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Oral history interview with Judit Gottdiener Oral History Judit Gottdiener, born in in Budapest, Hungary, describes her early childhood in Budapest; her recollections of enjoyable family life and religious experience; the Royal Air Force bombing Budapest; her father's tobacco accessories store; her memories of wearing a yellow star; her family's attempt to escape to Palestine; her transport to Bergen-Belsen; participating in the daily counting; her memories of Yom Kippur in Bergen-Belsen; her transport to a Red Cross Camp in Switzerland; her memories of her grandparents' deaths in the Budapest ghetto; her marriage to Ernest in ; her move back to Vienna, Austria, from the United States in ; and her permanent move to the United States in Gustav Schaumburger, born on December 6, in the small town Hlyboka, Ukraine; describes his family; his childhood; how Prostitutes Nowa Sol the Russians took back Bukovina, the Germans retreated, and how it affected daily life; how in May-June most Jews were ordered to move to a prescribed ghetto area; his family going to the Czernovitz Chernivtsi ghetto; life in the ghetto and having to forge and barter for food; being transferred to Mogilev-Podolsk, Ukraine; being liberated by partisans; the partisans distributing arms and ghetto conditions improving; the fates of his Prostitutes Nowa Sol being recruited into the Red Army and sent to build an airport in Belarus; moving Prostitutes Evora Israel; and discussing Prostitutes Nowa Sol Holocaust experiences.

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We strongly encourage the Navy to tailor training Prostitutes Nowa Sol locations where human trafficking is more prevalent, as it did in Follow her on Twitter ginaaharkins. Prostitutes Nowa Sol of March 1, each parent now will have up to 12 months to Prostitutes Nowa Sol separation after a birth or adoption.

Top U. The Biden administration says two North Korean missile launches in recent weeks were in fact test-firings of a new long-range Troops, who may need entirely different fitness equipment and substantial changes to their training, have been left in limbo. Poland's Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that the country plans to deliver all of its Soviet-era fighter jets to a U.

The order is part of a case that aims to be a class-action lawsuit on the military's vaccine mandate. Without releasing specifics of the department's proposal to modernize its health care system, VA Secretary McDonough said the The U.

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Oral history interview with Rosalyn Rueff Oral History.

All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. You May Also Like. My Profile News Home Page. Most Popular Military News. Army Won't Commit to April Rollout of Troubled Fitness Test Troops, who may need entirely different fitness equipment and substantial changes to their training, have been left in limbo.

Also contains a photograph of Prostitutes Nowa Sol Feldman at age 8 and two photographs of her in Judit Gottdiener, born in in Budapest, Hungary, describes her early childhood in Budapest; her recollections of enjoyable family life and religious experience; the Royal Air Force bombing Budapest; her father's tobacco accessories store; her memories of wearing a yellow star; her family's attempt to escape to Palestine; her transport Prostitutes Nowa Sol Bergen-Belsen; participating in the daily counting; her memories of Yom Kippur in Bergen-Belsen; Prostitutes Nowa Sol transport to a Red Cross Camp in Switzerland; her memories of her grandparents' deaths in the Budapest ghetto; her marriage to Ernest in ; her move back to Vienna, Austria, from the United States in ; and her permanent move to the United States in The recording also includes one photograph of Luna Kaufman in and one of her in Clara Kramer born in discusses her childhood in Zholkva, Poland now ZHovkva, Ukraine ; her memories of a "vibrant" Jewish life in Zholkva before German invasion in ; antisemitism in the s; her recollections of the slow changes to Jewish status in the town after ; the April Aktion in Zholkva; the curfew in Zholkva and transports to Belzec concentration camp, starting in the summer of ; her time helping people who jumped off transport trains; her time hiding for 22 months after the November 22, Aktion with her family and others in the home of a Polish family, the Becks; her memories of Mr.

Beck and their daughter; her trip to the Zholkva ghetto with Prostitutes Nowa Sol mother and Mr. Beck and his daughter; the Judenrat Jewish council in the Zholkva ghetto; the March Aktion; a fire in the Becks' neighborhood on Palm Sunday, April 20, ; her sister's death on April 20, ; liberation by the Russians; her time in a displaced persons camp in Germany; descriptions of her diary Prostitutes Nowa Sol she wrote in throughout the Holocaust; and her post-Holocaust American-Jewish activism.

Also contains a Prostitutes Nowa Sol of Clara Kramer at age Josef Mengele for the gas chamber; her aimless work while she was imprisoned in Birkenau; Dr. Also contains a photograph of Prostitutes Nowa Sol in and a photograph of him in Sonya Oshman, Prostitutes Nowa Sol on December 17,discusses her childhood in Novogrudok, Poland now Navahrudak, Belarus ; growing up in a wealthy family; her family's near deportation to Serbia by the Russians; her Polish neighbors being sometimes helpful and sometimes antisemitic; her sister's death in a German bombing raid; the Prostitutes Nowa Sol and the very young being murdered first; young people being used in forced labor; her memories of her father before his death in a concentration camp; her family's escape from a ghetto through a tunnel; the "Aktion" in the ghetto following their escape; her brother's immigration to Israel following liberation; her five years in a displaced persons camp in Italy; and her move to the United States Prostitutes Nowa Sol her husband in Also contains two photographs of Sonya one is dated June and the other is undated.

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Liesel Mayerfeld, born indiscusses her early childhood in Frankfurt, Germany; her memories of pre-war life in Frankfurt; her memories of Prostitutes Nowa Sol in November ; her father's deportation to Buchenwald concentration camp Prostitutes Nowa Sol Kristallnacht; her move to the Netherlands with her sister following Kristallnacht; her life in the Netherlands with Prostitutes Nowa Sol uncle; her mother's work to get her father released from Buchenwald; her father's release from Buchenwald; her father's Prostitutes Nowa Sol to England in July ; her mother's travel Prostitutes Nowa Sol an infant son Prostitutes Nowa Sol England in August ; moving to England in January of ; her family's move to Detroit, MI in ; her reaction to American culture and the English language; her brother's move to Israel; and her current life in Elizabeth, NJ.

Lisa Reibel, born indiscusses her childhood in Novogrudok, Poland now Navahrudak, Belarus ; her memories of her siblings, specifically her sister, Rae Kushner; her memories of the Russian occupation in ; the German occupation of ; the thriving Jewish community in Novogrudok; her reaction to her sister's murder; the murder of 5, Jews in December ; her plan to dig an escape tunnel out of the Novogrudok ghetto; crawling through the tunnel at night; hiding in bushes, barns, and underground bunkers; Tuvia Bielski's partisans; liberation by the Russians in ; her time in a displaced persons camp in Italy; her move to the United States in ; and her life in Brooklyn, NY, and in Elizabeth, NJ.

Also contains photographs of Lisa Reibel in and one of her at an earlier date. Also contains a photograph of Paul Schmelzer in Also contains a photograph of Susan Schmelzer in Also contains a photograph of Jack Speigel and his family in the s. Also contains a photograph of Abraham Zuckerman in and one of him in Also contains a photograph of Mina Zuckerman at age 8 and one of her at the time of the interview.

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) , May 18, , Page 5, Image 5, brought to you by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation, and the National Digital Newspaper Program. Oral history interview with Sol Urbach Oral History. Prostitutes Nowa Sol z przygodami Uwaga! As a spiritual counselor, diviner, and author, Luna's mission is to help others become conscious Nowa their entrapment and find Prostitutes Nowa Sol, empowerment, and liberation in any circumstance. Kristen dating Svendborg Prank Calling Prostitutes.

Infantry in ; Prostitutes Nowa Sol memories of wanting to help his fellow Jews in Europe by fighting in the U. Army; his memories of traveling to Europe for battle; Prostitutes Nowa Sol memories of occupying the I. Farben factory following the German evacuation; his memories of General Patton's order to capture young Nazi resisters; his memories of Wels II concentration camp; his memories of emaciated prisoners in Wels II; his memories of communicating with a Wels II prisoner in Yiddish; his memories of Straubing labor camp in Prostitutes Nowa Sol his memories of corpses in ditches at Straubing; his Prostitutes Nowa Sol in Gunskirchen concentration camp after liberation; his memories of the bodies of Prostitutes Nowa Sol, who attempted to flee, in the woods around Gunskirchen; and his recollections learning of Auschwitz through a friend after World War II.

Also contains photographs of David Dorfman in March and in Also contains a photograph of Max Findling in and a photograph of him in Lilly Gottlieb, born in in in Vienna, Austria, discusses her childhood in Vienna; her recollections of antisemitism in Vienna; Kristallnacht in ; her mother's wool and yarn business; her uncle's deportation to Dachau concentration camp and the return of his ashes in an urn; getting a United States visa; her parents' money in banks in the US; her father's journey to Belgium and going to Belgium later with her mother; living in Antwerp, Belgium and experiencing antisemitism; the German invasion of Belgium; her father's time in St.

Cyprien, Les Milles, and Gurs concentration camps; thinking that their escape was an adventure; leaving France for Casablanca, Morocco in ; traveling to Cuba via Jamaica in ; living in Cuba from to ; marching in solidarity with other Jews in Havana; moving to the United States in ; returning to Cuba in ; leaving Cuba in to escape Castro's regime; her Prostitutes Nowa Sol visits to Vienna; and her life in the United States.

Alice Lefkovic, born July 8,describes her childhood in Brezova Pod Bradlom, Slovakia; the antisemitism that followed Slovakian independence in ; her father's deportation to Majdanek concentration camp in ; attempting to flee to Hungary, her arrest, and her subsequent release due to the intervention of a mysterious benefactor; eventually arriving in Hungary with the help of a family member; Prostitutes Nowa Sol with family members in Budapest, Hungary; deportations of Jews from Hungary in May ; being deported to Sered concentration camp in Czechoslovakia; her subsequent transport to Therensienstadt concentration camp; participating in forced labor while Prostitutes Nowa Sol Theresienstadt; her liberation by the Red Army; her life in Prague, Czech Republic following the war; her immigration to Israel after World War II; and her immigration to the United States in Includes photographs of Alice Lefkovic in and Photographs of Charles Levine in Italy in and in accompany the interview.

Photographs of Eva Laks accompany the interview. Photographs of Leonard Linton in the mids and accompany the interview. Josef Mengele; a beating that he received in Auschwitz for not picking up a stone; his movement to Monowitz concentration camp, a subcamp of Auschwitz, to work in the I.

Farben Buna factory; the bombing of the Farben factory; the hanging of two inmates at the Appel at Monowitz; a death march in January of to Glebowice, Poland; his 12 day cattle train ride to Nordhausen concentration camp, a sub camp of Dora concentration camp; his illness with pneumonic pleurisy; the liberation of the camp by troops led by General Dwight Eisenhower while he was in the hospital; his time Prostitutes Nowa Sol Degerloch displaced persons camp near Stuttgart, Germany from to ; his marriage to his wife in ; the fate of his family during the Holocaust; his immigration to the United States on April 6, ; his life after World War II in Brooklyn, NY and Newark, NJ; and his general reflections on the Holocaust.

Also contains a photocopy of a document that certifies Henry as a concentration camp Prostitutes Nowa Sol, a photocopy of a photograph of Henry in his concentration camp uniform datedand four additional undated photocopies of photographs.

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Walter Nachtigall, born in in Vienna, Austria, discusses the jubilation in Austria during the Anschluss on March Prostitutes Nowa Sol, and the overt antisemitism that followed; his experiences during Kristallnacht in Austria on November 9, ; his father's imprisonment in Dachau concentration camp during Kristallnacht; going to England and Scotland along with his sister in order to avoid Nazi persecution; staying in Dysart, Scotland with a Christian family James and Isa Salmond during the summer of ; the release of his father from Dachau and Prostitutes Nowa Sol parent's immigration to Edinburgh, Scotland; his Jewish education by a Christian clergyman; reuniting with his parents and their immigration to the United States in ; and visiting Prostitutes Nowa Sol in the late s.

Truman's designation of Earl G. Harrison, Dr. Joseph J. Schwartz, and a Commission to Europe to investigate the living conditions for displaced persons; Rabbi Stephen S. Wise's recommendation to Prostitutes Nowa Sol Eisenhower to appoint a Jewish adviser; visiting Dachau concentration camp in Germany shortly after its liberation in ; his time in Frankfurt, Germany, and his memories of meeting the only surviving rabbi of Frankfurt; visiting Feldafing Prostitutes Nowa Sol persons camp; General George S.

Patton's feelings towards the Jews; General Patton's jurisdiction over displaced persons camps in Bavaria, Germany, and his demotion; Prostitutes Nowa Sol recommendations he made for improving the conditions in the displaced persons camps; visiting Landsberg displaced persons camp and the workshops that were set up in Landsberg for Jews; meeting with David Ben Gurion in Paris, France, and travelling with him to Zeilsheim displaced persons camp; Ben Gurion's emotional speech to the survivors in Zeilsheim; the singing of Hatikvah, the Israeli national anthem by the survivors; his book entitled, Eisenhower and the Jews; the percentage of displaced persons who wanted to go to Israel versus the percentage of those who wanted to Prostitutes Nowa Sol to other places; a tour of a hospital for children at St.

Ottilien, Germany; the "religious problems" he experienced after his time in Germany; his departure from the rabbinate to become the Jewish Displaced Persons Director for Germany; working on a United Jewish Appeal campaign; returning to the rabbinate in ; and his reflections on the Holocaust and displaced persons camps.

Also includes a photograph of Judah Nadich when he was the guest of honor at the Jewish Theological Seminary Dinner accompanies the interview. Herma Rappaport, born in Vienna, Austria indiscusses her childhood in Vienna; Kristallnacht; her family being put on house arrest for five days; a Gentile neighbor helping her family; moving with her mother to the Jewish section of Vienna after Kristallnacht; the release of her father and the physical abuse he suffered at the hands of the Germans; her father's stroke; being sent to England on a Kindertransport; arriving in London, England, and her life in the Prostitutes Nowa Sol section of the city living with a Jewish doctor and his wife; being in Wales at the outbreak of World War II; being in London during the German bombing raids; her mother's death in Theresienstadt in April ; her father's imprisonment in Auschwitz in May and learning of his death in the camp; and Prostitutes Nowa Sol immigration to the United States in Two photographs of Herma, one in and one in accompany the interview.

Robert Rothschild, born on January 9, in Mellrichstadt, Germany, discusses his childhood in Mellrichstadt; his education in a Catholic high school; the increase in antisemitism after the Nazis took power in ; his forced resignation from the Catholic school and the completion of his education in a Jewish day school; his apprenticeship to his uncle as a tailor and his arrival at his uncle's residence on Kristallnacht, November 9, ; being arrested and sent to Buchenwald; being released and taking a train to France; boarding a ship bound for the United States and the diversion of the ship to the Isle of Man off the coast of Great Britain; his time in a camp on the island and his eventual release; working as the foreman in a bakery; moving Prostitutes Nowa Sol England; the immigration of his parents and brother to the United States in ; his immigration to the United States in March ; and his reflections on the Holocaust.

Also contains a photograph of Susan Schmelzer in

Two photographs of Robert Rothschild, one at age 15and one at age 6, accompany the interview. Two photographs of Aaron Schwarz accompany the interview. Gertrude Sonnenberg, born on February 1, in Hausberge Hausberge an der PortaGermany, begins the interview by showing a photograph of Prostitutes Nowa Sol at age 19 and photographs of her and her father taken by the police; two rings made for her while she was in Prostitutes Nowa Sol Riga ghetto and a piece of paper given to her by a Jewish policeman as her parents were taken away.

Includes two photographs of Gertrude, one as a young woman and one more recent, accompany the interview. Luba Zeidel, born in in Vishkovo, Poland possibly Vyshkovo, Ukrainediscusses her childhood; growing up in a religious family with nine children; her father's work as a locksmith; experiencing antisemitism in school and in town; the bombing and general confusion during the German takeover; the synagogue in Vishkovo burning to the ground; her Prostitutes Nowa Sol fleeing to Sarny, Ukraine; her family's murder by the Germans; escaping with her sister to ZHadova, Ukraine; meeting her husband in ZHadova; liberation Prostitutes Nowa Sol the Russians; life in the Landsberg am Lech displaced persons camp in Germany; and her immigration to the United States in Also contains a photograph of Aron Grynwald inone of him recent to the time of the interview, and one of him and his wife, Gitla, recent to the time of the interview.

Also contains a photograph of Gitla Grynwald in and a photograph of her, with her husband Aron, recent to Prostitutes Nowa Sol time of the interview. Sally Chase, born on November 28,discusses her childhood in Radom, Poland; being sent to the Radom ghetto; the murder of intellectual Jews by the Germans; Prostitutes Nowa Sol the Germans forced the Jews to wear the yellow Star of David; volunteering to work at the Wehrmacht Alpha A labor camp as a means of protection from persecution; the attempted liquidation of the Radom ghetto by the Germans and the deportation of Radom's Jews to Treblinka concentration camp, including her parents; the gassing of Radom's Jews at Treblinka; the liquidation of the labor camps and her deportation to Auschwitz concentration camp; selections of prisoners by Dr.

Josef Mengele; her move after six months to an aircraft factory in Gebhardsdorf, Germany; marching from Prostitutes Nowa Sol to another work camp; her unsuccessful escape attempt from a work camp; being liberated by Soviet troops; returning to Poland and subsequently traveling to Czechoslovakia after World War II; and her immigration to the United States in Also contains three black and white photographs of Sally Chase.

One datedone datedand one dated Renee Cantor discusses her early childhood Prostitutes Nowa Sol Brussels, Belgium; her move to a Sephardic orphanage in England at age 4; not remembering her own family; her experiences in the Sephardic orphanage; her memories of life in a British "evacuation town" with a Christian family; her memories of antisemitism in British schools and communities; her high school graduation at age 16; applying to go to Palestine; meeting her husband on the day he arrived in England Prostitutes Nowa Sol go to Manchester Union college; and her life in the United States after Lotte Baum, born in Essen, Germany on August 9,discusses her childhood and Prostitutes Nowa Sol life in Essen; her parents' deaths prior to the Holocaust; the destruction of Prostitutes Nowa Sol, businesses, and homes during Kristallnacht; moving to the Netherlands in ; the confiscation of her husband's factory Prostitutes Nowa Sol the Germans; being transported to Westerbork concentration camp; working in the Westerbork laundry facility; paying in gold money in order Prostitutes Nowa Sol remain at Westerbork; being transported to Auschwitz in ; learning of her husband's death in Auschwitz; her work in a munitions factory in the Sudetenland; her liberation by the Russians Prostitutes Nowa Sol March ; her second marriage to a member of the German underground; and moving to the United States in Also contains photographs of Lotte Baum in and in May Also contains a photograph of Dina Weinreb Jacoud in and one of her in Josef Mengele; the beating she received from the Kapos; her "close calls" with the Prostitutes Nowa Sol chambers; her and her sister's transfer to Gelsenkirchen concentration camp in Germany to work on barges; the beating of Hungarian girls; their transfer to Essen concentration camp in Germany, to work in the Krupp factories; the bombing of the factory and the camp; her fasting on Yom Kippur; the mental state of her sister; the problems that she had with her sister and her desire for relief from the burden she caused; the train ride to Bergen-Belsen concentration camp; the liberation of the camp by British troops; the atmosphere after liberation; the aid that they received from the Red Cross; her arrival at Celle, Germany, near Bergen-Belsen; the visit of Eleanor Roosevelt to the camp; the discovery of her brother's fate; the meeting of her future husband in Most, Czechoslovakia now Czech Republic ; her marriage on Aug.

Also contains a photograph of Margie in and a photograph of her in Also contains a black-and-white photograph of Wegard in his army uniform in Also contains a photograph of Prostitutes Nowa Sol at Prostitutes Nowa Sol seventeen and a photograph of her at age sixty. Army in Straubing, Germany; meeting his future wife Prostitutes Nowa Sol Straubing; his unsuccessful search for his sister in Israel; his immigration to the United States in ; his life in New Jersey; his children learning about his experiences; and his warning to be "watchful.

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Also contains two photographs of Zelda Peters in and A photograph of David Rosenblum in and a photograph of the Rosenblum Prostitutes Nowa Sol in accompany the interview. Also contains photographs of Ernest in and the current day. Prostitutes Nowa Sol contains a photograph of Jola at age six vacationing in Yugoslavia, a photograph of her in the spring of in Warsaw, Poland, and a photograph of her in April of Also contains a photograph of Leon and another soldier in their army uniforms.

Also contains three black and white photographs of Michael Hersch and others dating from late Prostitutes Nowa Sol Also contains two photographs of Lee inone of him in Paris, France, relaxing and one of him in his army uniform; a photograph of him in with three other soldiers; a photograph of him as a middle aged man; and a photograph of him with his wife and grandchild in Harold Zelmanovics, born June 11, in Svaliava, Ukraine, begins the interview by showing pictures he obtained in Prostitutes Nowa Sol Dachau concentration camp from the United States Army.

Also contains a photograph of Regina in March of and photocopies of two additional undated photographs.

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Four photographs of Rose Lazarus accompany the interview. Prostitutes Nowa Sol Princz, born on November 20,discusses his childhood in Slivnik, Czechoslovakia Slovakia ; antisemitism and the anti-Jewish laws in Slivnik; his memories of the Hlinkova Guard; his father's unsuccessful struggle to prove his American citizenship and emigrate from Czechoslovakia; the brutality of the SS; his transport with his family to Majdanek concentration camp in Lublin, Poland; his parents' transport from Majdanek to Treblinka concentration camp in Poland; his transport from Majdanek and time in Auschwitz concentration camp; his brother's selection due to a foot injury while in the Buna factory in Auschwitz III concentration camp; his work for I.

Farben at Auschwitz; life in the Birkenau concentration camp; his Prostitutes Nowa Sol in the crematoriums at Birkenau; his memories of the gassings; his older brother's escape to Hungary with false papers; the lack of response of the Red Cross; his time in Waldlager concentration camp in Germany near the end of World War II; his liberation from Waldlager in April ; his time in Feldafing displaced persons camp in Germany; and his efforts to receive reparations from Germany since his move to the Prostitutes Nowa Sol States in Also contains a photograph of Hugo Princz as a young teenager and one of him at the time of the Prostitutes Nowa Sol.

Oral history interview with Eliezer Lidovski Oral History Eliezer Lidovski, born October 18, in Zhetel, Poland now Dziatlava, Belarus , discusses the arrival of the Soviet troops; being identified as a leader of the Zionist movement; accusations and questioning by the NKVD People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs of the Soviet Union; being spared exile to Siberia; being cleared of all charges and his passport was returned; being caught by Germans in Minsk, Belarus; being sent to a military camp outside of Minsk; fleeing the camp; living in the Baranowice ghetto; living with partisans in Rovno, Poland Ukraine ; participating in the NAKAM the Jewish Avengers ; living in Italy with the Jewish Brigade; being caught by the British; internment in Cyprus; immigration to Israel; and adjustment to a new life.

Also contains a photograph of Sala Parasol, Halina Kleiner's maternal aunt, before the war; a photograph of Itschak Silberschatz, Halina Kleiner's maternal uncle, before the war; a photograph of Hana Silberschatz, Halina Kleiner's maternal grandmother, before the war; Prostitutes Nowa Sol photograph of Bejrisch Silberschatz, Halina Kleiner's maternal grandfather, before the war; a photograph of Sarah and Leibel Silberschatz, Halina Kleiner's maternal uncle and his wife, in the early s; a photograph of Halina Kleiner in ; a photograph of Halina Kleiner and her mother in ; a photograph of Halina Kleiner and an American soldier, one of her liberators, in ; and a photograph of Halina Kleiner, her husband, and her two daughters in Henry Ricklis, born in New Jersey, discusses his brief observations of the liberation of Dachau; being drafted into the US Army; going to basic training at Fort Knox; doing Army Specialized Training Program ASTP ; going overseas and arriving in Le Havre, France in the winter; moving eastward through France, Holland, Belgium, and Germany; arriving in Dachau in ; seeing emaciated people; speaking to a Prostitutes Nowa Sol former prisoners who spoke in Yiddish and Polish; seeing primarily men who were gaunt-looking and incoherent; and his feelings of revulsion, disbelief at the camp.

These additional online resources from the U. Holocaust Memorial Museum will help you learn more about the Holocaust and research your family history. The Holocaust Encyclopedia provides an overview of the Holocaust using text, photographs, maps, artifacts, and personal histories. Research family history relating to the Holocaust and explore Prostitutes Nowa Sol Museum's collections about individual survivors and victims of the Prostitutes Nowa Sol and Nazi persecution.

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This reference provides text, photographs, charts, maps, and extensive indexes. Skip to main content The Reading Room at the Prostitutes Nowa Sol Center is open to the public, with limitations and by appointment only. The Fifth Floor reading room remains closed. Reference questions, including those regarding access to collections, may be directed to reference ushmm.

For questions about donating materials, please contact curator ushmm. Please do not send any materials until explicitly directed to do so by curatorial staff. Thank you for your understanding. Back to Results New Search. Oral history Prostitutes Nowa Sol with Mila Bachner. Interviewee Ms. Mila Bachner. Interviewer Bernard Weinstein. Date interview: July Language English.

Expand all. About This Oral History.

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Keywords and Subjects. Death march survivors. Death marches. Forced labor.

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Holocaust survivors--United States--Interviews. Holocaust, Jewish --Personal narratives. Jews--Legal status, laws, etc. World War, Concentration camps--Liberation. World War, Medical care--Austria. Women--Personal narratives.

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Geographic Name Austria--Emigration and immigration. Potsdam Germany United States--Emigration and immigration. World War, Campaigns--Poland.

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Personal Name Bachner, Mila, Administrative History. Legal Status Permanent Collection. Rights and Restrictions. Conditions on Access No restrictions on access. Conditions on Use No restrictions on use. Also in Oral history interviews of the Holocaust Resource Center at Kean University collection Oral history interviews with Holocaust survivors and concentration camp liberators. Oral history interview with Judit Gottdiener Oral History Judit Gottdiener, born in in Budapest, Hungary, describes her early childhood in Budapest; her recollections of enjoyable family life and religious experience; the Royal Air Force bombing Prostitutes Nowa Sol her father's tobacco accessories store; her memories of wearing a yellow star; her family's attempt to escape to Palestine; her transport to Bergen-Belsen; participating in the daily counting; her memories of Yom Kippur in Bergen-Belsen; her Prostitutes Nowa Sol to a Red Prostitutes Nowa Sol Camp in Switzerland; Prostitutes Nowa Sol memories of her grandparents' deaths in the Budapest ghetto; her marriage to Ernest in ; her move back to Vienna, Austria, from the United States in ; and her permanent move Prostitutes Nowa Sol the United States in Oral history interview with Clara Kramer Oral History Clara Kramer born in discusses Prostitutes Nowa Sol childhood in Zholkva, Poland now ZHovkva, Ukraine ; her memories of a "vibrant" Jewish life in Zholkva before German invasion in ; antisemitism in the s; her recollections of the slow changes to Jewish status in the town after ; the April Aktion in Zholkva; the Prostitutes Nowa Sol in Zholkva and transports to Belzec concentration camp, starting in the summer of ; her time helping people who jumped off transport trains; her time hiding for 22 months after the November 22, Aktion with her family and others in the home of a Polish family, the Becks; her memories of Mr.

Oral history interview with Sonya Oshman Oral History Sonya Oshman, born on December 17,discusses her childhood in Novogrudok, Poland now Navahrudak, Belarus ; growing up in a wealthy family; her family's near deportation to Serbia by the Russians; her Polish neighbors being sometimes helpful and sometimes antisemitic; her sister's death in a German bombing raid; the elderly and Prostitutes Nowa Sol very young being murdered first; young people being used in forced labor; her memories of her father before his death Prostitutes Nowa Sol a concentration camp; her family's escape from a ghetto through a Prostitutes Nowa Sol the "Aktion" in the ghetto following their escape; her brother's immigration to Israel following liberation; her five years in a displaced persons camp in Italy; and her move to the United States with her husband in Oral history interview with Liesel Mayerfeld Oral History Liesel Mayerfeld, born indiscusses her early childhood in Frankfurt, Germany; her memories of pre-war life in Frankfurt; her memories of Kristallnacht in November ; her father's deportation to Buchenwald concentration camp during Kristallnacht; her move to the Netherlands with her sister following Kristallnacht; her life in the Netherlands with her uncle; her mother's Prostitutes Nowa Sol to get her father released from Buchenwald; her father's release from Buchenwald; her father's travel to England in July ; her mother's travel with an infant son to England in August ; moving to England in January of ; her family's move to Detroit, MI in ; her reaction to American culture and the English language; her brother's move to Israel; and her current life in Elizabeth, NJ.

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Oral history interview with Clara Kramer Oral History Clara Kramer born in discusses her childhood in Zholkva, Poland now ZHovkva, Ukraine ; her memories of a "vibrant" Jewish life in Zholkva before Prostitutes Nowa Sol invasion in ; antisemitism in the s; her recollections of the slow changes to Jewish status in the town after ; the April Aktion in Zholkva; the curfew in Prostitutes Nowa Sol and transports to Belzec concentration camp, starting in the summer of ; her time helping people who jumped off transport trains; her time hiding for 22 click after the November 22, Aktion with her family and others in the home of a Polish family, the Becks; her memories of Mr. Sol video Telephones of Girls Nowa Sol Oral history interview with Hugo Princz Oral History Hugo Princz, born read more November 20,discusses his childhood in Slivnik, Czechoslovakia Slovakia ; antisemitism and the anti-Jewish Sol in Slivnik; Nowa memories Prostitutes Nowa Sol the Hlinkova Guard; his father's unsuccessful struggle to prove his American citizenship and emigrate from Czechoslovakia; the brutality of the SS; his transport with his Nowa to Majdanek concentration camp in Lublin, Poland; his parents' transport Sol Majdanek to Treblinka concentration camp Prostitutes Nowa Sol Poland; his transport from Majdanek and Prostitutes in Auschwitz concentration camp; his brother's selection due Sol a Go here Prostitutes Nowa Sol while in the Prostitutes Nowa Sol factory in Auschwitz III concentration camp; his work for I. The Holocaust Encyclopedia provides an overview of the Holocaust using text, photographs, maps, artifacts, and personal histories. Also contains a photograph of Leon and another soldier in their army uniforms. Edit Dita Kraus, Prostitutes Nowa Sol in Prague, Czechoslovakia Czech Republic on July 12,describes her assimilated Jewish family; going into the Terezin Theresienstadt ghetto in ; participating in cultural activities in the ghetto, including operas, drawing and painting, and taking art lessons from Friedl Brandeis; the death of many of her older relatives in the ghetto; being sent to Auschwitz in Decemberwhere she thought about Luxembourg Prostitutes suicide; being moved to a work camp in Hamburg, Germany, where she removed debris of collapsed buildings and worked in distilleries along the Elba River; being sent to another forced labor camp, Neugraben, then camp Tiefstock, and then to Bergen Belsen; her return to Prague; and her immigration to Israel. Oral history interview with Menachem Granek Oral History Menachem Granek, born indiscusses his childhood in Chepitz, Poland; organizing Prostitutes Nowa Sol Betar youth movement in ; his schooling; pre-war antisemitism; joining the Polish Army for two years; being taken as a prisoner of war by Germany; being sent to Lipowa camp in Lublin, Poland in July ; escaping the camp and Prostitutes Nowa Sol home; organizing a resistance group; the head of the Judenrat; being conscripted for forced labor for eight months in and working on the Autostrada with Russian POWs; being injured and going to a hospital in Sosnowiec, Poland; returning home; going to Sosnowiec; helping with the underground movement; escaping deportation; living under an assumed identity in a Mercedes-Benz work camp in Oppeln, Germany; liberation by the Soviets; and illegally immigrating to Israel via France in

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Oral history interview with Manoss Diamant Oral History Manoss Prostitutes Nowa Sol, born in in Katowice, Poland, discusses his family and childhood; his education; being in a Zionist youth group; escaping to Warsaw, Poland in ; being forced into the Sosnowiec ghetto in ; being in a resistance group; the activities of the Judenrat who collaborated with Germans; being selected for work by the Germans; his sabotage activities; escaping from the ghetto; working in Austria under an assumed identity; being caught and sent Prostitutes Nowa Sol a camp near Vienna, Austria; passing as a doctor and working in a hospital Prostitutes Nowa Sol Graz, Austria; escaping to Hungary and joining a work group in Budapest; the Germans entering Hungary in March ; being liberated by the Soviets in January ; and his post-war feelings about perpetrators. Dan Zimerman, born in Budapest, Hungary, Prostitutes Nowa Soldiscusses moving to Poprad, Czechoslovakia Slovakia ; his family; joining the Hashomer Hatzair and Hachsara; what they knew about the fate of European Jews in ; joining the Slovak Army in ; traveling to Bratislava, Slovakia; his parents and two brothers escaping to Budapest, Hungary, and life there; his connections to the underground; making false papers; German invasion of Budapest Check this out 19, ; escaping to Romania; hiding in Arad, Romania, and traveling throughout Europe to Haifa, Palestine Israel.

Nowa Sól (Nowa Sól, 新蘇爾, Nova Sul, Nowa Sól, Nowa Sol, 新蘇爾, Nova Sulė)