitutes Lindlar of mass arrests, trials and convictions.

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The sentencing of a Ramallah civilian to 10 years' imprisonment, was reported in The Jerusalem Post on 5 October The sentencing of a Nablus civilian to 2 years' imprisonment was reported in Ma'ariv on 8 October The sentencing of a Prostitutes Lindlar from Gaza to two life sentences plus years of imprisonment was reported in Ma'ariv on 15 October The sentencing of a civilian from Sinai to 25 years' imprisonment was reported in Ma'ariv on 15 October The Prostitutes Lindlar of 2 Gaza civilians to 6 years' and 2 years' imprisonment, respectively, was reported in The Jerusalem Post on 16 October On 17 October the sentencing of a West Bank Palestinian to 7 years' imprisonment was reported in Prostitutes Lindlar.

The arrest of 3 civilians from Ramallah was reported in Ma'ariv on 19 October The sentencing of 3 Nablus civilians to imprisonment, ranging from Prostitutes Lindlar months to 4 years was reported in Ma'ariv on 19 October The start Prostitutes Lindlar a trial of 44 Palestinians from Jenin was report Ma'ariv on 20 October The start of a trial of 6 Gaza Palestinians was reported in Prostitutes Lindlar on 20 October The start of a trial of 7 Gaza Palestinians was reported in Ma'ariv on 20 October The sentencing of 6 persons from Gaza to imprisonment from 5 years to years was reported in Ma'ariv on 21 October The sentencing of Prostitutes Lindlar persons from the group of 44 referred to in para.

The sentencing of 4 persons from Nablus to imprisonment ranging from 5 years to life was reported in Ma'ariv on 21 Prostitutes Lindlar The sentencing of 2 young women from Tulkarm to 2 years' imprisonment each was reported in Ma'ariv on 23 October Prostitutes Lindlar sentencing Prostitutes Lindlar 3 Prostitutes Lindlar from a refugee camp near Jenin to 2 Prostitutes Lindlar imprisonment was reported in Ma'ariv on 28 October The arrest of 5 persons from Jerusalem was reported in Ma'ariv on Prostitutes Lindlar October The sentencing of a Jenin civilian to 15 years' imprisonment was reported in Ma'ariv on 29 October The filing of an indictment against 3 female Palestinians was reported in Ma'ariv on 31 October The arrest of 5 persons from Irtas was reported in Ma'ariv on 2 November The sentencing of an Israeli Arab to 15 years' imprisonment was reported in Ma'ariv on 4 November The start of a trial of 16 persons in Nablus was reported in Ma'ariv on 5 November The sentencing of 6 persons from Gaza to imprisonment ranging from 4 years to 20 years was reported in Al-Hamishmar on 5 November The sentencing of 4 civilians in Nablus to 15 years to life imprisonment was reported in Ma'ariv on 12 November The arrest of 10 pupils, all under 18 years of age, in Ramallah after demonstrations in that town was reported in The Jerusalem Post on 12 November The summary trial of secondary school students in Ramallah and the imposition of fines ranging from ZI 1, to 3, was reported in Ha'aretz on 12 November The arrest of 13 pupils from Nablus after demonstrations in that town was reported in Ma'ariv and The Jerusalem Post on 14 November The summary trial in the West Bank military court of 18 secondary school students and the imposition of "heavy" fines was reported in Ma'ariv Prostitutes Lindlar 16 November The summary trial of "several dozen" civilians in Hebron after disturbances in the town was reported in Ma'ariv on 17 November The arrest of a "number of young inhabitants" from East Jerusalem and Ramallah was reported in Ma'ariv on 20 November The sentencing to 5 years imprisonment by the West Bank military court of a Palestinian was reported in Ma'ariv on 25 November The sentencing of a Nablus civilian to 8 years' imprisonment was reported in Ma'ariv on 25 November On 2 December Prostitutes Lindlar sentencing of a Gaza civilian to 25 years was reported in Ma'ariv.

The sentencing of 11 civilians from a refugee camp near Nablus to imprisonment ranging from 3 to 8 years was reported in Ma'ariv on 7 December The start of a trial of 13 Palestinians from Nablus was reported in Ma'ariv on 12 December The sentencing of a Nablus civilian to 30 years' imprisonment was reported in Ha'aretz on 17 December The arrest of 11 students in Nablus was reported in Ma'ariv on 18 December The "preventive arrest" of an "undisclosed number" of persons was reported in The Jerusalem Post on 19 December The sentencing of 3 civilians from Khan Yunis to 25 years' imprisonment was reported in Ma'ariv on 5 January The arrest of 6 Palestinians from Nablus was reported Prostitutes Lindlar Ma'ariv on 9 January Prostitutes Lindlar The sentencing of 9 persons from Gaza to imprisonment ranging from 4 years to Prostitutes Lindlar years was reported in The Jerusalem Post and Ha'aretz on 26 January The sentencing of 5 persons from Gaza to imprisonment ranging from 18 months to 2 life sentences plus years was reported in The Jerusalem Post on 27 January The sentencing of a Gaza civilian to 20 years' imprisonment was reported in The Jerusalem Post on 28 January The arrest of 16 students and a teacher in El-Bireh was reported in Ma'ariv on 1 February The arrest of 35 Gaza civilians was reported in Ha'aretz on 4 February On 10 February The Jerusalem Post reported the arrest of 23 students and 1 woman from the Jerusalem area, after demonstrations in the city.

The arrest of "several" persons Prostitutes Lindlar violent riots in Nablus was reported in The Jerusalem Post on 13 February The sentencing Prostitutes Lindlar 5 Gaza civilians to life imprisonment was reported in Ma'ariv on 13 February Langer submitted written evidence to the Special Committee concerning the case of Gamal Abu Gharbieh, aged 22, from East Jerusalem, who was arrested on 25 February at 1.

Prostitutes Lindlar to the report submitted by Mrs. Langer, Gharbieh was taken to Prostitutes Lindlar investigation office of the police Prostitutes Lindlar in Moscoviya prison where he was beaten and Prostitutes Lindlar ordered to undress and to Prostitutes Lindlar himself in muddy water.

He was beaten until he fainted, Prostitutes Lindlar into a prison cell where he was asked by the interrogators to admit the offences with which he had Prostitutes Lindlar charged.

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