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In addition, there were problems with societal abuses and discrimination based on religious affiliation, belief, or practice. During the two-hour walking tour of Buchenwald, both commemorated the victims of the Holocaust and the Nazi regime. The rise of a substantial Muslim minority at times continued Prostitutes Stadtallendorf lead to social conflict with religious, ethnic, and cultural overtones.

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Prostitutes Stadtallendorf rights Prostitutes Stadtallendorf. Are you an escort? No Yes What's your age? Religious Demography The country has an area ofsquare miles and a population of There are no official statistics on religious groups; however, unofficial estimates and figures provided by religious organizations give an approximate breakdown Prostitutes Stadtallendorf the membership of the country's denominations.

The data below are compiled from a variety of sources. The Roman Catholic Church has a membership of Together, Prostitutes Stadtallendorf two Churches account for nearly two-thirds of the population. Muslims number approximately 4.

There are no official figures on the number of religious conversions. The Prostitutes Stadtallendorf Islamarchiv Deutschland" the Central Institute of the Islamic Archives in Germany estimates that until the annual number of Prostitutes Stadtallendorf to Islam waslargely female Christian native citizens marrying Muslim men; however, since the annual number of conversions has increased into the thousands.

There are approximately 2, Islamic places of Prostitutes Stadtallendorf, including an estimated traditional architecture mosques, with more planned. Approximately 45 percent of Muslim immigrants have adopted the country's citizenship. Orthodox Christians number 1. Buddhists numberand Hindus 97, Jehovah's Witnesses Prostitutes Stadtallendorfactive missionary members and approximately 40, nonactive members.

The Church of Scientology operates 18 churches and missions, and according to Prostitutes Stadtallendorf reports, has 30, members. According to estimates, Jews number more than , of whichare registered members of the Jewish community. Of these registered community members,are immigrants and 4, are originally from the country.

From toapproximatelyJews and non-Jewish dependents from the countries of Prostitutes Stadtallendorf FSU arrived, joining 25, to 30, Jews already in the country. As a result of a more restrictive immigration policy regarding Jews from the FSU, the number of Jewish immigrants decreased to in from 1, in and 1, in The new policy was designed in cooperation with Jewish organizations in order to better manage the integration of individuals into the Jewish community.

An estimated 21 million persons one-quarter of the population either have no religious affiliation or are members of unrecorded religious organizations. Section II. The structure for managing church-state relations, established inhas been gradually adapting to the country's increasingly diverse religious composition. Religious organizations are not required to register with the state, and groups may organize themselves for private religious purposes without constraint.

Religious organizations must register in order to qualify as nonprofit associations with tax-exempt status. State-level authorities review registration submissions and routinely grant tax-exempt status.

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Their decisions are subject to judicial review. Organizations that apply for tax-exempt status must provide evidence, through their own statutes, history, and activities, Prostitutes Stadtallendorf they are a religion.

Local tax offices occasionally conduct reviews of tax-exempt status. Religion and state are separate, although a special partnership exists between the state and those religious communities that have the status Prostitutes Stadtallendorf a "corporation under public law. PLCs pay a fee to the Government for this tax service; however, not all avail themselves of it.

The decision to grant PLC status is made at the state level based on certain requirements, including an assurance of permanence, the size of the Prostitutes Stadtallendorf, and an indication that the organization is not Prostitutes Stadtallendorf to the constitutional order or fundamental rights.

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Approval was expected on July 28, ; however, the Prostitutes Stadtallendorf parties reportedly raised concerns and were now considering whether to task the OPC to investigate the Jehovah's Witnesses for lacking loyalty to the country's legal order. Muslim communities remained an exception. In principle, the Prostitutes Stadtallendorf Government is in favor of the states' granting public law corporation status to Muslim communities but has indicated a desire that Muslims agree upon a single organization with which the states and the federal Government can negotiate.

Whether and when this group would meet legal requirements for registration as a PLC was unclear and was to be decided on the state level; Prostitutes Stadtallendorf, some observers, including the Federal Interior Minister, were on record that the Muslim Coordination Council represented only those who were traditionally observant, or approximately 10 to 15 Prostitutes Stadtallendorf of the total Muslim population.

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Achieving PLC status has potential implications for Muslims in the Prostitutes Stadtallendorf who wish a traditional Islamic burial, which consists of burial in a shroud facing Mecca, in a cemetery permanently dedicated only to Islamic burial.

These conditions conflict with some states' laws Prostitutes Stadtallendorf customs, which require a coffin be buried in a Prostitutes Stadtallendorf in a Prostitutes Stadtallendorf plot, which will be turned over every 30 or 60 years. The state of North Rhine-Westphalia changed its burial law in to authorize local communities to allow shroud burials.

The Baden-Wuerttemberg state parliament amended a law on March 16,to allow corpses to be buried in an open coffin, but stopped short of allowing shroud burial. Eleven of the 16 federal states currently allow burial without a coffin. Few Islamic cemeteries existed Prostitutes Stadtallendorf. There were cemeteries, however, such as in Frankfurt, which had sections reserved for Muslim burials.

Similar arrangements Prostitutes Stadtallendorf in Berlin. The Government has also developed a policy framework to promote integration of the Muslim community, including the Interior Ministry's Islam Conference and the Chancellery's Integration Summit.

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The Interior Ministry Prostitutes Stadtallendorf its fourth plenary of the Islam Conference on Prostitutes Stadtallendorf 25,the last session before national elections on September On November 6,the Chancellery's parallel Integration Summit met. These conferences are multiyear efforts that address key areas of debate such as the legal status of Islam and issues related to social and religious practice, particularly in Muslim communities, including headscarves and schoolgirls' participation in athletic activities.

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Both measures Prostitutes Stadtallendorf to bring together representatives from the wide spectrum of the Muslim community, from the very traditional to the nearly secular. The Islam Conference can claim the increased public attention to Muslim integration as a major success.

Although consensus among the Conference's diverse participants on various issues could not be reached at the Conference's conclusion, participants remained committed to the process and expected long-term progress. Working Prostitutes Stadtallendorf of both the Islam Conference and the Integration Summit met frequently during the reporting period. The Interior Ministry published a page document of recommendations and findings of the Islam Conference's working groups, among them guidelines for schools regarding the wearing of headscarves, and students', particularly girls', participation in sports lessons; recommendations on Islamic religious instruction in public schools; a call for broader and unbiased media coverage of Muslim life in Germany; more transparency in cooperation between Muslim organizations and governmental authorities; and greater sensitivity and awareness regarding extremist views within Muslim communities.

By the end of the reporting period, eight states had enacted laws banning female Muslim teachers from wearing headscarves at work, after the Federal Constitutional Court cleared the way in for the state legislation. New legislation generally used language Prostitutes Stadtallendorf could be applied to wearing any symbol that could be interpreted as rejecting constitutional values or supporting oppression.

Courts upheld headscarf bans in several cases. The Federal Supreme Court ruled in that banning of headscarves is within state legislative jurisdiction, and subsequently Prostitutes Stadtallendorf, Bavaria, Bremen, Lower Saxony, North-Rhine Westphalia, and Saarland passed headscarf bans for teachers at Prostitutes Stadtallendorf schools, while Berlin and Hesse passed laws to ban headscarves for all civil servants.

In North-Rhine Westphalia, the law was challenged. However, on December 10,the Hesse State Constitutional Court upheld the state's headscarf ban. The Hesse ban as applied allows state institutions to prevent civil Prostitutes Stadtallendorf, including public school teachers, from wearing headscarves, while making exceptions for Christian religious symbols or clothing. On June 26,the Federal Administrative Court ruled that the state of Bremen's ban on the wearing of headscarves disproportionately limits the basic right to freedom of profession.

The court argued that due to the headscarf ban, a teacher trainee plaintiff was unable to complete her teacher education by performing her student-teaching requirement. In July Prostitutes Stadtallendorf Hesse state court ruled that a legal intern was not allowed to wear a headscarf in court if she is publicly recognized as a representative of the judiciary.

On April 10,in a first confirmation of the NRW headscarf ban by an appellate court, the Higher Labor Court in Duesseldorf upheld a lower court ruling from June 5,which ruled that a female Muslim teacher at a NRW public school is not allowed to wear a beret covering her hair and ears while teaching. The court Prostitutes Stadtallendorf that in her case such a beret is considered a Prostitutes Stadtallendorf Islamic headscarf.

Paragraph of the criminal code addresses the insulting of faiths, religious societies, and ideological groups. An incitement intended to disturb the public order, is punishable with up to three years in prison and a fine. Prosecution has not resulted in significant numbers of convictions. The Government subsidizes some religious organizations for historical and cultural reasons. In view of the country's culpability for the Holocaust, the states have accepted as a permanent duty the obligation to provide financial support to the Jewish community, including support for reconstruction of old and construction of new synagogues.

On November 23,a cornerstone for a new synagogue in Mainz was laid with support from city and state officials. The Government financed the repair and restoration of some Christian churches and monasteries that the state expropriated in Newer churches and mosques do not generally receive subsidies for maintenance or construction.

State governments also subsidize various institutions Prostitutes Stadtallendorf with public law corporations, Prostitutes Stadtallendorf as Prostitutes Stadtallendorf schools and hospitals, which provide public services.

The "State Agreement on Cooperation" between the Federal Government and the Central Council of Jews supplements the Prostitutes Stadtallendorf received by the Jewish community Prostitutes Stadtallendorf the states. The Central Council reports annually to the Government on the use of the funds.

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The agreement emphasizes that the Central Council Prostitutes Stadtallendorf Jews supports all branches of Judaism with the funds provided.

On June 2,the first two orthodox rabbis trained in the country since were ordained at Prostitutes Stadtallendorf Ohel Jakob Synagogue in Munich. The Government Prostitutes Stadtallendorf a stated position of neutrality in religious matters since it has no official faith or state church. It does not Prostitutes Stadtallendorf religious holidays as national holidays. Individual Prostitutes Stadtallendorf determine which religious holidays are observed, and these vary from state to state.

Most public schools offer Protestant and Catholic religious instruction in cooperation with those churches, as well Prostitutes Stadtallendorf instruction in Judaism if enough students express interest.

The number of Islamic religion classes in public schools continued to grow. In principle, participants of the federal government-sponsored Islam Conference agreed that Islamic education should be made widely available. Education is a state responsibility; and in part because no nationally recognized Islamic organization exists that could assist in developing a curriculum or providing services, the form and content of Islamic Prostitutes Stadtallendorf vary from state to state.

Organizations providing Islamic instruction do not have PLC status. All states offer religious instruction as well as ethics courses. In most states, students who do not wish to participate in religious instruction can substitute ethics courses. In Berlin and Prostitutes Stadtallendorf, the ethics course is compulsory, while the course on religion is voluntary. In an April 26,referendum, Berlin voters rejected a legislative proposal that would have allowed Berlin public school students to take classes in religion instead of mandatory ethics classes.

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Religion and ethics courses are treated equally in Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, Prostitutes Stadtallendorf Thuringia, meaning a student can choose either one. There are an estimatedtoMuslim students in the public school system. Islamic classes in public schools continued to be a controversial topic but were increasingly common throughout the country, except in areas where the Muslim population was too small to support them.

Although no Muslim group had PLC status that would entitle them to offer Prostitutes Stadtallendorf courses, state governments recognized the need and demand and worked with local Muslim organizations to establish such Prostitutes Stadtallendorf. In Hesse, the state government reached out to local Muslim groups to identify appropriate partnerships to assist in Prostitutes Stadtallendorf Islam religious instruction in public schools.

In March the Bavarian state government decided to Prostitutes Stadtallendorf a 5-year pilot project on Islam courses. German-speaking classes will be offered optionally in all Bavarian schools and cover intercultural and interreligious issues. The state was recruiting teachers.

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State officials and Muslim groups in Baden-Wuerttemberg agreed upon the system and Prostitutes Stadtallendorf initial reactions were positive, but as of April only Prostitutes Stadtallendorf of the Prostitutes Stadtallendorf nearly 4, public schools offered such courses.

Some states offered similar programs, while others were working with Muslim leaders to establish a uniform curriculum. Later in the year, universities in Frankfurt, Ludwigsburg, Karlsruhe, and Weingarten began offering training courses in the teaching of Islam.

In February the first German-speaking private school for imam training opened in Berlin-Karlshorst. Over a six-year training period, young Muslims were scheduled to be educated to be prayer leaders for Muslim communities. The school is financed by private donations.

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The project is twofold. Currently, DITIB imams provided by the Turkish government stay in the country for two to three years and rarely speak the country's language or possess any knowledge of the country's culture and society, a situation that is viewed as undermining integration Prostitutes Stadtallendorf.

Second, the training Prostitutes Stadtallendorf a two-year studies program leading to a bachelor's degree.

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Of the 2, mosques in the country, are located in Lower Saxony. At the University of Muenster in NRW, the holder of the country's first chair for training secondary school teachers in Islamic religious instruction made headlines in September when the KRM announced that it would cease cooperation with Prostitutes Stadtallendorf due to "serious discrepancies between the principles of Islamic doctrine and [the professor's] published opinions," adding that it could "no longer recommend that Muslim students enroll in Prostitutes Stadtallendorf with him.

His institute was moved to an undisclosed location, and students were asked to observe strict secrecy as to the course location.

In a related development, a second chair of Islamic studies for the training of Muslim religion teachers Prostitutes Stadtallendorf established at Muenster University, which was to be Prostitutes Stadtallendorf in summer Prostitutes Stadtallendorf A political controversy within the NRW government coalition developed over the issue of whether or not the KRM should have a say in filling that position at the university. In March an adult education center in Offenbach, Hesse, began offering integration classes for imams.

The courses are financed by Prostitutes Stadtallendorf local authorities. The legal requirement that children attend school, confirmed by the Constitutional Court and the European Court of Prostitutes Stadtallendorf incontinued to be a problem for some Prostitutes Stadtallendorf advocates for religious reasons, due to concerns about sex education and the teaching of evolution.

On October 14,the Stuttgart Administrative Court ruled that a group of Baptists in the Hohenlohe County were allowed to run their own private school, which had been established illegally Prostitutes Stadtallendorf However, the Stuttgart Court required that this private school must match similar criteria met by public schools, including teaching evolutionary theory and providing adequate education for the school's teachers.

On December 20,an American family that home schooled its children was forced to leave the country because they were Prostitutes Stadtallendorf residency permits.

The Robinson family arrived in the country in March with their three school-age children and were denied residency Prostitutes Stadtallendorf when the couple indicated that they planned to home school their children. They lost their Prostitutes Stadtallendorf in the Ansbach Administrative Court on January 25,and have since returned to the United States. The Prostitutes Stadtallendorf, a Baptist family residing in the country sincehas 13 children and decided to home school them.

They have consequently had problems with the local public school system and have reported harassment by local authorities. Legal proceedings ended with no solution. In the Bachmans were unable to obtain a visa extension for their year-old daughter who was born in the country.

The authorities later issued the extension. In December the Higher Regional Court in Frankfurt granted an appeal filed by the Dudek family of Herleshausen, northern Hesse, in August and remanded the case to the original court. The case was pending and stems from the June Kassel regional court sentencing of the Dudek parents, to three-months' imprisonment for refusing to send their six school-age children to school.

The parents insisted on Prostitutes Stadtallendorf their children at home, arguing that state schools would contradict their Christian teachings. Prostitutes Stadtallendorf August a family belonging to an independent Protestant religious group from Bissingen an der Teck in Baden-Wuerttemburg left the country after losing a two-year battle to gain state approval to home school their children.

The family filed for political asylum in the United States. There were no new developments in the Ministry of Defense efforts Prostitutes Stadtallendorf develop a Muslim chaplaincy within the military. The efforts had failed because Prostitutes Stadtallendorf an inability to reach agreement on a plan with multiple Prostitutes Stadtallendorf groups.

Independently, the Ministry developed a code of conduct to facilitate the practice of Islam by an estimated 3, Muslim soldiers, which remained in effect. The General Act on Equal Treatment prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex, ethnic origin, or race but also prohibits discrimination based on religion, disability, Prostitutes Stadtallendorf, and sexual identity.

In the Federal Constitutional Court defined the Government's "warning" function with respect to nontraditional religions, ruling that the Government could characterize nontraditional religions as "sects," "youth religions," and "youth sects," and is allowed to provide accurate information about them to the public; however, the Government may not defame these religious groups by using terms such as "destructive," "pseudo-religious," or "manipulative.

Prostitutes Stadtallendorf have included suits against the monitoring of the Church by state OPC offices against the use in hiring practices of the so-called "sect-filter," and against workplace discrimination. The Courts rendered final, binding decisions on two key issues: the religious bona fides of Scientology and the improper use of so-called "sect filters" to blacklist and boycott Scientologists in the public and Prostitutes Stadtallendorf sector.

Since applicants for citizenship in Bavaria have been required to fill out a questionnaire regarding their affiliation with organizations under observation by the state OPC, including Scientology. Restrictions on Religious Freedom The Federal Government generally respected religious freedom in practice. Some state governments and federal agencies did not recognize certain belief systems, including Scientology, as religions; however, the absence of recognition did not prevent their adherents from engaging in public and private religious activities.

In November the Federal Conference of Interior Ministers, meeting in Berlin, decided against pursuing a ban of the Church of Scientology based on findings of the state and federal OPCs that not enough evidence existed to meet legal requirements for such a ban.

In December the country's state Prostitutes Stadtallendorf ministers unanimously agreed that the Church of Scientology posed a threat to the country's constitutional order and tasked state and federal OPCs to gather information on Scientology to justify a ban.

On February 12,the higher Administrative Court in Muenster rejected the Church of Scientology's appeal of a Cologne court-ruling, stating that OPC surveillance was justified and could continue. The appellate court in Muenster found that there were "concrete indications" that Scientology intended to establish a social Prostitutes Stadtallendorf contrary to constitutional principles such as human dignity and equality before the law.

The court ruled that this decision justified the continued surveillance of Scientology by the OPC, including Prostitutes Stadtallendorf via intelligence means. Scientology originally appealed this decision but abandoned its appeal on April 28, The decision of the Muenster court thus became final and cannot be appealed. Federal and some state authorities continued to classify Scientology as a potential threat Prostitutes Stadtallendorf democratic order, resulting in discrimination against Scientologists in both the public and private sectors.

Several states publish pamphlets about Scientology Prostitutes Stadtallendorf other religious groups that detail the Church's ideology and practices. States Prostitutes Stadtallendorf the practice by noting their responsibility to respond to citizens' requests for information about Scientology as well as other subjects. The pamphlets Prostitutes Stadtallendorf of the dangers the Church Prostitutes Stadtallendorf to democracy, the legal system, and human Prostitutes Stadtallendorf.

Scientologists continued to report instances of societal and governmental discrimination. At the end of the reporting period, the Higher Administrative Court of Berlin-Brandenburg was considering an earlier ruling of the Berlin Prostitutes Stadtallendorf Court of February 27,which ordered the immediate removal of two anti-Scientology posters.

In reaching its conclusions, the lower court held that the City of Berlin had violated its duty of religious neutrality and its obligation to remain objective on religious matters.

The Court also ruled that the City's warning campaign served no justifiable purpose. The Higher Court affirmed the rights of Scientologists and the Church of Scientology Berlin Prostitutes Stadtallendorf freedom of religion under Article 4 of the Constitution. In December a contract for pianist and Scientologist Cyprien Katsaris to perform at the arts festival "European Weeks" in the city hall of the city of Passau in Bavaria in June was cancelled.

Reports from the U. A small group of Scientologists demonstrated in front of the building against the event but were denied entry despite attempting to register prior to the public event. On December 22,the Bavarian Prostitutes Stadtallendorf Court confirmed the February 26, city of Munich decision to revoke the permit for a kindergarten operated by Scientologists.

The Administrative Court argued that it could Prostitutes Stadtallendorf exclude the possibility of damage to the children due to Scientology's educational measures. The city had based its decision on the OPC view that children were being indoctrinated in Scientology. The Bavarian State Youth Office also found that the well-being of the children was at risk due to the school's educational methods.

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Embassy closely followed the Government's responses and expressed the U. No one was injured and the attack caused only minor property damage. On November 4, Prostitutes Stadtallendorf, the Bundestag passed a resolution addressing anti-Semitism in which it called upon the Government to create an experts group to coordinate government activities to combat Prostitutes Stadtallendorf and provide routine reports Prostitutes Stadtallendorf an action plan to address the continue reading. Dsk Stock Photos and Images 3, There were 36 injuries inan increase of 13 from the previous year. Some state governments and federal agencies did not recognize certain belief systems, including Scientology, as religions; however, the absence of recognition did not prevent their adherents from engaging in public and private religious activities. The Church of Scientology operates 18 churches and missions, and according to press reports, has 30, members.

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German-speaking classes will be offered optionally in all Bavarian schools and cover intercultural and interreligious issues. On March 11,the Potsdam District Court sentenced neo-Nazi Horst Mahler to five years and two months of imprisonment for incitement to hatred. Row of trees in Prostitutes Stadtallendorf park with some Prostitutes Stadtallendorf up lamp post during

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