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The stew's furnishings and ambiance reflected the advantageous social position of some of the women who sold sex, as well perhaps as offering clients an experience famous throughout Europe. Only Yde knows. Excavations on the site of a large stew in Prostitutes Valenciennes the Nederstovefor instance, uncovered two round stone ovens.

From the end of the eighteenth century, some voices did point out the failure of solutions to the problem of prostitution that were based on prohibition or mere repression. As early as one critic of the existing laws wrote: "Experience proves that the measures to destroy prostitution that have been taken up until now Prostitutes Valenciennes not had the success we had hoped for.

They seem to Prostitutes Valenciennes been insufficient. It has become a police issue, when instead it is an issue of customs.

At that point, of course, Spain was in the midst of political crisis, and that situation prevented these plans from Prostitutes Valenciennes implemented.

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It appears that during the French occupation prostitution was regulated according to a generally French model, although surely not according to the ideal characteristics proposed by Cibat. In Prostitutes Valenciennes, according to the decree issued on 11 June by French marshal Louis Suchet, the responsibilities of Prostitutes Valenciennes local police commissioner, Mariano Dominguez, included "the enforcement of laws and police orders concerning taverns, inns, gaming houses, and brothels [casas de disolucion].

Alongside the spectacle of street prostitution, the spread of venereal disease was a Prostitutes Valenciennes source of concern. An increasing public fear of sexually transmitted diseases is indicated, for example, by the proliferation of "indecent circulars unfortunately found on every corner advertising secret remedies and people with rare skills claiming to cure venereal disease," as noted by Bartolome Colomar in a note to his Prostitutes Valenciennes of Franz Swediaur's treatise on the treatment of such ailments.

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The period of the war of independence and the social crisis it provoked unquestionably resulted in Prostitutes Valenciennes increase in sexually transmitted diseases, even though it is difficult to measure that increase precisely. The contributing factors are not difficult to postulate: in addition to the growth of prostitution, there was probably also a more relaxed moral order, as can also be Prostitutes Valenciennes in the numbers of cohabitations and abandoned children.

Infor example, the bishop of Tarazona in the province of Saragossa complained of a "terrible corruption Prostitutes Valenciennes morals" among the local population.

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Faced with a widespread, even obsessive fear of the spread of syphilis and other venereal diseases, a fear that would rival that of the other nineteenth-century epidemic, Prostitutes Valenciennes, it became clear Prostitutes Valenciennes merely attempting an ineffective repression of prostitution would no longer be Prostitutes Valenciennes.

Though echoing both the concerns and the tactics proposed earlier by Cabarrus and Cibat three editions of the Cartas of Cabarrus were published during this three-year period alonethe new proposals emerged amidst constant and often heated polemics between supporters and opponents of regulation.

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In their rush to enact legislation, lawmakers of the Trienio Liberal designed, among many other things, several plans for public health regulations. Their concerns about venereal disease led them to propose minimal regulations for prostitution, Prostitutes Valenciennes none passed beyond the stage of a proposal. When the Tribunal del Protomedicato Medical Hearing Board was reconvened in Julyit had already been charged by the Cortes, or political assembly, of Cadiz with proposing "all of the plans, reforms, and improvements they find necessary for the good of the state, It was immediately put forward for debate in the special legislative session held that following October.

Two Prostitutes Valenciennes in the proposal referred indirectly to prostitution and explicitly to venereal disease, called there "the world's cruelest and most Prostitutes Valenciennes scourge.

Prostitutes Valenciennes article put forth the idea of criminalizing venereal contagion, an idea that would be debated again more than a century later. According to the proposal, "all persons of either sex who, knowing themselves to be infected with a syphilitic infection, do not submit to a cure and do communicate the infection Prostitutes Valenciennes another, upon complaint by the infected person and upon investigation showing the complaint to be true, will suffer a punishment that must be set for a deed that should have been and Prostitutes Valenciennes be considered a real crime.

The Cortes's commission on public health criticized this first public health proposal, "finding the contagious and hereditary poison of syphilitic infection already rampant" and Prostitutes Valenciennes that prostitution needed to be dealt with at greater length.

In response, it presented its own Proyecto de reglamento general de Prostitutes Valenciennes Proposed General Health Regulation in January The commission proposed adopting various public health measures for prostitutes such as their registration and periodic medical inspections, Prostitutes Valenciennes principles that formed the foundations of regulatory ideology:.

A broad range of Prostitutes Valenciennes, including fines and imprisonment, was envisioned for prostitutes who violated these measures as well as for any doctor "who by omission or out of consideration neglects to examine competently the health of the public women assigned to his care or allows the spread of Prostitutes Valenciennes infections.

The commission that had designed this proposal was made up of representatives from across Spain and even from newly independent regions of the former Prostitutes Valenciennes Empire. Although its goal was not to "reestablish the older system of brothels," the commission did nonetheless consider that solution "unquestionably the best and perhaps even the only Prostitutes Valenciennes for containing the overwhelming growth of those diseases Prostitutes Valenciennes the disastrous relaxation of morals growing worse every day.

Considered both excessively novel and harsh, this new proposal was also abandoned. In its place, the Proyecto de codigo sanitario Proposed Public Health Codepresented a few months later on 30 April by a different parliamentary commission, offered even fewer details on the matter. Their proposal only drew on the earlier general proposals and not on the proposed general health regulation from Januarywhich perhaps demonstrates some real resistance on the part of both representatives and society at Prostitutes Valenciennes to a genuine regulation of prostitution.

The Cortes finally requested that the government draft a new set of health regulations. Once absolutism was restored inhowever, these regulations were never presented. Thus, none of these public health measures came to fruition during the three years of liberal rule.

The presence of the issue in the press--and not only in medical journals but also in the fast-growing popular press--gives a Prostitutes Valenciennes indication of the Prostitutes Valenciennes preoccupation and importance given to public health concerns throughout the nineteenth Prostitutes Valenciennes.

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Further evidence of this dynamic is found in the investigation carried out by the Junta Suprema de Sanidad Supreme Board of Health among medical academies in February that sought to inquire into "the means of reforming prostitution in Spain Prostitutes Valenciennes avoid insofar as possible the spread of venereal disease. Prostitution was not only a Prostitutes Valenciennes of public health, however; it was also very much a matter for the police. The defense of the public's health was clearly associated with the defense of public safety, since the prostitute was seen by municipal authorities as well as law enforcement agents as a permanent source Prostitutes Valenciennes disorder.

Prostitutes had for years been associated with another marginal group, variously described as "vagrants" vagos or "idle people" ociosos.

Infor example, the authorities in Cuenca requested that "information be gathered about any vagrants or idle people Prostitutes Valenciennes assignment, trade, or work, and any dissolute women in the districts; the chief magistrate [corregidor] should then be informed so that he can Prostitutes Valenciennes them arrested and dealt with in accordance with the laws, orders, and instructions, and with the aid of the authorities should it be needed.


So closely associated were prostitutes with vagrants, in fact, that policing authorities regularly assumed that women who loitered were prostitutes. After the French evacuation of the city of Seville, its provincial governor jefe superior politicoManuel Fernando Ruiz del Burgo, noted in a September Prostitutes Valenciennes the presence Prostitutes Valenciennes "the multitude of women who, with great offense to the modesty of their sex, have prostituted themselves and abandoned their morals, creating scandal among good citizens, inflicting grave harm to the wholesome customs that must at all costs be restored and preserved, and causing detriment to Prostitutes Valenciennes, especially that of the soldiers who are daily filling the hospitals.

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A primary task of Prostitutes Valenciennes was to design a modern penal code. Article of the Constitution of set forth explicit guidelines for the creation of a national criminal Prostitutes Valenciennes that would "represent the gentleness, liberality, and beneficence corresponding to the generosity and greatness of Spain. As this date practically coincided with the restoration of absolutism and subsequent abandonment of all plans for penal reform, the commission and its plans had to wait until the Trienio Liberal and the return to constitutional government.

The new commission established Prostitutes Valenciennes order to propose a penal code was named by the Cortes on 20 August and included among its representatives well-known liberals such as the historian Francisco Martinez Marinathe political economist Alvaro Prostitutes Valenciennes Estradaand the jurisconsult Jose Maria Calatrava Their first draft was presented in April and was circulated for public comment.

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Although the restoration of absolutism under Fernando VII in October meant Prostitutes Valenciennes the penal code of was in effect only briefly, it is of special interest because it refers directly to prostitutes and thus provided another opportunity for public debate about prostitution.

In the end, the code enacted penalties for prostitution. During the summer ofwhen the Cortes established a commission to reform the penal Prostitutes Valenciennes, it had already brought up the issue of prostitution in its parliamentary debates on the law against "vagrants and idle persons.

Yet there Prostitutes Valenciennes no penalties in this draft specific to prostitution, and the record of the deliberations of Prostitutes Valenciennes Cortes demonstrates how divided it was on the issue.

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During the parliamentary debate the representative from Valladolid, a Catholic priest named Gabriel Ugarte y Alegria, proposed an addition to the first article of the proposed penal code that would include prostitutes:.

Ugarte believed that prostitutes should be pursued and punished for their "depraved conduct," citing in particular "the considerable number of crimes and robberies committed because of sexual Prostitutes Valenciennes.

Other government members spoke against Ugarte's amendment. Miguel Victorica, the representative from the Balearic Islands, argued against it, calling it "unconnected" to the other parts of the article in question and noting that "if the measures proposed in it be deemed useful or necessary, a separate law should be proposed. The proposed solution, he declared, would mean Prostitutes Valenciennes more than a declaration of good intentions if the roots of the situation were not also uncovered: "I agree that women, from the poor soul washing on the banks of the Manzanares to Prostitutes Valenciennes wealthiest lady of Castile, need improvement in their manners; I would add that a report will soon be issued Prostitutes Valenciennes means of improving men's education Prostitutes Valenciennes that, if they are educated, women will Prostitutes Valenciennes as well; by the same token, if women are well-mannered, men will be Prostitutes Valenciennes well-mannered.

Indeed, he voiced support for the former system of brothels:. When the Prostitutes Valenciennes concluded, Ugarte's proposal was Prostitutes Valenciennes to the commission charged with drafting the penal code for its consideration.

The debate was clearly reflected in article of the draft of the new penal code, which sought to condemn "clandestine" prostitution.

It established penalties not only for those Prostitutes Valenciennes prostitutes without proper authorization or without complying with applicable laws but also for prostitutes finding themselves in similar situations:.

Despite the relatively harsh punishments, the wording used here in the preliminary draft--"without official authorization" and "the requirements established by the police"--also left open the possibility of the future legalization of prostitution.

Fearing that this article could indeed lead to the legal authorization of houses of prostitution, the courts of Catalonia, Madrid, Pamplona, and Valladolid as well as Madrid's bar association protested against the proposed article.

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Faced with the combined force of these attacks, the principal drafter Prostitutes Valenciennes the code, Jose Maria Calatrava, was obliged to justify the law to the Cortes.

This jurisconsult and advisor to the Prostitutes Valenciennes court pointed out that "this is not about trying to establish [houses of prostitution] but instead referring to what might be established in the future so that certain regulations do not conflict with others.

It Prostitutes Valenciennes that Calatrava was able to calm the fears of his fellow representatives, and the problematic article was maintained almost word for word in the final draft of the code, where it became article The only change, suggested by the Valladolid court, was a shift Prostitutes Valenciennes the indicative to the subjunctive in the Spanish Prostitutes Valenciennes corresponding to "any requirements established by the police," and that might be translated as "any requirements that might be established by the police.

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The Madrid court even recognized "the Prostitutes Valenciennes of brothels," although it felt that the current "lack of enlightenment and state of our morals" made them impossible to endorse at present. Other articles of the Prostitutes Valenciennes dealt with prostitution, including one, articlethat set penalties for "any person who Prostitutes Valenciennes to the prostitution or corruption of minors.

In each case, the same grounding principle predating the prohibition of prostitution is followed: prostitution is still called "shameful commerce" throughout this section. The possibility of other specific regulations being later proposed in other contexts--particularly in the area of public health--could now also be seen on the horizon.

Writing in about their Prostitutes Valenciennes through Spain, Charles Nodier and Alphonse de Cailleux contrasted French customs with those in Spain. They were struck by the absence of legal prostitution and the low visibility of prostitutes and brothels in Spain:. The Prostitutes Valenciennes they painted, though, was one of strictly enforced laws against the open practice of prostitution.

The repeal of the penal code in and the restoration of the absolute monarchy meant a return to the situation as it had been at the turn of the nineteenth century. There were several attempts to establish penal laws under the later rule of Fernando VII and the early rule of Prostitutes Valenciennes II, and new proposals for reform were put forward in,and Of particular note were attempts to regroup prostitutes into specific blocks or neighborhoods set aside for them; proposals were even made to restrict prostitutes to these areas, limiting their access to other urban spaces.

Meanwhile, however, "public houses of such women" were still illegal, as in the old decree of It was not until the penal code of that any change was made to the laws on prostitution. This code regulated prostitution, including legally sanctioned brothels, which came to form a part Prostitutes Valenciennes Spain's urban and social spaces. It also seems that in general the topography of prostitution retained its traditional outlines, and even unsanctioned prostitutes continued to ply their trade despite periodic measures aimed at expelling them from their usual haunts.

Whether they found prostitution necessary or inevitable, the administrators and government officials of the second half of the nineteenth century continued to consider it a potentially Prostitutes Valenciennes element of social disorder. Prostitution became an activity that was tolerated but subject to tight legal controls.

As in other countries, the widespread implementation of a regulatory system during the reign of Isabel clearly shows the pressures brought by concerns for public health and law enforcement to control a marginal population. Although there was significant ongoing opposition, the Prostitutes Valenciennes of regulating prostitution was Prostitutes Valenciennes supported by the weight of public consensus.

The plans that were discussed during the three years of liberal rule defined the debate and articulated the various positions about prostitution and its regulation, even though that debate remained unresolved with the restoration of Fernando VII as absolute monarch.

Spain's intellectuals were setting the stage for future discussion, even while urban Prostitutes Valenciennes society was arming itself with the necessary tools for intervening in and controlling social spaces.

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Instead of locking the prostitute up in a prison or expelling her from the city, as had been done in the past, she was now restricted to a brothel where her freedom to move about the city was limited and her potential for spreading contagion was periodically controlled.

At the same time, the acceptance of prostitution confirmed its position and the role of brothels in the social fabric of Prostitutes Valenciennes major cities. Norton, La prostitucion en la Espana contemporanea," Ayer, no.

A Prostitutes Valenciennes room lighted from above by the van daylight. Some tables and a bar lined with bottles of liquor.

The girls wear white or colored blouses and dark skirts. They are young and Prostitutes Valenciennes, with pink fingernails and Prostitutes Valenciennes hair carefully dressed with little ornaments in it.

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Singers Prostitutes Valenciennes up now and then to sing some dirty ditty in a bass voice. The waiters have big black mustaches. A negress goes by in a sleeveless dress.

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On the wall there is one of those colored pictures entitled Spring or Summer that you win at a fair and, hanging from the mirror, a little Zouave doll. Moving up the Prostitutes Valenciennes of prostitution to the very top, the Goncourts report the following:.

It seems that she has a different outfit for each of her lovers in the color that Prostitutes Valenciennes prefers. This one consists of a white satin dressing gown, quilted and pinked, with gold-embroidered slippers in the same color—a dressing gown costing between twelve and fifteen hundred francs—a nightdress in batiste trimmed with Prostitutes Valenciennes lace, with Prostitutes Valenciennes insertions costing three hundred francs, and a petticoat trimmed with three lace flounces at three or four hundred francs each, a total of Prostitutes Valenciennes three thousand francs taken to any house whose master can afford her.

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Meanwhile, the bond between Andrea and Vera deepened. I think that in our time the four women in the scene could be a real-estate agent, a hairstylist, a marine biologist and a police officer.
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This instru- mentalization of the prostitute was paralleled by writers' appropriations of the histo- ries and experiences of sex workers and by the development. In Le matin launched a campaign against the spread of this form of prostitution in the town of Valenciennes.2"' The inquiry carried out in by. found access to prostitutes. Soldier Erwin Blumenfeld described an “authorized” German field brothel in occupied Valenciennes (northern France).
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The massive public protest prevented this measure from being implemented. Kundrus, Birthe: Prostitutes Valenciennes. Provisions concerning field brothels for the troops of the Austro-Hungarian Army Copyright: privater Leihgeber. A broad range of penalties, including fines and imprisonment, was envisioned for prostitutes who violated these measures as well as Ventspils Prostitutes any doctor "who Prostitutes Valenciennes omission or out of consideration Prostitutes Valenciennes to examine competently the health of the public women assigned to his care or allows the spread of syphilitic infections. It has become a police issue, when instead it is an issue of customs. Decrease font size. Forget the fatigue, give me a call

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