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Members learn to reframe their experiences. The World Tribune, p. If what Nikken is saying is true, then he should have the Prostitutes Soka to face me squarely in the courtroom.

Luckily for me, she is still married to me.

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Here, for your pleasure, is a link to a rape accusation Prostitutes Soka president Ikeda. If you haven't seen this beofre, please enjoy: [ www. Sparky, our mutual friend doesn't mind being called "Dave. I had not even called him; he called me.

Prostitutes Soka of my local leaders had asked him to without telling me that she was doing this because she was tired of me asking her questions.

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Ah, so much for dialogue. I had seen that account of the rape. President Ikeda and Prostitutes Soka SGI leaders have been accused of many things: election fraud, money laundering, wire-tapping. It's alleged that Ikeda, in his younger days, beat up an elderly Nichiren Shoshu priest.

Prostitutes Soka Soka Gakkai, for their part, accuse Nikken Abe, the late high priest, of having had an argument with a Seattle prostitute over payment for services rendered when he was on an official visit to the U.

The Nichiren Shoshu priests came back with an accusation that the Japanese woman, a Prostitutes Soka Gakkai member who reported this, is a former prostitute herself. It just goes on and on, and what do you believe? That's just ridiculous.

Ikeda has done nothing comparable to either man, even if all of the allegations against him Prostitutes Soka false. Posted by: Rangdrol.

Commencement Address by Leymah Gbowee

Hello, Everyone I wanted to share that yes, I was a member, for Prostitutes Soka years. I was a member in both Boston, and in Montreal, and Quebec city, Canada, where I lived for two Prostitutes Soka. I will make it really short: any spiritual practice that encourages numbers quantity over quality, is mis-guided. After seven years Prostitutes Soka their ridiculous claims and practices i finally had the gumption to leave. The did other things which are really important signs that they are cultish.

First was the name calling: If you ever questioned Prostitutes Soka practice or your leaders, they would dub you as being "negative" or "heavy". That in itself should have immediately told me that there was something wrong. At the time I had a serious hip problem and had given up my ballet scholarship and I was on welfare, in pain 24 hours a day.

I should have kept walking. The fact was that I was an atheist and had been raised in another cult—the Catholic Church—but I always had an interest in Buddhism, and I trusted that these people were telling the truth. At some level, they were. I don't Prostitutes Soka the people in the USA are aware that what they are doing is wrong, both ethically and morally.

But the Japanese had a scheme and Prostitutes Soka was perfect for lots of Americans and westerners.

There are money-makers everywhere, even in Tibetan Buddhist circles.

NSA promised miraculous results: cars, money, lovers, jobs, art gigs, recording contracts: it is no small wonder that several prominent musicians, authors, artists, dancers, painters, etc. Prostitutes Soka other way they controlled people was through peer pressure. The best way to do that is to get young people, freshly out of college, who are open to new ideas, who are concerned about the planet, and who want to improve their lives.

SGI was run like a media campaign. They sent their members out at all hours of the night to local universities like Boston University, and Harvard, Prostitutes Soka MIT.

Then they would take those kids, and separate Prostitutes Soka. Segregating and keeping people apart is a cultish behaviour, it helps those in power maintain order, and control. They simply put the boys with the boys, and the girls with the girls.

Then they organized the boys in two ways, artisitic: brass band; physical: gymnastics. Then they sent the boys out to do thier activities. On the outside,it Prostitutes Soka a positive thing. But in groups, young men are subjected to the various psychologies of group and peer pressure, so we were all competing against one another. The girls were doing their thing, dressed Prostitutes Soka exotic lavender skirts and shirts—talk Prostitutes Soka sexism! The other thing they used was forcing you to do things by shaming you.

Words and phrases, and dialogue like, Oh, come on, you can do it. Think positive. It took me seven long years but eventually I left. They really used to like to get the guys to go out and do stuff together in groups too, that seemed to reinforce Prostitutes Soka group behaviour—like wolves I assume—and when they did that, it also meant that there were now four, five, or six people standing in front of you, "encouraging" you that's the word that they like to use to do things you DID NOT want to do!

The final straw was Prostitutes Soka they tried to get me to buy the monthly magazines. They were garbage. There was nothing about Buddhism Prostitutes Soka those books! I resisted, but because i was in my early twenties, and because I didn't really know what Buddhism was, I believed them.

That was my mistake. I could tell you about the machinations both in Prostitutes Soka sight and behind the scenes, but it's not necessary.

For their efforts, they were branded troublemakers and kicked out.

The Prostitutes Soka is that NSA and SGI are the only Buddhist organization Prostitutes Soka are based on the teachings of a man whose mental health was seriously questionable!

Nichiren Daishonin believed that Japane was experiencing the natural calamaties like earthquakes and other disasters because the gods were unhappy with what the Japanese were Prostitutes Soka He believed in end-time theology! Does that sound familiar? The sad fact is that he was imprisoned and banished to an island because he went around telling all other Buddhists that what they were doing was wrong!

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This is the only so called Buddhist group that does this! The fact is that this is totally against Buddhist practices! They never take vows to not Prostitutes Soka life, or take the other lay vows, and most Buddhists take those vows.

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In addition, they have no idea what enlightenment is, and they never discuss very important issues which Prostitutes Soka at the heart of the Buddha's teachings, which include enlightenment, Prostitutes Soka, non-duality, and they would be hard-pressed to explain any one of those topics.

Worse any Buddhist doesn't believe in killing animals, yet they regularly boil lobster, eat mussels, and go fishing. Now there is no vow that says you can't eat meat if you are a Buddhist, but Prostitutes Soka are commitments not to kill animals. One day, I asked a member what she thought enlightenment was.

Her answer was, "Well, if I am having a bad day, and I don't give the Prostitutes Soka the finger, that's sort of like enlightenment," She was, unfortunately, being honest. She had no clue, and she has been practicing SGI for over 25 years! I was not mentally ill, I did not suffer Prostitutes Soka hospitalization, etc.

After I left, I did not receive one email or phone call from any of the people I had known during my 7 years of practice There are plenty of documents on this site Prostitutes Soka dealings with the Department Prostitutes Soka Justice issues in the USA, and conspiracy theories, murder and rape attempts in Japan, problems in centers in Prostitutes Soka, etc.

Then there is the story of the University in California, and the problems they had there, the SGI and its political connections not just in Japan but also in the USA they did the touring of the Liberty Bell, Prostitutes Soka ago. The dangerous thing about SGI is that they are able to somehow brainwash people. I know very few people who are able to completely separate themselves from the organization. I later went on to practice Tibetan Buddhism and I am very happy.

I told myself it was time for me to speak up.

I have travelled to India and other asian countries and I have a healthy practice. I keep on my guard. There are money-makers everywhere, even in Tibetan Buddhist circles. I have learned about Buddhism and it is nothing that I read in the Prostitutes Soka media magazines of the Seikyo Times or something Tribune. When I was in India two years ago, i saw posters of Daisaku Ikeda.

It was the language on the poster that was really troubling. To imagine that guy in his silk suits, setting up a roost in India Sometimes I feel like I wasted 7 years of my life, because I would have been able to practice real Buddhism, Prostitutes Soka is what I wanted to do. But it did make me stronger—and more cautious of every group and teacher I come across. I've met some Prostitutes Soka unhealthy people in some Buddhist groups, but I was able to walk away form them and that group.

Now, if I see someone who seems to have control or Prostitutes Soka issues, then I take a step back and ask myself, Hey, what is going on here?

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There are charlatans everywhere. Unhealthy people who want to use Prostitutes Soka, make money from you, rule over you. SGI has power, and money, and influence.

Unfortunately, none of those are the teachings of the Buddha. If you are an ex member, I Prostitutes Soka that you had a good motivation, and that this is inevitably what saved Prostitutes Soka. Don't blame yourself if you stayed in longer than you wished you had, you were brainwashed, you really were.

Prostitutes Soka that pressure, the sales tactics, those are all well devised tactics—much like Amway uses to sell products. You wanted knowledge but instead you were offered a pyramid scheme in a cardboard altar.

New Evidence Refutes Nikken's Claim About 'Seattle Incident' | Soka Spirit

You should be proud of yourself, because you were able to extricate yourself, and now you have your freedom. Many of the others have not been so lucky. Rangdrol, Prostitutes Soka on escaping SGI on your own.

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My wife had her eyes opened once we left Manhattan for a neighboring suburb in another state. The people weren't hip Prostitutes Soka, but insane hangers on to New-Age thought. Also the constant need to buy incense from the SGI stores and all the drivvel that Ikeda wrote Leaning on my innate skeptism on many things, she escaped and never looked back. Eventually all the calls from members stopped.

You are a strong willed person. Sorry to hear of your ballet injury. Hi Sparky, Thanks for your comments. I wonder if your wife practiced Prostitutes Soka a long time? Prostitutes Soka how did she resolve issues of her faith?

We were expected to participate in five or six meetings and activities a week, and accused of having weak faith if we didn't.

It is Prostitutes Soka that many people who leave an organization like SGI then assume that all Buddhist philosophies are the same. That is very sad. I stopped Prostitutes Soka in because I had hip disease.

I am not better today, because I also now have degenerative disk disease, but I am doing the best I can.

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I mentioned ballet in my post because at the time I was trying to show that I was vulnerable—because I had been sick for a year—and trusting, and that the issues in my life had left me more vulnerable to a group like them. While I do hold them responsible for what happened, I too am responsible, even Prostitutes Soka so than them. Most of the members, out in the street, they are just brainwashed too, this is a huge organization, and they don't say, "Okay, we are going out today Prostitutes Soka brainwash more kids at Harvard.

I can honestly say that all the people in our Boston center 1,? Including the leaders, I really believe that. I left the org inI saw Prostitutes Soka members and how cultish they were and how Prostitutes Soka they were. In I took vows in a Tibetan monastery in India. When a year later I sent an old NSC member in Canada an email telling him about my vows, he sent me the most hateful, scathing email Ive ever gotten from anyone. And this guy was my very good friend for many years. I was shocked, and hurt.

He accused me of being a bum for asking people to take care of me and went on Prostitutes Soka on. It took me a few weeks, but I realized that this wasn't my friend. My friend was a Prostitutes Soka man who loved literature, was kind, had a great job as a senior editor in a great company of higher learning, and that just wasnt my friend.

He had been brainwashed and was still an NSC member. SGI taught members that the Japanese clerics were bad, manipulative men who thought that they were above everyone else.

I doubt that this is true, because in Prostitutes Soka Buddhist schools, were are taught to have respect for monks, nuns, priests—not because they are better than anyone else, but because they have taken vows to help people, and to act as representatives of the Buddha's message of enlightenment.

I guess I was brainwashed too.

Commencement Address by Leymah Gbowee | Soka University of America

I write Prostitutes Soka personal experience because I carried it in me Prostitutes Soka 20 years. I still have to be careful, maybe I am too careful. I am a guy with some psychic abilities and I have had them for years but I denied my abilities. Langberg, thank you for taking the time to talk with us today.

To begin, could you recap Prostitutes Soka us what is meant by the Seattle Incident? Langberg: Yes. Clow chose to reveal after many years of keeping knowledge of it to herself. That incident involved Nikken Abe when he came to the United States for religious purposes — to conduct a Prostitutes Soka ceremony. He was not the high priest of Nichiren Shoshu at the time, but a ranking priest within the order.

Prostitutes Soka the occasion of that visit, he was accompanied by Mrs. Clow, who essentially was assigned to see to his well-being. As Mrs. Clow has described the incident, she was eventually summoned Prostitutes Soka the police to Prostitutes Soka to a street in downtown Seattle where Nikken had become involved in a dispute with some Prostitutes Soka some time between the late hours of March 19 and the early morning hours of March The particular area to which she was summoned in those days was very well known for prostitution and for being sort of a rough neighborhood.

At that time, Mrs. Clow had to extricate Nikken Abe from a predicament that ultimately led his being detained by the police. That, in brief, is what is referred to as Prostitutes Soka Seattle Incident. Moreover, on an airplane while bound to Chicago, Mrs. Clow witnessed Nikken Abe make an improper advance toward an airline stewardess. And, in addition, he even asked Mrs. Clow to tell him where he could find pornographic materials. WT: We have heard that, while the case is still under way, the most recent decisions by the court have not been in Mrs.

Could you explain these decisions and what they mean? Langberg: First, to say that there were decisions made against Mrs. Clow is not entirely true, because this would imply that the court made a decision on the merits or the substance of the case.

However, the court has never ruled upon the merits of this case.

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On the contrary, the defendants, who include Nikken, have done everything possible to avoid a decision being made on the merits or the substance of the case. There are two cases, really, involving defamatory remarks made about Mrs. Clow in two separate Nichiren Shoshu-related publications — in the Daibyakuho, a Japanese publication, and in a special English-language edition of the Dai-Nichiren. The only significant decision the court has made in either of these cases concerns Prostitutes Soka request by those defendants who do not reside in California — primarily Nikken, Obayashi the Nichiren Shoshu overseas bureau chief and Nichiren Shoshu in Japan.

These defendants asked the court not to proceed with the Prostitutes Soka against them on the grounds that they do not have sufficient contact with California for the court to have jurisdiction over them. Being a question of jurisdiction, this, of course, clearly has nothing to do with the merits or facts of the case.

In particular, it has absolutely nothing to do with whether Mrs. Clow is telling the Prostitutes Soka and nothing Prostitutes Soka all to do with whether these incidents really happened.

The defendants have done everything possible to avoid having the court hear the merits of the case. Langberg: As a matter of fact, Mrs. Clow is so intent Prostitutes Soka having a chance to present the evidence and clarify the truth that we have recently Prostitutes Soka the other side an opportunity to have Prostitutes Soka evidence presented in the forum of a very simple and quick process. That offer is that we will abandon the current Prostitutes Soka, Mrs.

Clow will give up her right to have Prostitutes Soka case heard by a jury, and the two sides will agree on Prostitutes Soka retired judge Prostitutes Soka hear the case. This process has a basis in the California constitution and the decision of the retired judge would have the same effect as a decision of the regular trial court.

The Prostitutes Soka judge would then be appointed to sit as the trier of fact, and the evidence presented to him to make a decision based on the evidence that he hears. We are Prostitutes Soka that any trier of fact, whether it be a judge or a jury will know what the truth is upon hearing the evidence.

WT: Nikken himself has said that if what Mrs. Clow says is true, he could not remain in his position as high priest and would quit immediately. He has thus confirmed that his status hinges upon Prostitutes Soka outcome of this lawsuit. It seems that he should therefore definitely accept your proposal.

By the way, upon what does the court base its decision that it lacks jurisdiction over the case? We have, however, presented substantial evidence to the contrary. Nikken, for instance, appoints the chief priest of each temple, makes financial decisions, and makes decisions about acquiring property. We took the deposition of Jiho Takahashi, the chief priest of the San Francisco temple. On the first day of that deposition, the Rev. Takahashi indicated that he really knows very little about the workings of the California corporation NST and its relationship Prostitutes Soka the Japanese corporation Nichiren Shoshu.

This was totally contradictory to what he had told us the first day.

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This is just a small portion of a tremendous volume of evidence showing that California really does Prostitutes Soka jurisdiction over Nikken and Obayashi in this case. WT: Why, then, did the court decide that it has no jurisdiction over this case despite such evidence to the contrary?

Langberg: Prostitutes Soka reason, I think, is obvious, and that is that the trial court has basically misunderstood the case and Mrs. The trial court has taken the position that this case is really part Prostitutes Soka a religious conflict between the Soka Gakkai and the Nichiren Shoshu priesthood.

As part of that religious conflict, the court held that the case should be heard in Japan, which it views as the most appropriate venue because that is where the major portion of this conflict is occurring. We believe that the trial court has allowed this view to override all of the evidence that has been presented — and much of that Prostitutes Soka is very compelling and uncontradicted. In taking this view, we have to say that the trial court has very much misperceived the true nature of the case.

WT: Could you elaborate further why you think the court has come to Prostitutes Soka mistaken conclusion by viewing the case Prostitutes Soka part of a larger religious conflict?

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Langberg: First of all, the act of libel is of a very personal nature. In this case, Nikken and others have called Mrs. Clow a liar, thus deeply defaming Prostitutes Soka personally. No Prostitutes Soka else but Mrs. Clow can bring this case to the court. The second point I want to make involves my personal impression of Mrs. Of course, Mrs.

Clow can speak for herself, but my understanding is that she certainly was motivated by this religious conflict. In other words, the background of the religious conflict was undoubtedly weighing heavily on her mind when she finally decided to make this information public.

But Prostitutes Soka defamation suit that Mrs. Clow brought to the court is a matter entirely different from the religious conflict between Nichiren Shoshu and the SGI.

The defamation suit is a response to vile statements that were made about her, that hurt her reputation here in California, not in Japan. She lives here in California, and her reputation is here in the community where she lives.

What is important is the fact that these statements were published first in Japanese in the Daibyakuho, and Prostitutes Soka, because Nikken and others were not satisfied with these statements being Prostitutes Soka only in Japanese — because they Prostitutes Soka to ensure that people here in California could hear these lies about Mrs.

Clow — they published them in English. Why, may I ask, would they publish these statements in English if the whole import of the matter lies solely in Japan, as the defendants claim? An English publication would not have been necessary to defame Mrs. Clow in Japan; they could have done it entirely in Japanese.

They needed Prostitutes Soka English publication because they intended to direct it here, to California, where Mrs. Clow lives and where it would hurt her the most.

To sum up, then, this lawsuit is Mrs. Anyone who thinks that Prostitutes Soka lawsuit is being controlled or manufactured by anyone else has been utterly misled. I, as Mrs. Another point worth noting is that these defendants have hindered us Prostitutes Soka getting at the truth in every possible way. The jurisdictional objections are one major hindrance.

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The experience of interacting with their environments through a camera lens seemed the most worthwhile. Rangdrol, congratulations on escaping SGI on your own. Another short coming of Briski is exposed with regard to her ability to build unity.
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The film Born into Brothels documents the efforts of Zana Briski to raise awareness Prostitution is an even further ostracized and purposefully ignored. was struggling to breathe on his own, and all of the different things did not lure me into alcoholism and prostitution that was available all around me. Soka Spirit New Evidence Refutes Nikken's The incident involved Nikken, now high priest of Nichiren Shoshu, and some prostitutes in Seattle in
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The did other things which are really important signs that they are cultish. Nikken should stop insulting our intelligence. The Tokyo District Court finds there is no evidence to support Nichiren Shoshu and Nikken's allegations that Soka Gakkai illegally planted a false entry in US federal government database and rules that the allegations are unfounded and defamatory. According to Prostitutes Soka article, an investigation requested by Mr. The members Prostitutes Soka America at the time were all determined to make this ceremony an absolute success and, despite our personal difficulties, we voluntarily offered our time to Prostitutes Soka. The Soka Gakkai, for their part, accuse Nikken Abe, the late high priest, of having had an argument with a Seattle prostitute over payment for services rendered when he was on an official visit Prostitutes Soka the U.

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Unless the character of an individual is developed to confront the basest tendencies in their own lives they will not fulfill the purpose Prostitutes Soka Soka education. Through her individual journey though, she has displayed the humanistic basis of both Soka education and leadership in the way most natural to her. From Prostitutes Soka beginning, Mrs.

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