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But the Franciscans have since returned. The cupola is said to have been Pontormo's first work in the chapel and drawings exist to give us some idea of how it looked. But building was not begun untilto designs by Bernardino Radi and Gherardo Silvani by which time Prostitutes San Miniato Grand Duchess had died.

One page depicts the martyrdom of Saint Felicity's seven sons see right.

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The church isn't named but they are disturbed when some Americans of their acquaintance come in to admire Pontormo's Deposition. And this painting is also a recurring motif in Sarah Winman's novel Still Life which is a winning story of English lives lived well during the late 20th century in Piazza Santo Spirito.

Santa Lucia de' Magnoli Via de' Bardi. Lost art highlight The coloured-marble-dominated Santa Lucia altarpiece of c. Giuseppe Richa, writing his book about the churches in Florence in says that it's by Andrea del Castagno and that it was by then over the altar in a side chapel, the Bigallo. The main panel depicting The Virgin and Child with Saints Francis, John the Baptist, Zenobius and Lucy in the Uffizi sinceprobably when the altarpiece was dismembered shows his ability to emulate the lushness and sheen of the Netherlandish oil paintings then being acquired by Prostitutes San Miniato Medici.

The dispersed predella panels depict scenes from the lives of the saints and the Virgin as arranged above them in the main panel. The central Annunciation panel looks asymmetrical because it has lost 6. The identification of the majority of the predella panels in the s and the subsequent reconstruction of this altarpiece was instrumental in Prostitutes San Miniato early 20th century rediscovery of the artist. Opening times For services at 5. Interior All that remains of the 18th century structure is the fresco on the presbytery ceiling of the The Prostitutes San Miniato, otherwise the interior is now very bare with minimal grey cornice detailing.

More recently three paintings loaned to the church to fill the other three stone frames are Christ changes the heart of Saint Catherine of Siena by Jacopo VignaliSan Prostitutes San Miniato heals the demon-possessed son of the King of the Indies by Fabrizio Boschi and The Calling of Saint Matthew by Jacopo da Empoli The oratory, unlike the church, retains its 18th century stucco decoration, along with large original tondo paintings and wood panelling on the nave walls.

Beside the altar are the tombs of Boccini and his Prostitutes San Miniato Margaret. Finding the premises unsuitable he suggested to the Abbess, Suor Jacopa di Gomberoni da Milano, that she move her community to more suitable lodgings, offering his help. With the added incentive of locally-raging wars she came to live with Luca in December A convent Prostitutes San Miniato established in Prostitutes San Miniatowith funds donated by Ubertino Prostitutes San Miniato Bardi, whose wife Caterina, barren for many years, had conceived after beseeching Abbess Jacopa to pray on her behalf.

The Abbess and her nuns moved in in January In July some nuns from Pistoia arrived to bolster numbers. Work was Prostitutes San Miniato when nearby Carmelite friars objected to the new church being too close to their monastery. On 3rd Augustin the middle of the night, the friars actually came and demolished the stone door frame Prostitutes San Miniato the church.

Extensive rebuilding followed in the 16th century with a new altar with a Deposition by Giovanni Maria Butteri and nun's choir. The complex was suppressed in and has been put to various uses since.

Opening times Currently the church is used for exhibitions and concerts, and the convent as hostel accommodation.

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Santi Agostino e Cristina Costa Prostitutes San Miniato. History The church and monastery here were built by Grand Duchess Christina of Lorraine for discalced reformed Augustinians, hence the dual naming of Augustine and Christina's name saint, Cristina of Bolsena. But building was Prostitutes San Miniato begun untilto designs by Bernardino Radi and Gherardo Silvani by which time the Grand Duchess had died.

Following the suppression of the order in the monastery passed into Prostitutes San Miniato private hands and was extensively modified in after having been bought by Angelo Figlinesi. In it was bought by Philip Schwarzenberg, who created a new facade. Further renovations were made between and caused by the enlargement of Costa Scarpuccia.

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At the start of the 20th century Prostitutes San Miniato church was the studio of a sculptor and at the outbreak of WW1 was requisitioned as a warehouse by the army. Inafter years suffering division the complex returned to single ownership. It was stripped of all furnishings and made a warehouse with serious alterations, like the demolition of internal Prostitutes San Miniato to make vehicle ramps. Today the church, following building work inis occupied by smart offices.

It consists of a single aisle with three chapels on each side. The scholar and poet Gio vanni Bartolommeo Casaregi no, me neither was buried in the Prostitutes San Miniato. Lost art? Opening times The church is occupied by businesses. History The church was founded in Prostitutes San Miniato late 11th century by the Knights of Jerusalem, at which time it was dedicated to the Holy Sepulchre. It was rededicated to Saints Vitus and Modestus in the 15th century and became a Prostitutes San Miniato church.

It came under the patronage of the Pitti and Mancelli families, later becoming attached to the brotherhood of the Buonuomini of San Martino. The church was completely rebuilt in and again in the 19th century. The present building mostly dates from this last rebuilding but the 15th century loggia remains.

Interior Inside the church is The Guardian Angel, a painting by Filippo Tarchiani 17th centuryand another 17th-century painting, Saint Vitus and his Mentorsperhaps by the workshop of Francesco Curradi, who lived nearby.

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The organ, by Pietro Agati, was Prostitutes San Miniato in when the nearby monastery of Monte Oliveto was suppressed and its possessions were sold off. It has recently been restored. Santo Spirito Piazza Santo Spirito this church now has its own page here Saint Mark's Anglican Via Maggio History Opened for worship in in a 15th century palazzo at number 18 said to have Medici connections and to have once been an early home of Machiavelli's family to attract Anglo-Catholic tourists.

This more high-church congregation split from the Anglicans at Holy Trinity in This work was done with the help of the English Gothic architect George Frederick Bodley, turning the ground floor into a church with a nave, and two aisles, transept Prostitutes San Miniato chancel, about 90 feet and seating The Prostitutes San Miniato floors were used to house the chaplain and parish assistants.

The church soon attracted English-speaking expats. This decoration Prostitutes San Miniato serious damage during the flood. The altar reredos painting is thought to be by C.

Jeffreys, but Spencer Stanhope probably designed the structural elements.

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The premises were extended by the purchase of 16 Via Maggio inallowing the building of a lady chapel which now houses the the organProstitutes San Miniato sacristy, a bigger vestibule and extra accommodation upstairs.

On his release, he was allowed to return to England. Prostitutes San Miniato the arrival of the Allied troops, the church was reopened and services were held by a military chaplain.

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The church currently hosts opera and choral performa nces. Centre :: East :: West :: Oltrarno :: Fiesole. Arcangelo Raffaello Borgo San Frediano. History Documented as early asthe church's name is said to derive from Platitia or Placzathe name of the area stretching up here from Santa Felicita, which was becoming more populous at that time. History Built for Franciscan Minim friars the order founded by Saint Francis of Paola, which was devoted to humility and veganism previously established at the church of San Giuseppe.

History The church, along with the girls' boarding-school of San Francesco di Sales, known as the Conventinowere built in to a design by Anton Maria Ferri and financed by the Da Verrazzano family. The church and school were built on part of the site of the former Camaldolese monastery of San Salvatoreof which some buildings still remain. San Frediano in Cestello Lungarno Soderini. History The original church is said Prostitutes San Miniato have been built to celebrate a miracle performed by the 6th-century Irish saint, and Bishop of Lucca, Fridianus Frediano.

The Prostitutes San Miniato in residence, from whom the church derives its name, were moved to Santa Maria Maddalena in to make way for Carmelite nuns, with the patronage of the Soderini family. The Carmelite convent was called Santa Maria degli Angeli.

By the time Paolo Antonio Soderini was exiled, in the midth century, when the Grand Duke took over as patron, the area had become more densely populated. He did this because two of his nieces, Innocenza and Grazia, were nuns here and it wasn't the nicest of areas. The Cistercians instituted rebuilding, to designs by Silvani executed by Antonio Cerutti, from It was at this time that the church was moved and turned to face North, having been previously west-facing, as seen in the Catena map of Prostitutes San Miniato above.

The cupola and campanile were built in by Antonio Ferri, who also had a Prostitutes San Miniato in Palazzo Corsini over the Arno. Following Grand Duke Leopold's suppressions of the Cistercians left and the building became a parish church.

Interior Airy and two-tone white and grey, with the grey being very bluish. Aisleless, it's very 18th-century inside and quite low-key Baroque, with three deep interconnected open chapels down each side of the Prostitutes San Miniato. All of them are finely frescoed in the domes, lunettes and pendentives by six Florentine painters of the lateth and earlyth centuries, including Gabbiani, Bonechi Prostitutes San Miniato Dandini.

The left hand ones all have lanterns in their domes, but the right Prostitutes San Miniato ones rely on light from the clerestories. The transept is bare of decoration with no altars, just two pairs of wooden confessionals at each end with paintings above - the Crucifixion and the Virgin in Glory mentioned below.

The impressive painting of the the Virgin in Glory in the central dome Prostitutes San Miniato photo below is by Antonio Domenico Gabbiani — The Four Virtues in the pendentives are by Matteo Bonechi. Crucifixion with Saints and Martyrdom of St. Lawrence by Jacopo del Sellaio.

Centre :: East :: West :: Oltrarno :: Fiesole.

Virgin in Glory with Saints by Francesco Curradi. Frescoes of Scenes from the life of the founder of the Cistercian order — by Pier Dandini. The refectory has a Last Supper by Bernardino Poccetti. Lost art Jacopo del Sellaio painted a Crucifixion altarpiece in for the chapel of the Compagnia delle Brucciata in this church see below right. It was unfinished at the artist's death Prostitutes San Miniato was completed by his son Arcangelo. It is a non-narrative treatment of the subject, featuring Saints Frediano and Jerome kneeling in the foreground, with small narrative scenes, including the suicide of Judas and the remorseful Peter, in the background.

The altarpiece ended up in the Kaiser Friedrich Museum in Berlin and was destroyed or stolen in the fires and looting in the Friedrichshain flak tower flakturm in Maywhere paintings from the Berlin collections were being stored to protect them Prostitutes San Miniato bombing.

An artist nun Antonia Uccello, the daughter of artist Paolo, was a Carmelite nun here. She was a reputable artist, mentioned as such by Vasari who described her as a 'daughter who knew how to draw' but none of her work has survived, or can be identified. Her death certificate even described her as a pittoressa. A Pazzi family nun Maria Maddalena de' Pazzi was a Carmelite nun from the Pazzi family who had lived, and died, here before the Carmelites moved to the church whic h now bears her name.

When possessed of the holy spirit, she would speak at such a rate as took eight novices to transcribe her utterances. She was also known to pour boiling wax on her arms and lie naked in thorns. She was canonized in and is buried at Santa Maria Maddalena dei Pazzi. She is commemorated here by a plaque on he convent wall facing the street see right.

Opening times 9. History The original church may date from the 10th century. History Built inthe church of the former convent of San Girolamo alla Costa was built in The complex had been built in the 14th century for the sisters of the Franciscan Third Order, and enlarged in the 15th Prostitutes San Miniato, when the tabernacle over the Prostitutes San Miniato entrance later walled up was Prostitutes San Miniato.

Rebuilt between and with further work in the 17th and 18th century which altered the church considerably. Suppressed inthe convent was reopened in but was again suppressed in an put to military uses, with the church becoming the Vittorio Veneto barracks chapel in Currently since December undergoing restoration work.

According Prostitutes San Miniato Vasari Brunelleschi built a chapel here, the Ridolfi Chapel, the dome of which was a dry run for his famous dome on the Duomo. The chapel was destroyed during major rebuilding in the 18th century following Prostitutes San Miniato passing to the Missionary Fathers.

From the complex had been run by Franciscans. Following damage during Prostitutes San Miniato flood restoration work uncovered original features, including columns belonging to the original Romanesque church. Interior Baroque and dating from Nice old columns and spandrels have been revealed at the sides, which complement the later and more baroque additions, rather than being covered up by them.

Lots Prostitutes San Miniato icons around, the church currently being used by a Greek Orthodox congregation. During services expect chanting and incense, atmospheric mistiness, and bell-shaking also. Almost all of the art here dates from the 18th century rebuilding.

Francis of Assisi. Campanile Designed by Gherardo Silvani in Rude locals Because of it's flying buttresses hanging over the river supporting its apse-end see photo right this church is Prostitutes San Miniato known as 'the church with its arse in the Arno'. History Originally a Romanesque church founded aroundProstitutes San Miniato in a papal bull by Lucius III of March 3rdthe church was largely rebuilt in the late 14th century when it became a parish church to cope with the increased population in the area, funding coming from Bernardo Quaratesi who commissioned from Gentile da Fabriano the Quaratesi Polyptych ofnow dismembered and dispersed to various museums see below.

Prostitutes San Miniato Documented fromthe old church of 'San Pietro Gattuario' was demolished in to make way for Cosimo I's fortifications. Rebuilt by Prostitutes San Miniato workman nicknamed Umido, who collected the necessary funds and materials, it was known as the church of Serumido.

The street beside the church is called the Via Ser Umido. This rebuilding, Prostitutes San Miniato the manner of Santi di Tito was completed around The church became the favourite of Medici servants. St Philip Neri was born in the parish and was baptised here. Domenico Veneziano was buried here on the 15th of May The painter Giovanni di San Giovanni, who died on the 9th of Decemberis buried here too.

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The church Prostitutes San Miniato now used by a Romanian congregation, with services every Sunday. Interior The aisleless nave, with a barrel-vaulted apse, was restructured in Prostitutes San Miniato 18th century, with more work in the 19th and 20th centuries. Over the high altar the altarpiece of The Prostitutes San Miniato and Prostitutes San Miniato Enthroned with Saints is by the 16th century Master of Serumido, an artist whose identity remains unknown and who produced similar works for other churches in the Oltrano, as well as mythological scenes.

In the impressively decorated Chapel of the Blessed Sacrament which has its own facade and entrance to the right of the church is a Virgin and Child by Alessandro Fei called il Barbiere of History A Prostitutes San Miniato was Prostitutes San Miniato here Prostitutes San Miniato by Observant Franciscans after a gift of land was made by Luca di Jacopo del Toso, with the stipulation that a church and convent be opened within a year.

An oratory was built bydedicated to San Salvatore and San Francesco. This early church has been identified as the structure now known as the Cappellone, to the north of the present church. The Spanish siege of Florence in forced the Franciscans to vacate the complex and on their return in they found it much damaged. A new church was begun on 28th Junewhich was finished, but for its roof, on 25th February This was a simple single-nave church on a north-south axis, visible on the Catena map, but proved structurally unsatisfactory, possibly due to unsound foundations, because in Cosimo de' Medici persuaded Castello Quaratesi to fund a new building, which he did in his will.

He died inbut designs provided in by a Fra Leone were declared to not be grand enough by Lorenzo de' Medici, which delayed the beginning of work.

Consecration followed in Following the Siege ofduring which the convent buildings were almost totally destroyed, the Franciscans moved to the Prostitutes San Miniato complex inafter Prostitutes San Miniato the church's name changed from San Francesco al Monte. But the Franciscans have since returned.

This hilltop church ends an exhausting stairway mentioned by Dante Prostitutes San Miniato now set out as a Via Crucis for Holy Week processions. Michelangelo called the church the bella villanella pretty country maid. The interior The interior is also plain, being said to be a balance between Franciscan austerity and the more grandiose needs of the patron.

The walls are bare and off-white with sandy-coloured detailing and an open timber roof. It has triangular-pedimented clerestory windows echoing those on the facade and softening the gloom inside, a little.

The minimally-decorated interior has, for example, no freeze decoration in the cornice between the upper and lower levels. The five interconnected deep side chapels on each side all have stained glass windows depicting saints, the designs for which are attributed to Perugino, and most have matching altars with plaster reliefs on the front against a yellow background.

On the Prostitutes San Miniato wall of the apse is a Virgin Enthroned by Giovanni dal Ponte see below right with an odd Crucifix on the opposite wall. A terracotta relief of the Deposition by Giovanni della Robbia is over the north door.

Lost relics On the high altar the Franciscans kept the habit said to have been the one worn by Saint Francis when he received the stigmata on Mount Verna in It came here following seizure as booty in from the castle of Monte Acuto during Prostitutes San Miniato war against the Aratines.

The Franciscans took the relic to Ognissanti with them but it was returned to the sanctuary at La Verna when the Franciscans left Ognissanti on November 1st Lost art The Annunciationan altarpiece by Zanobi Prostitutes San Miniato from in the National Gallery, London came from here, having Prostitutes San Miniato installed in the church and later removed during the Napoleonic suppressions in It is thought to have been in the Lanfredini chapel here as their insignia the red and white target is visible on the capitals Prostitutes San Miniato the columns in the painting.

Vasari reported on the painting being here, when the church was called San Francesco, but said it was by Fra Angelico, who was Strozzi's teacher. He drew many panoramas of Florence from up here too.

A lovely pen and wash drawing by Giuseppe Zocchi, from the early s, of a panorama of Florence and a side view of San Salvatore is in the Albertina in Vienna. He was a follower of Whistler and an Irish Army colonel who travelled much Prostitutes San Miniato lived in Florence and Prostitutes San Miniato. San Sebastiano dei Bini Via Romana. History As early as there was Prostitutes San Miniato reference to a small oratory here built by French and German pilgrims who travelled the Via Cassia on the way to Rome.

Around a church was built here, dedicated to St Hilary, the Bishop of Poitiers in the 4th century. The name Colombaia dove-cote Prostitutes San Miniato refer to the large number of pigeons that frequented the hillside, or to a nearby villa.

The church served a very large parish, stretching from the hill Prostitutes San Miniato San Gaggio to Marignolle and Bobolino, and reaching along the outside of the city walls as Prostitutes San Miniato as the slopes of Bellosguardo.

Amongst the Florentine families who held the patronage of this Prostitutes San Miniato, were the Adimari, the Ghiberti, the Donati and the Quaratesi. Damaged during the siege by Castruccio Castracani init was rebuilt in by the rector Girolamo Bindi. There have been many alterations over the course of the centuries, such as the enlargement of the choir and presbytery.

The campanile dates from and was designed by the architects Tanzi and Barchielli. Extensive restructuring, including the reopening of the portico, part of the original church, took place in The frescoes in the portico were rediscovered during this work.

They are in poor condition. There is a Virgin and Child with Saintsfrom the early 15th century, and a courtly scene by Stefano d'Antonio also 15th-century. The lunette above the door dates from the late 14th century. The interior An aisle-less nave, with an arch leading into the presbytery.

The pietra serena balustrade dates fromas does the ceiling painted of The Glory of Saint Hilary. The Stations of the Cross on the walls in glazed terracotta are 20th century and by Serafino Ceri of the Cantagallo factory.

A wooden crucifix said to have been used by a branch of the Bianchi brotherhood which was wiped out nearby by the plague in is preserved in the attached oratory.

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Santa Chiara Via dei Serragli. Santa Elisabetta della Convertite V ia del Campuccio. History The Augustinian convent of the Converted Prostitutes San Miniato was so called because it housed nuns who were repentant prostitutes, and perhaps also Prostitutes San Miniato women converted from Judaism.

The house where St Philip Neri was born in was later attached to it. The convent was suppressed inand from has been put to various uses, mostly educational. It was deconsecrated but as there was an orthodox service in progress when I visited in see left I can only assume that it has been reconsecrated. Interior The deep rear vestibule under the nun's gallery is frescoed with stories of the martyrs by Bernardino Poccetti.

There's a painted ceiling by Alessandro Gherardini of the Glory of Saint Mary Magdalenea small Brunelleschi-like arched square apse and one altar on each side of the nave.

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Lots of icons. It needed a clean and didn't really look much like a Botticelli, suggesting considerable workshop involvement. But a recent 3-year restoration prior to the reopening of the Courtauld galleries in has seen Prostitutes San Miniato altarpiece's darkened varnish removed and it now looks fine.

A special exhibition in will detail the restoration work. During the work it was discovered that Tobias and Raphael depicted in Prostitutes San Miniato bottom left were originally fully painted further away behind the cross and so in more correct proportion to the other figures.

These original figures were likely the work of Filippino Lippi, then Botticelli's assistant. The four panels in the predella Prostitutes San Miniato scenes from the Life of Mary Magdalenan appropriate subject for the church of a convent for repentant prostitutes.

They were spotted in a dealer's in Florence in by Herbert Horne, a friend and associate of Roger Fry, who was then employed by the Met in New York. Spurned by the Met trustees they were bought by J.

Johnson, whose collection later went to the Philadelphia Museum. Soon after Johnson's purchase Bernard Berenson, who'd had a falling out with Fry, told Johnson that he thought that they were not by Botticelli, but by a certain 'Amico di Sandro', Prostitutes San Miniato associate of Botticelli of Berenson's invention.

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He later changed his mind, grudgingly, but only to then say that he now thought them by Botticelli himself, but inferior works. Those guys! Tradition has it that this hospital was where Saint Francis and Saint Dominic met in It was destroyed by the landslide offrom which the church also suffered severe damage, and so was also subsequently known as Santa Lucia delle Rovinate of the Ruins this suffix also being applied to other buildings in the area. In patronage passed to the Uzzano family, who paid for the decoration of the main chapel, including Domenico Veneziano's high altarpiece see Lost art below.

As part of the dowry of Ginevra Da Uzzano patronage passed to the Capponi family, along with their adjacent palazzo. Reconsecrated on May 3rd The church was rebuilt again inwith an aisle-less nave.

Further restorations since then. The church is currently used for services by a Polish congregation. I nterior Aisleless with a bare-walled nave with three pietra serena altars each side and a flat frescoed ceiling. The apse is cross-vaulted and more baroquely decorated.

The first altar on the left has a much-restored panel painting of Saint Lucy by Pietro Lorenzetti from around see right. The sword in the saint's neck, removed during restoration, can still be seen in outline. It was attributed to Giuliano Pesello, a pupil of Andrea del Castagno, untiland its then attribution to Lorenzetti is still not universally accepted.

Over the next altar is a Virgin in Glory with Saints by Empoli. It replaced the altarpiece by Domenico Veneziano mentioned below. There is a chapel to the right of the entrance, built in in imitation of the Holy House of Loreto an example of which also exists in the church of San Pantalon in Venice which contains a wooden Virgin from Prostitutes San Miniato.

History The church's name comes from the name of the local area, 'pigna' being old brick pine cone shaped Prostitutes San Miniato us to moor boats on wharves once to be found Prostitutes San Miniato. In the old parish church was suppressed by the Grand Duke Peter Leopold, and this church was built, Prostitutes San Miniato designs by Bernardo Fallani, on land owned by Olivetan monks, chosen by the Grand Duke himself.

Consecration followed on the 30th of November I don't Prostitutes San Miniato we should start to feel all sorts of sympathy for Prostitutes San Miniato when here in Miniato many of them have the chance to do some form of work Miniato simply don't want to.

This same scenerio was played out in front of the world famous Uffizi and within it's courtyard and in almost every Palazzo and around every main attraction. In the chapel of the Crucifix, the little tempietto at the end of the nave, to house the famous Crucifix which supposedly inclined its head to St.

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Suppressed in , the church passed into private hands, until when it was acquired by the Scalopi Fathers, who kept it until The main body of the church has a mixture of altars, depth wise.
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Needless to say, both are free to browse — just try not to drool on the merchandise. Find your own place on the hill and Prostitutes San Miniato prime people watching. There was m ore restoration work at the end of the s. History The oratory of Santo Spirito was built here inas was an Prostitutes San Miniato hospital, known as the spedaluzzofor the use of the poor and pilgrims, being situated on the road to and from Rome. You are commenting using your WordPress.

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