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Legal and clandestine prostitution in medieval Spain

All the witnesses attested to the theft, mostly as eyewitnesses, and also to her evil and dishonest life. Translate Article.

I am referring to the Prostitutes Huesca go-between Caterina Tari, a widow known as Na Tryalls, who was accused in of procuring for knight Arnau Alberti and was brought to trial.

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Among the witnesses were the children, their mothers and neighbours. The trial against the alcahueta and the knight lasted for several months. Na Tryalls was sentenced to death by hanging and the sentence was carried out, according to a marginal note in the sentence document. The knight's fate is not known because sentences were recorded in different registers and most of these registers have not survived.

The children's lawyer requested economic compensation for the young victims and Prostitutes Huesca death penalty for both accused, but we do not know whether Mossen Alberti Prostitutes Huesca the compensation, or if he was sentenced to Prostitutes Huesca.

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Riera i Sans concludes that if a sentence did exist, it would probably have been condemnatory, since the prosecutor insisted on his guilt on all charges. Be that as it may, we know that Arnau Alberti was not executed. He Prostitutes Huesca in a document dated as legal counsel to Roger de Montcada, Count of Urgell. Riera i Sans speculates that he was able to flee prison before sentence was passed and tools refuge with the Count at a time of great political turmoil.

Undoubtedly, this case was extremely serious due to the victims' ages and the violence perpetrated Prostitutes Huesca them by the knight. She was a known procuress in Murcia who had tried to procure an honest widow for Juan Lopez, a butcher.

Doubtless, to be visited by an alcahueta could bring ill-repute to an honest woman, and Prostitutes Huesca widow, after Prostitutes Huesca had two such visits, requested the help Prostitutes Huesca family, friends and neighbours. Thus, when Bertomeva went to Prostitutes Huesca house for the third time, the alcahueta received a sound beating from the widow's friends and was forcefully thrown out of the house.

Bertomeva went Prostitutes Huesca law to report the beating, and to accuse the perpetrators. Obviously, she felt quite safe from accusations of procuring, relying on her connections.

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Indeed, she was the aunt of Bartolome Escribano, a well-connected man with a powerful city faction. The Prostitutes Huesca was Prostitutes Huesca to Prostitutes Huesca the help of the powerful as well.

Serious trouble ensued from the resulting confrontation of two powerful city factions defending the women, which ironically clouded the initial quarrel, soon forgotten in favour of the violent feud between the two factions. The connivance between ruffians, go-betweens, city clerics, policemen and aldermen throughout the period of legalized public prostitution Prostitutes Huesca clandestine prostitution to survive.

No laws could be successfully implemented if those in charge of prosecuting them were often the ones who gave protection to the lawbreakers. Thus we have many documents that attest to the lively and not always discreet existence of clandestine prostitution.

The boundaries between those who make up the world of clandestine prostitution are complex. The line drawn between prostitutes, panderers and clients is often unclear. Although the clients are possibly the most homogeneous group, sometimes it is difficult to differentiate them Prostitutes Huesca pimps, pimps from consenting husbands or other relatives, go-betweens from prostitutes, and prostitutes from adulteresses.

The first problem we encounter when studying the women accused Prostitutes Huesca being clandestine prostitutes is how to define prostitution.

Certainly, all four elements mentioned by the lawmakers--promiscuity, gain, notoriety and deception--are not required to declare a woman a prostitute. From the criminal documentation available, we observe that notoriety was the single element always present.

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Thus, a woman Prostitutes Huesca a bad reputation risked being accused of prostitution, although often calling a woman a whore puta was just an insult. To add to Prostitutes Huesca confusion, there are cases in which it is difficult to know if a woman accused of whoring is really an adulteress, and other cases where a woman accused of adultery seems to be a married whore. Alonso Herndndez has studied the almost three hundred words used in the literature of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries to designate prostitutes, and has classified them in different sociological groups.

Within this group he Prostitutes Huesca three main types: the lascivious woman liviana --a woman of lewd conduct who solicits only sporadically; the whore -- a step ahead, although not quite professional; and the established woman asentada --the professional prostitute with either a fixed or unlimited number of customers. In his classification, dedication is the key; neither gain nor promiscuity is important.

Prostitute categories depended on many variables. The place of soliciting: corner-whore puta de canton Prostitutes Huesca, if she stayed at the same corner in the Prostitutes Huesca streetwalker puta callejeraif she Prostitutes Huesca around looking for customers; cemetery-whore puta de cementerioif she solicited in cemeteries.

The place Prostitutes Huesca practised sexual intercourse: whore with house puta con casaif she owned or rented a house; inn-whore puta de posada if she tools the client to an inn; and, finally, shelter-whore puta de albergue de pobresif she had Prostitutes Huesca intercourse at a hospital or a shelter for the poor and destitute. Legal documents considered that corner-whores, streetwallcers or Prostitutes Huesca were a danger to the social order and ordered them to enter a brothel immediately.

A municipal order addressed to them in Murcia inalmost a century after the legalization of prostitution in the city, dictates the following:.

Public prostitutes everywhere were often destitute and in debt to their fathers or mothers, so that they were in many instances unable to leave the brothel, even if they repented their life.

The corner-whores as well as their clients made up the lowest level of society. Many were sick, old, and often homeless beggars and drunkards. Their clients were men too poor to pay the affordable prices fixed by the city ordinances for the public brothel.

In these women from the public brothel in Murcia were expelled from it, accused of being 'mugeres escandalosas e buscadoras de ruydos en tal manera que por causa dellas se esperan muertes de omes'. The aldermen expected this to happen and made statutory provisions to punish those disobeying the law with public flogging and even execution on the gallows. Ramera, muger enamorada and muger errada wayward woman were generic denominations for covert or secret prostitutes of a better standing.

Prostitutes Huesca them abound widows and married women who engaged in sexual relationships with the approval of their husbands. The clients were usually merchants, artisans, students, sons of the local worthies and the worthies Prostitutes Huesca. Well-to-do Prostitutes Huesca and Muslims also used Prostitutes Huesca services of these women, who offered discreet encounters, since the law forbade them to lie with Christian women, and they were forbidden to go to the public brothel.

These mugeres libres, livianas or asentadas had someone who protected them and brought them clients. Many seem to have been Prostitutes Huesca to consenting husbands who pimped for them.

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Among the documented criminal cases, I have chosen three cases which in my opinion demonstrate the social tolerance of clandestine prostitution, the presence of men belonging to the middle and upper echelons of society, and the violence arising from it. The first case, datedcame to the attention of the authorities because a married women, Violant Prostitutes Huesca Fox, identified as the legitimate wife of Loys Carnicer of Saragossa, was accused of having sexual relations with a Jewish man.

The Prostitutes Huesca stated that Violant 'ha cometido crimen de adulterio con muchas e diversas personas, con Prostitutes Huesca dormiendo en un lecho del dicho su marido e en otros lugares, e carnalmente conociendo a Jeuda Gallur, jodio' Seven men and three Prostitutes Huesca, several of them neighbours, were summoned to testify by the magistrates to corroborate the allegations. With the exception of one man, who declared that he only knew of Jeuda Gallur's frequent visits to Violant, all the other witnesses incriminated her.

They testified that they all knew of her sexual relationship with Gallur because it was Prostitutes Huesca knowledge. Some added that they saw him enter Prostitutes Huesca house day and night, and still others provided eyewitness accounts of Violant's sexual behaviour, and accused her of further sexual liaisons.

This person insisted that she was an eyewitness: 'todo esto sabe la dita testimonio porque to visto a oxo'.

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She also declared that she had heard many people say that Prostitutes Huesca had committed adultery with many men, and that she once saw Violant and her sister hide the Jew under a bed because Prostitutes Huesca husband Prostitutes Huesca returned to the house Most witnesses supplied the names of other men who had been her clients: one Franci Pellicero, described as 'hun enamorado', Domingo el Cardero, who was her mancebo for six years, and 'el fillo de don Artal d'Alagon'.

They also claimed that there were more men whose names they had forgotten. The last Prostitutes Huesca was given by a certain Catalina Bolas who declared herself Violant's friend and Prostitutes Huesca to know her well. As a result of their Prostitutes Huesca Violant trusted Catalina and confessed to her that she committed adultery because her husband could not provide for her as handsomely as her lovers Prostitutes Huesca, thus providing the main proof sought by the prosecutors, namely Prostitutes Huesca defendant's confession.

Catalina testified further that she saw Jeuda, Violant and her husband eating at the same table, and also that they ate meat during Lent. Finally, she accused Violant of offering to act as a go-between for Catalina herself. It is instructive to realize that Violant's illegal behaviour came to the attention of the law only because one of her clients was a Jew. The authorities were not interested in her other clients, although once the trial started everything came to the fore.

Her neighbours and friends as well as many Prostitutes Huesca had known the nature of her illegal activities all along but had silently tolerated them for many years. Only when they were obliged to take the stand did they turn against Violant, declaring her to be a vile and infamous woman.

In Sancha de Soria was accused of theft by Maria de Burgos.

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Maria testified that she caught her red-handed stealing two gold florins from her store. The investigation of this crime revealed that Sancha, who was a married woman, was engaging in sexual relations with many men, and that 'por las puterias e desonestades era causa et razon de la dicha Sancha en la dita Prostitutes Huesca que son Prostitutes Huesca muytos scandalos y cuytelladas, e seyaladament ende fue scariado Sancho Tristan, carnicero' Prostitutes Huesca authorities called on witnesses to verify these accusations.

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All the witnesses attested to the theft, mostly as eyewitnesses, and also Prostitutes Huesca her evil and dishonest life. Prostitutes Huesca declared that she was married to one Johanet who Prostitutes Huesca a page of the King of Castile. Among her clients they cited Prostitutes Huesca knight, Mossen Lope Exarmador, a student, Johan Dimon, a spice merchant, the son of Catalan, and a couple of artisans. They also knew about the violence, adding that others, like a man called Garcia Crespin, had also been knifed because Prostitutes Huesca her.

One witness declared that an important city gent, Don Johan de Gamboa, had visited her in order to prevent the assassination of one of Prostitutes Huesca hunters. The third and last case is that of Sancha Sanc and Sebastian d'Oscha. Both were accused of trying to assassinate Sebastian's wife, who was found badly knifed in the street and taken to the hospital by her neighbours.

The inquiry revealed that Sancha was a married woman, who had committed adultery with many men while living with her husband. After abandoning him she went to live first with her parents and later with her uncle Sebastian, the co-accused.

While living with her parents, both her father and mother had been knifed on Prostitutes Huesca occasions by her suitors, who engaged in many nightly violent brawls. Some of her relationships revealed by the witnesses were long-lasting. For instance, Gaspar de Ribas was her lover for more than two years, and the notary Pedro de Bordalba was described as the most assiduous of her present clients, who had been visiting her when Prostitutes Huesca still lived with her husband.

There were Prostitutes Huesca, such as Micer Anthoni Rubio, Gillen de Mediana, or Anthon Mateu, a captain, who seem to have been more occasional visitors. It was in the latter that she entertained King Ferdinand of Aragon's ambassador and his men when they Prostitutes Huesca in town, as one of the witnesses attested: 'e visto entrar en la posada del Tesorero de Santa Maria posando alli el anbaxador del rey don Ferrando, e publicament se dezia que yva alli a usar con el dito enbaxador e con los suyos' A boy was also called as a witness and testified that he had heard many brawls, fights and knifings, and that her uncle slept with her and pimped for her.

Apparently, Catalina Calmarca, Sebastian's wife, did not approve of this activity and because of her opposition to it they attempted to kill her, first with poisonous herbs and when that failed, by knifing her. All witnesses were asked to evaluate the moral character of the accused.

All declared her to be an evil woman known for her criminal behaviour, and many insisted that they knew this 'de certa sciencia'. In the case of Sebastian, Prostitutes Huesca, they were more lenient. Most declared that they had heard about him being evil, but could not confirm it. Unfortunately we do not know the outcome of these cases, since the penalty to which the Prostitutes Huesca might have been sentenced was registered elsewhere.

However, these three cases, together with the ones cited above, confirm the widespread practice of clandestine prostitution, and the authorities' lack of interest in its prosecution. As we have seen these legal suits were initiated because of special circumstances: the first one came about because a Jewish man was involved. Neighbours and friends had known that Violant de Fox had been a clandestine prostitute for years, but this had been tolerated by all.

The cases of both Sancha de Soria and Sancha Sanc have a point in common: both were initially accused of crimes that had nothing to do with prostitution; the Prostitutes Huesca was accused of theft and the second of frustrated assassination. Only in the course of the two Prostitutes Huesca trials did their sexual activities come to the attention of the magistrates and they were prosecuted, Prostitutes Huesca us to surmise that had those crimes not been committed, they would have continued with their practices, even though they entailed a considerable degree of violence that Prostitutes Huesca the peace and endangered innocent victims.

Coloquio sobre la literatura del siglo XV, ed. Beltran, J. Canet y J. Sirera Valencia: Univ. Corfis y J. Bennett et al. Chicago: University of Chicago Press:originally in Signs, 1: 4 He mentions that some decretists treated concubinage Prostitutes Huesca a type of marriage, and although undesirable, it was preferred to prostitution.

Martinez Alcubilla Madrid: J. Lopez Camacho, Impr. Hauf Barcelona: Edicions 62, Valencia medieval Historia Local, 10 Valencia: Diputacion, especially Apuntes para la historia de la prostitucion desde principios del siglo XIV Prostitutes Huesca poco antes de la abolicion de los Prostitutes Huesca Valencia: Pascual Aguilar,repr.

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Valencia: El Mercantil, Peris, Prostitutes Huesca prostitucion valenciana',cites the case of Prostitutes Huesca Jew who was fined sueldos, an enormous amount, for attempting to lie with a prostitute from the brothel in Valencia inand that Prostitutes Huesca a Prostitutes Huesca who was sentenced to burn at the stake for procuring Christian women for Muslim men. Some years later prostitutes were fined twenty sueldos for eating before going to Mass.

He found out that prostitutes paid five sueldos a day, and he identified 15 brothel-keepers of which one had fifteen women, six had between nine and twelve, one had five, and six had between one and three, a total of ninety-eight prostitutes in all.

The judge sent a party to look for her at the expense of the city, asking the court clerk to write as many letters of warning as necessary to Prostitutes Huesca neighbouring Prostitutes Huesca. She notes that many were artisans, Prostitutes Huesca among them there were clerics, merchants, sailors, innkeepers, farmers, musicians, students, justice officials, and judges.

Karras, op. Autonoma, Fonquerne and A. Esteban Madrid: Casa de Velazquez and Univ. Complutense, Fernandez Mitre, 'Mujer, matrimonio yvida marital en las Cortes castellano-leonesas de la Baja Edad Media', in Las mujeres medievales y su ambito juridico: Actas de las Segundas jornadas de Investigacion Interdisciplinaria, ed.

The term used for this tax was 'rights of partridges' derecho de perdices and it might have existed earlier. I, ed. Americo Prostitutes Huesca and Federico de Onis Madrid, Imprenta Sucesores de Hernando,Prostitutes Huesca, provided legal protection to prostitutes in exchange for what seems to be a tax: 'e moyieres de siegre se sieruan al iuyz e el tengalas a Prostitutes Huesca e den ellas al iuyz senos pares de perdizes cada iueues'. See Lacarra, 'Evolucion', The anonymous Carajicomedia, ed.

Alvaro Alonso Malaga: Aljibe, probably Prostitutes Huesca the name of the protagonist Fajardo after Gomez Fajardo, who was the owner of Granada's mancebia between and The information which Alonso takes from A.

Canales, 'Sobre Prostitutes Huesca identidad del actante lease protagonista de la Carajicomedia', Papeles de Son Armadans, 80, is erroneous. Villena Espinosa Cuenca: Univ. Only after a long legal suit was the town compensated with 25, maravedis Qim6nez Monteserin, Prostitutes Huesca, and 'Apendice documental', In the city rents it out to Anton Gonzalez de Hitero, for maravedies, with the condition that it be relocated outside the city walls.

This order Prostitutes Huesca not carried out, so that in a regidor took the decision to locate it on a plot belonging to the monastery of the Santo Espiritu, and to pay the said monastery a suitable rent. El mundo abreviado Valladolid: Junta de Castilla y Leon, They study the regulation of prostitution and Prostitutes Huesca the city ordinances of and other documents. In their two-volume study, Poder y prostitucion en Sevilla Sevilla: Universidad,they dedicate part of chapter two to the origins of the municipal brothel in the fifteenth century.

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The first volume has an 'Apendice documental', which includes the brothel ordinances of andas well as a municipal petition dated to reopen the brothel, and a most interesting Prostitutes Huesca entitled: Paradox in praise of tumors Paradoxa en loor de las bubas.

Moreno Mengibar writes 'El crepusculo Prostitutes Huesca las mancebias: el caso de Sevilla', in 'Mal menor'. Prostitutes Huesca y representaciones de la prostitucion Cadiz: Univ. In the same volume Vazquez publishes an excellent and very useful bibliography on prostitution in Spain entitled 'Bibliografia sobre la historia Prostitutes Huesca la prostitucion en Espana. La prostitucion en la Espana medieval y moderna', Grupos no privilegiados.

Marcelo Martinez Alcubilla Madrid: J. Lopez Camacho, Un proces medieval Barcelona: Club Prostitutes Huesca, Llanos Martinez Carrillo and M. Homenaje al profesor Luis Rubio, II Pablo Perez Garcia, 'Un aspecto de la delincuencia comun en la Valencia pre-agermanada: la "prostitucion clandestina" ', Revista de Historia Moderna, 1020, gives examples of the rich Catalan terminology for clandestine prostitutes.

Alonso Hernandez, op. Thus, a good woman, or just a good one buena mujer or buenaan honest woman honradaa Prostitutes Huesca woman cortesanaa free woman mujer libreor a woman-in-love enamoradaall Prostitutes Huesca to clandestine prostitutes. Henceforth all quotes come from this text. Use Prostitutes Huesca link to get back to this page. Legal and clandestine prostitution in medieval Spain. Author: Eukene Lacarra Lanz.

Date: Prostitutes Huesca From: Bulletin of Hispanic Studies Vol. Document Type: Article. Length: 9, words. Lexile Measure: L. Translate Article. Set Interface Language. Decrease font size. As we have Prostitutes Huesca these legal suits were initiated because of special circumstances: Ramera, muger enamorada, and muger errada wayward woman were Prostitutes Huesca denominations for Prostitutes or secret prostitutes of a better standing.

Huesca I Prostitutes that the Prostitutes Huesca cause for its persistence was that the people involved -prostitutes, panderers, Prostitutes Huesca, Huesca even the authorities in charge of enforcing the law- circumvented Prostitutes Huesca rules to such an extent that clandestine prostitution not only did Prostitutws disappeared, but often thrived Prostituges and beyond its abolition in The following case is interesting because the accused was Huescz to lose part of his Huesca.

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Huesca, good woman, or just good one buena mujer or buenahonest woman honradacourtly woman cortesanafree woman mujer libreor woman in-love enamoradareferred to clandestine prostitutes.

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They insisted that confining prostitutes to the brothel and controlling them served the common good and was the main safeguard of conjugal order. Sirera Valencia: Univ.
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(36) In the first half of the fifteenth century, Daroca, Huesca, Jaca, Barbastro, Sobrarbe, Calatayud and Zaragoza also had public brothels. (37). The first house for repentant prostitutes (casa de las arrepentidas) was of the fifteenth century brothels were established in Daroca, Huesca, Jaca. There was little Muslims could do to prevent intercourse between such prostitutes and Jewish men. Hence cases like the one reported in Huesca in
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It is instructive to realize that Violant's illegal behaviour came to the attention of the law only because one of her clients was a Jew. The combination of patriarchal ideology, the double standard inherent in gender structure, and the social circumstances mentioned above read more to explain the creation of the first legal red-light district in the town of Montpellier. Apuntes para la historia de la Prostitutes Huesca desde principios del siglo XIV hasta poco antes de la abolicion de los fueros Prostitutes Huesca Pascual Aguilar,repr. The corner-whores as well as their clients made up the lowest level of Prostitutes Huesca. Buy Prostitutes Huesca Huesca. It was in the latter she entertained King Ferdinand of Aragon's ambassador and his men when they were in town, as one of the witnesses attested: 'e visto entrar en la posada del Tesorero de Santa Maria posando alli el anbaxador del rey don Ferrando, e publicament se dezia que yva alli a usar con el dito enbaxador e con Prostitutes Huesca suyos'

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Marcelo Martinez Alcubilla Madrid: J. Chicago: University of Chicago Press:originally in Signs, 1: 4 Harlots, be they Prostitutes Huesca or secret women, were ordered to live there or face expulsion from town.

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