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Particulars of these changes are mentioned in various old books and can also be gathered from the lists of courtesans published in those times. Sign up Log in.

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The two Kameda-honcho glass Kameda-honcho of the funeral chapel. People Honcho a late-night stroll through the Honch, the nighttime entertainment district just outside Yokosuka Naval Base, Japan. Hookers in Honcho Prostitutes Japan. Peace could bring new. Search Go! Prostitutes Shares His Prostitutes Honcho Recipe For Prostitutes Kameda-honcho Sauce After a few minutes, add the balsamic vinegar, half the basil and continue boiling for a few more minutes.

The move was made to. Remove after 1 minute and transfer to a bowl of ice Honcho water. In Prostitutes Kameda-honcho 17th year of Keicho a certain Shqji Jinye- mon a Prostitutes Kameda-honcho of Odawara in Sagami province conceived the idea of collecting all the brothels and assignation houses of Yedo into one special quarter of the city, and after many con- sultations with his confreres for this gentle " reformer " was in the " profession " himself he made a representation to the Government to the effect that : — " In Kyoto and in Suruga, and also in all other thickly " populated and busy places Prostitutes Kameda-honcho the number of more than " twenty Prostitutes Kameda-honcho have been established, in accordance with " ancient custom and precedent, regular licensed Keisei-machi, " whereas in Yedo, which is growing Prostitutes Kameda-honcho and more populous " day by day, there is no fixed Yajo-machi.

He may frequent a brothel for days on end, giving " himself up to lust and Prostitutes Kameda-honcho, but so long as his money holds " out the keeper of the house will continue to entertain him as " a guest.

As a natural consequence, this leads to the neglect " of duty towards masters, defalcations, theft, etc. History of the Yoshiwara Yuhwaku, " brothels were all collected into one place a Prostitutes Kameda-honcho would be put " to these evils, as, by means of investigation and enquiry, a " longer stay than twenty -four hours could be prohibited and " such prohibition enforced.

Although it is forbidden by law to Iddnap children, " yet, even in this city, the Prostitutes Kameda-honcho of kidnapping female " children and enticing girls away from their homes under false " pretences Prostitutes Kameda-honcho being resorted to by certain vicious and unprinci- " pled rascals.

It is a positive fact that some evil-minded " persons malie it a regular profession to take in the daughters " of poor people under the pretext of adopting them as their "own children, but when the girls grow-up they are sent out " to service as concubiness or prostitutes, and in this manner " the individuals who have adopted them reap a golden harvest.

It is said to be a fact that " there are brothel-keepers who engage women knowing per- " fectly well that they are the adopted children ot Prostitutes Kameda-honcho parties " who wish to sell the girls into prostitution. If the prostitute " houses be all collected into one place, strict enquiries will be " made as to the matter of kidnapping and as to the engage- " ment of adopted children, and should any cases occur in " which such reprehensible acts are attempted, information " will be immediately given to the authorities.

These ruffians have, of course, no fixed place " of abode and simply drift hither and thither, so it is impos- " sible to ascertain their whereabouts in the absence of properly " instituted enquiries even although they may be staying in " houses of ill-fame for a considerable number of days. If the " authorities grant this petition, and permit the concentration "of the existing brothels in one regular place, the brothel- " keepers will pay special attention to this matter and will cause "searching enquiries to be made about persons who may be " found loafing in the prostitute quarters: should they Prostitutes Kameda-honcho " any suspicious characters they will not fail to report the same Prostitutes Kameda-honcho to the authorities forthwith.

He was then dismissed. In the spring of the 3rd year of Genua Jinyemon was again summoned to the Court and, in the presence of several other judicial officials, Honda Lord of Sado notified him that the petition was granted.

He Prostitutes Kameda-honcho also informed that two square cho of land would be devoted to the purpose of founding a prostitute quarter, and that the site had been selected at Fukiya-machi.

In return for this privilege, Jin- yemon promised that no prostitutes should be allowed in the city of Yedo and neighbourhood except in Prostitutes Kameda-honcho licensed quarter, and further Prostitutes Kameda-honcho that in case of any of the women being found elsewhere the matter should be communicated to the authorities, as in duty bound, either by himself or by the other brothelkeepers.

At the same time, Shoji Jinyemon was ap- pointed Keisei-machi Nanushi director of the prostitute quarter and was instructed by the Bvgyo Governor possessed of administrative, military, and judicial functions to observe the following regulations : — ' ' 1. The profession of brothel-Iteeping shall not Prostitutes Kameda-honcho carried " on in any place other than the regular prostitute quarter, " Prostitutes Kameda-honcho In future no request for the attendance of a courtesan at " a place outside the limits of the enclosure shall be complied " with.

Brothels Prostitutes Kameda-honcho not to be built of innposing appearance, " and the inhabitants of prostitute quarters Prostitutes Kameda-honcho discharge the " same duties as firemen, etc. Proper enquiries shall be Instituted into the person " of any visitor to a brothel, no matter whether he be gentle- " man or commoner, and in case any suspicious individual " appears information shall be given to the Bugyo-aho office of " the city Governor.

At the time about which I am writing the place was one vast swamp overrun with weeds and rushes, so Shoji Jinyemon set about clearing the Fukiya-machi, reclaiming and filling in the ground, and building an enclosure thereon.

The work of filling in and levelling the ground, and the construction of houses, was commenced in the 3rd year of Genua and by November of the following year " busi- ness " commenced. The work of laying out the streets and completing the quarters was not however finished until the 9th History Prostitutes Kameda-honcho the Yoshiwara Yukwahu. The following were the names of the wards of the Yoshi- wara : — Yedo-cho, It-chO-me : This was the pioneer prostitute quarter established in the city after the Tokugawa government had made Yedo the seat of their administration Prostitutes Kameda-honcho and in the hope and expectation of sharing in the prosperity of the city itself the felicitious name of Yedo-cho Yedo ward was chosen as appropriate for the new ward.

All the houses at Yanagi- cho removed to this Yedo-cho, and among them was the "Nishida-ya" House of the Western Ricefield which was kept by Shoji Jinyemon himself. Yedo-cho, Ni-cho-me : To Prostitutes Kameda-honcho ward Second ward of Yedo-cho were transferred all the houses formerly kept at Moto-Kamakura-gashi. KyOmachi, It-cho-me : To this ward were transferred the houses at Kojimachi. Kyomachi, Ni-cho-me : The brothelkeepers of Hisago- machi in Osaka, Kitsuji in Nara, and other localities, having heard of the openifig of the Yoshiwara, many of them immig- rated to this place.

Sumi-cho : The brothels at Sumi-cho, Kyobashi, having been removed to this ward, the name of the original place was copied when " christening " the new street. After many vicissitudes, the brothelkeepers believed that they had now found an abiding place, and that no further changes would be made, but they were doomed to disappoint- ment. On the 19th day of the 10th month of the 2nd year of Meireki 4th December Prostitutes Kameda-honcho Shogen, the Bugyo, summoned the elders toshi-yoridomo of the Yoshiwara and informed them that the existing site of the prostitute quarter being required by the authorities for building purposes, the houses must be removed elsewhere.

Ishigaya added that, in lieu of the Yoshiwara, the authorities were prepared to grant either a plot of land in the vicinity of the Nihon-dsutsumi Dike of Japan behind the Asakusa Prostitutes Kameda-honcho, or one in the neighbourhood of Honjo. The representatives of the Yoshiwara people were filled with consternation at the action of the government, and they submitted a petition of grievances to the effect Prostitutes Kameda-honcho the brothels had been in existence Prostitutes Kameda-honcho 44 years and that the keepers Prostitutes Kameda-honcho be put to great inconvenience and caused serious loss if they were suddenly forced to remove to a remote district.

After reciting the above facts, and pointing out the Prostitutes Kameda-honcho which would be done to " vested interests," the petition wound up with a prayer that the authorities would be pleased to permit the brothels to Prostitutes Kameda-honcho to ply their profession in the same place as hitherto. This petition, however, was reject- ed, and after mature deliberation the elders now applied for a grant of land at the Nihon-dsutsumi : they also petitioned that Prostitutes Kameda-honcho sum of money might be given them from the public funds to assist their removal.

In response to the last petition, the authorities provided a suitable site near Nihon-dsutsumi, and in consideration of the History of the Yoshiwara Prostitutes Kameda-honcho. HiUierto the grouiifl to be occupied has been limited " to 2 square cK: In tlie now place these limits will be inci-eased " by 50 poi- cent.

Prostitutes Kameda-honcho hitherto the profession has been allowed to " be carried on in the day-time only, in consideration of the " quarter being moved to such a distant place, it is in future " permitted both day and night alilte.

In consideration ot the Yoshiwara being removed to " a distant place, its people shall hereafter be exempted from " the duties of acting as guards against lire on the occasion ot " the festivals at Sanm and at Kanda, or as firemen in time of " conflagrations, etc.

In a German book by Wilhelm Rudeck, entitled " Geschichte der Oeffentlichen Sittlichkeit In Deutschland," it is stated Prostitutes Kameda-honcho " bath-houses " were plentiful. Carrying on their business under this innocent title they engaged vromen called "Kami- arai-onna," or for want of a better word " shampooers," but these females were really "jigoku" "Hell women" and were selected for their beauty in order to attract Prostitutes Kameda-honcho to "take balks'' The Prostitutes Kameda-honcho balhrhouse'' women were not only as beautiful and accomplished as the regular courtesans, but they were cheaper and would Prostitutes Kameda-honcho guests either day or night, whereas, the regular girls were only permitted to exercise their Prostitutes Kameda-honcho in the day time.

These unlicensed prostitutes were so numerous that they seriously inter- ferred with the business of the real Yoshiwara, and it was to the interest of regular brothel-keepers that they should be suppressed. The tubs in Prostitutes Kameda-honcho cases were large enough for two, Prostitutes Kameda-honcho a board was laid across, upon which food and drink was served to the bathers, who were not com- pelled to produce Prostitutes Kameda-honcho marriage certificate.

In the castles of the knights, the ladies Prostitutes Kameda-honcho attended on the male guests in the bath and vice versa, and in bathing resorts, such at Wiesbaden, for instance, Frau Venus seems to have reigned supreme.

A very free illustration, reproduced from an old volume, shows Prostitutes Kameda-honcho row of tubs with a long board laid across them, upon which food and drink is served, and there Prostitutes Kameda-honcho other illustrations, re- produced from old cuts, of some more than merely suggestive scenes, which we must presume were nothing out of the com- mon in bath-houses.

The request being a reasonable one, it was granted, and the removal was postponed until the fourth month, but on the 2nd March Meireki 3 nen, Shogwatsu, 18 nichi Hi-no- to-tori cycle of the Water Fowl that disastrous fire known as the " Mirisode kwaji " fire of the long-sleeved garment broke out in the Hom-myOji temple at Maru-yama in Hongo and raged through the city of Yedo during three days and three ffistoiy of the Yoshiwara Yukwaku.

The head-man of the Yoshiwara was again summoned to the Bugyo's office and ordered to take advantage of the fire to carry out the removal without further delay. In Septemberthe new brothels were completed and the " profession " crowded into the " Shin- Yoshiwara.

It is situated at a place formerly known as Senzoku- nmra and is only a few cho distant from the Asakusa-ji temple. There is a hill or rather slope leading down from the Nihon-dsutsumi on the way to the Prostitutes Kameda-honcho which is called " Emon-zaka " or " Dress ing Hill," because it is sup- posed that visitors to the gay quarter began to adjust their garments and smarten themselves up in passing along this road.

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Another account states that the name was taken from the Emon-zaka of Kyoto. The road leading Prostitutes Kameda-honcho Emon-zaka to the Yoshiwara is known as Gojikken-machi.

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Tradition says that there was a servant named Koheiji in the employ of Shoji Jinyemon the founder of the quarter and that he advised his master to con- struct the road in three curved lines as this was Prostitutes Kameda-honcho more tasteful than one constructed in a plain line.

Prostitutes Kameda-honcho tradition says that the road was constructed in that way in ac- cordance with the commands of Kamio Lord of Bizen, but, at any rate, it is certain that the plan of the road was conceived Prostitutes Kameda-honcho some person gifted with a from a Japanese point of view poetical imagination.

On either side of the curved section Prostitutes Kameda-honcho roadway twenty-five tea-houses cha-ya were built, making a total of fifty houses go-jik-kenhence the Prostitutes Kameda-honcho name "Go-jik-ken machi" fifty house street or " Go-jik-ken-machi " fifty house town.

At the end of the road stood a gateway which formed the entrance of the Yoshiwara, and the vicinity of this gateway was known as the Omon-guchi entrance to the great gate.

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The gate itself was called the O-mon great gateway. Having passed through the O-mon, the visitor would find himself within the precincts of the " Shin-Yoshiwara.

As was the ease with the Moto- Yoshiwara, another street was added for the convenience of "Age-ya " and called " Ageya-machi. In the 8th year of Kwambun a raid was made on the "jigoku" unlicensed prostitutes and the captives were transported to the Yoshiwara, but Prostitutes Kameda-honcho they numbered souls it was difficult to find accommodation for them and apparently there was not enough Prostitutes Kameda-honcho in Prostitutes Kameda-honcho quarter to erect new brothels.

Under these circumstances, a little plot of ground was requisitioned at the back of each brothel in Yedo-cho Ni-chOme, and some seventy-five small houses were built there for the reception of the new immigrants to this earthly paradise. As Prostitutes Kameda-honcho majority of the these fresh arrivals were natives of Fushimi and Sakai, the streets where their houses stood were called Fushimi-chO and Sakai-machi.

Sakai-machi was destroyed by fire during the era of Meiwa and has ceased to exist, but Fushimi-chO is to be seen to this day. At first the five streets of the Shin- Yoshiwara con- sisted wholly of brothels, Ageya-machi of "age-ya" and Naka-no-chO of tradesmen's stores, but as time Prostitutes Kameda-honcho away the " age-ya " ceased to exist and in their place sprang up " cha-ya " tea-houses.

Gradually, also, the Prostitutes Kameda-honcho in Naka-no-chO removed elsewhere and their stores were turned into tea-houses.

Subsequently tea-houses began to in- crease in number at Ageya-machi, and nowadays there are even many brothels to be seen in this street.

The ope- ya made all arrangements for procuring the attendance Prostitutes Kameda-honcho courtesans when required. In the summer evenings "dealers in flre-flles hotaru-uri would also bo found hanging " around these streets. In the plans of the " old Yoshiwara, however, it would seem that a place with a " similar name did actually exist, and so it is mentioned here for " the sake of reference.

The street along the creek at " Kyo-macM It-cho-me is Prostitutes Kameda-honcho the Nishi-gaghiin remembrance of " a younger brother ot Shoji Jinyemon, founder of the Yoshiwara " named Tachibana-ya Sainen, having lived there.

It is mentioned in the " DoboGoyen " iPOSJIoill that there was an hereditary farmer at Minowa named Shibazaki Yohei, and according to his story he had heard from his Prostitutes Kameda-honcho that the Nihon-dsutsumi " was constructed about a hundred years ago in the year of the " large monkey.

It is a very common custom in Japiin to compose names in tliis manner. He was n great minister and scholar, but failing a victim to calumny was banislied and finally died in exile.

He is worshipped! Mi-kaeri Yanagi. This well-known willow-tree stands at the entrance of Go-jik-ken-machi, on the left, below the Nihon-dsutsumi. It has been so called because many a visitor to the Yoshiwara has looked regretfully back as he passed the willow tree, feeling reluctant to leave the pleasures of the quarter and to be separated from his fair, even though frail, inamorata.

This is situated on the right hand side of Prostitutes Kameda-honcho Go-jik-ken- michi. The name of " Yoshiwara Prostitutes Kameda-honcho " was given to the new shrine and it has been made Prostitutes Kameda-honcho guardian shrine of the " enclosure. Later on, a person named Chiba Kurosuke removed Prostitutes Kameda-honcho to a space on the border of a paddy-field, and since the establishment of the Yoshiwara, in the era of Keichothis Inari became the guardian deity of the pro- stitude quarter.

As to the origin of the " Byakko-seki " white fox stone of the Akashi-Inari — which was the presiding deity of Yedo- 18 History of the Yoshiwara Yukwaku. Nishimura, but at the Prostitutes Kameda-honcho of the local inhabit- ants to consecrate it shrine of the guardian deity it was re- moved to the present site. While the shrine was in course of construction a curiously shaped object was unearthed, and on closer examination Prostitutes Kameda-honcho was found to be a beautiful blackish coloured stone Prostitutes Kameda-honcho the figure of a byakko white fox gambolling in the fields.

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The " Aisome-zafcura. AND The " Prostitutes Kameda-honcho. The "Ryo-jin no Ido. This well is situated about the centre of Prostitutes Kameda-honcho Go-jik-ken- michi, on the right haiid side.

Government Edict-board and Regulations at the Omon. On the present O-mon great gateway are inscribed the following characters from the pen of Mr. Tidings of the autumn when the streets are Prostitutes Kameda-honcho on either side with lighted lanterns. The depth of meaning conveyed by these sixteen ideographs is almost incredible to the uninitiated, and to explain the full sense of Prostitutes Kameda-honcho composition in English is well-nigh impossilile.

The swords were taken charge of by attendants at the doors before the samurai guest went into tlie house. Mitford says in his " Tales of old Japan " — " When a Japanese enters a house of ill-farae he is forced to leave his sword and Prostitutes Kameda-honcho at the door for two reasons— first, to prevent brawling; secondly because it is known that some of the women inside so loathe their existence that they would put an end to it, could they get hold of a weapon.

The com- mingling blossoms, Seemingly transmuted into dense masses of soft and fleecy cloud, braid the trees in a wealth of vernal beauty, and the gay dresses both of the unfortunate women, and those of the passers-by, ever icaleidoscopic in effect and vividly oriental in colour, all go Prostitutes Kameda-honcho make up a scene Prostitutes Kameda-honcho oncu strange, fascinating, and well-nigh dream-like in character. These tSro were first hung out as an offering to the soul of one Tamagiku, a popular courtesan in olden days.

When one enters the great gate at the time of this festival it is a very pretty sight to see the rows of lanterns after they are lighted up. Some of these lanterns bear pictures by celebrated painters and are therefore quite works of art, Prostitutes Kameda-honcho the effect of the display Prostitutes Kameda-honcho heightened at times by artiflcal flowers being placed between them.

It is said that the approach of Autumn is heralded by the cry of the wild geese, but that it is also foretold by the display of lanterns in the Prostitutes Kameda-honcho cho Prostitutes Kameda-honcho the festival of the dead. In later times this expression was changed, and nowadays people speak of going to the Yoshiwara as " naka ye yuku " to go inside". Classes of Brothels. In ancient times the houses were classified according to the position and standing of their inmates.

As we mention elsewhere, the courtesans were formerly classed as TayQ, KOshi-joro, Tsubone, Sancha-joro, Umecha-joro also read " Baicha-joro " and Kirimise-joro, and in a similar manner brothels were also divided as Prostitutes Kameda-honcho, KOshi-mise, Tsubone- mise, Sancha-mise, Umecha-mise or " Baicha-mise " Kiri- mise, etc.

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Afterwards, the name of the Tayu-mise and KOshi- mise was changed to " Yobidashi," and the " Umecha-mise " having disappeared the so-called " Zashiki-mochi " and " Prostitutes Kameda-honcho " came into existence.

After the era of Kwansei the classes of brothels, it Prostitutes Kameda-honcho, were determined according to the height of the bars of the cages. The wood used in the lattice window of an 0-magaki a first- class house with bars running up to the ceiling Prostitutes Kameda-honcho about 8 inches in width and was painted red. The houses themselves were generally as large as 13 ken by 22 ken 78 x ft. The lattice bars Prostitutes Kameda-honcho the lower class houses, on the contrary, were 3 Prostitutes Kameda-honcho in width and therefore these houses were called Ko-gOshi small lattices.

The lowest class houses had bars which ran horizontally instead of vertically. These distinctions were maintained up to the time of the general libera- tion of prostitutes in the 5th year of Meiji but since that time the brothels have been classified as either 0-rmse, Chu-mise, or Ko-mise Large, medium, and small Prostitutes Kameda-honcho shops.

The best houses do not exhibit the women in cages. O-mise First-cla. Daimonji-ro " Yedo-cho It-cho-ine. Shinagawa-ro " Ageya-machi. Nomura-ro " Kyo-machi Nicho-me. Naka-mise [Second-class houses. Man-kwa-ro in Yedo-cho Nicho-me. Horai-ro " Ageya-machi. Ai-idzumi-ro " Snmi-cho. Naka-gome-ro " Kyo-machi Ni-cho-me.

Ko-mise Third-class houses. Shin Hanai-ro Sho-yei-ro. Fukurai-rO in Yedo-chO It-ch5-me. Oto Hanai-ro " Musashi-ro " Hisa Hanai-ro. Seiho-ro in Ageya-machi. Shin-man-ro " Ai-man-ro.

Sen-Nakagome-ro in Kyo-machi Ni-cho-me. Besides Prostitutes Kameda-honcho there are many houses Prostitutes Kameda-honcho Yedo-cho, 8umi- cho, Kyo-machi It-cho-me and Ni-cho-me Ageya-machi, etc.

The first-mentioned seven houses are first-class, those in Naga- naga-ya second-class, while those at Suido-jiri and Go-jik-ken are very inferior indeed. The reception of guests, and arrang- ing affairs for them, is attended to by servant maids, three or four of whom are generally employed in each hikite-jaya. When a visitor arrives before the entrance of a hikiie- jnya, the mistress of the house and her maid-servants run to welcome him with cries of " irrasshai " you are very wel- come!

If he has no " friend " with whom he is acquainted, photographs are pro- duced for inspection and Prostitutes Kameda-honcho guest chooses his oi7-an from them. Then the attendant will guide him to the brothel selected, act as a go-between in negotiating for the courtesan's favours, and after all preliminaries have been settled will wait a.

By and by, when the time comes for retiring, the Prostitutes Kameda-honcho conducts the guest to his sleejDing apartment, waits until the arrival of tlie " lady friend " Prostitutes Kameda-honcho then discreetly slips away and leaves the brotliel.

When one of these servant Prostitutes Kameda-honcho takes charge of a visitor she becomes, for the time being, the actual personal servant of sucli guest and attends to everything he requires. If the guest calls yeisha dancing and singing girls Prostitutes Kameda-honcho maid Prostitutes Kameda-honcho supposing.

With the exception of the guests, no persons are allowed to wear zori sandals inside the brothels. Of late it has become a rule that the office which manages all affairs in the Yoshiwara shall distribute to the various tea- houses registration books, of a uniform style, in. The books are carefully ruled off" in columed blanks headed : — " Nose, Ears, Mouth, Status, Place of registration," etc. In short, these books for which, by the way, a charge of 20 to 30 sen is made are something like the usual Japanese hotel registers but more Prostitutes Kameda-honcho and detailed, and when the blanks Prostitutes Kameda-honcho faithfully filled up an exceedingly good description of guests is secured.

In all brothels similar books are kept, and the duty Prostitutes Kameda-honcho com- paring the entries in these with the entries in those of the Prostitutes Kameda-honcho devolves on the staff of the Yoshiwara office. It is the custom for the maid to carry a lighted lantern even inside the brothel as far as the door of the room of tlie courtesan to whom the visitor is intro- duced.

This lantern serves as a tolcen to identify the hikite-jaya to which the maid belongs. Prostitutes Kameda-honcho arriving before the door of the room the lantern is extinguished by shak- ing it, and not Prostitutes Kameda-honcho blowing out the light in the usual way. A supersition exists against blowing out the light with one's lips : — it is supposed Prostitutes Kameda-honcho be unlucky.

Hidory of the Yoshiwara Yukwaku. The payment of the guest's bill is made through the hikite-jaya on his return to Prostitutes Kameda-honcho introducing house in Prostitutes Kameda-honcho morn- ing. The guest pays his total bill to the hikite-jaya and the latter squares Prostitutes Kameda-honcho accounts with the brothel. The strict rule is for the hikite-jaya to settle up these accounts daily with the brothels, but it has become a custom with the majority to balance accounts only twice a month — viz : — on the 14th and 30th day of each month.

Horai-ro " Ageya-machi.

In case of a frequent visitor being without money, and unable to pay his bill, the hikite-jaya will not, as a rule, refuse him credit in consideration of the patron- age he has extended to the house and in anticipation of future visits.

Sometimes, however, it happens that a regular customer becomes heavily indebted to a certain house, and turning his back on this establishment he seeks for new pastures and fresh credit ; but here the extraordinary secret intelligence system upsets his Prostitutes Kameda-honcho.

Among these tea-houses exists a kind Prostitutes Kameda-honcho " honor among thieves " esprit de corps, and besides, self- protection Prostitutes Kameda-honcho forced the houses to give secret information to each other where their mutual interests are threatened ; so when a party is in debt Prostitutes Kameda-honcho one Prostitutes Kameda-honcho the hikite-jaya he will be boycotted by the others. A smart hand may successfully pretend to be a new arrival in the Yoshiwara once or twice, but his trick is sure to be discovered ere long.

Faithful service of employes is ensured in the Yoshiwara in a similar manner. In case of Prostitutes Kameda-honcho servant-maid employed in one house being Prostitutes Kameda-honcho to enter 32 History of the Yoshiwara Yukwaku. In ordering food from a dai-ya a Prostitutes Kameda-honcho where food is cooked and sent out to orderor in making purchases from storekeepers in the Yo- shiwara, a maid-servant belonging to any of the hikite-jaya requires Prostitutes Kameda-honcho money with her because the dealers all place con- fidence in the house from which she has come, and this they know at once by the inscription on the lantern she carries.

Prostitutes Kameda-honcho an order is Prostitutes Kameda-honcho by a maid-servant the goods are handed over without the slightest hesitation, so under these circumstances an evil-minded woman might resort to fraud without any difficulty ; but should she once be detected she would never again be able to get employment in the Yoshiwara.

The fifty tea-houses outside the 0-mon great gate were in former times called '' Kitie-jaya'" ticket tea-houses or Prostitutes Kameda-honcho Kitte-mise " ticket shops ; they were also colloquially termed in Yedo slang — " Yoshiwara no go-ju-mai kitie " the fifty " tickets " of the Yoshiwara because they had the mono- poly of issuing tickets or passes for the Yoshiwara.

On one of these old passes was written : — History of the Yoshiwara Yukwaku. It appears from this that every lady who wished to enter the precincts for the Prostitutes Kameda-honcho of sightseeing, or for any other reason, had to obtain a pass from the tea-houses above- mentioned. Afterwards, the " Midzu-chaya " rest-houses began to be built Prostitutes Kameda-honcho the Prostitutes Kameda-honcho Dyke of Japan and as they gradually increased and prospered they at length encroached upon the Naka-no-cho where the trades- men of the quarter were living.

This continued until the street came to be monopolized by Midzu-chaya, and from the latter the present hikite-jaya were finally evolved.

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It is recorded Prostitutes Kameda-honcho since the era of Geriroku the keepeers of funa-yado a sort of tea-house where pleasure boats Prostitutes Kameda-honcho kept and let out on hire for excursions and picnics used to arrange for guests to go and come in their river-boats, " and among the sights of Yedo were the long lines of boats floating up and down the river with gaily-dressed courtesans and the Jetinesse doree of the city in them.

The tea-houses which had their origin on the banks of the JVihon-dsutsumi, now acted as guides tebiki to intending visitors to brothels, the old custom of the place was broken, and the name of hikite-jaya come into existence.

No doubt but the decadence of the older institutions is attributable to the superior facilities afforded to guests by the new houses. Prior to the fire of the Meiwa era the Prostitutes Kameda-honcho stories of all the tea-houses in Naka-no-cho were fitted with open lattice- work in front, but subsequent to that memorable conflagration this restriction was removed and the houses were built so as to render them convenient for sight-seeing from the upper floor.

Prostitutes Kameda-honcho freedom did not prove of much advantage to many of the houses, however, as it Prostitutes Kameda-honcho decided that the processions should thenceforward be confined to the Naka-no-cho. In the 10th year of Horeki the " Ageya " completely disappeared, and the receiving of Prostitutes Kameda-honcho arranging matters for guests became the monopoly of the tea-houses.

Taking advantage of the History of the Yoshkvara Yukwaku. DO position attained, the tea-houses abused their prosperity and influence and allowed their establishments to be used by courtesans, geisha, taiko-mochi, and various guests, for the purpose of carrying on illicit intrigues and advancing amours between men and women of loose morals.

Not only this, but the houses allowed their accounts with the brothels to fall into arrears, or made payment in an unpunctual and perfunctory manner, and for these reasons many were suspended from exercising their business. In the era of Tempo all food served to the guests in hikite-jaya was prepared on the premises by professional cooks in the service of the houses.

At present, a first customer to a tea-house is called " shokwai " first meeting : the second time he comes " ura " behind the scenes and the third time " najimi " on intimate terms. In addition to other small fees the visitor is expected to give a tip of 20 or 30 sen to the maid who acts Prostitutes Kameda-honcho his guide, but if he does not hand it over volun- tarily it is carefully included in his bill under the heading Prostitutes Kameda-honcho " o-iomo " your Prostitutes Kameda-honcho.

Experience of hikite-jaya will convince 36 History of the Yoshiwara Yukwaku. A large profit is made upon sake, as this is kept in stock by tea-houses themselves.

Besides, they draw a hand- some revenue from visitors in the shape of " chadai " tea money which rich prodigals bestow upon them in return for fulsome flattery and cringing servility.

The guests will also often give a sobana present to all the inmates of the house when they are well treated, and at special seasons of the year, festivals, and occasions of rejoicing, the liberality of Prostitutes Kameda-honcho brings quite a shower of dollars, all nett profit, into the coffers of the chaya proprietor. It is one of the many curious customs of the Yoshiwara that the expression "fukidasu " to blow out is disliked, as also is the blowing out of the ground cherry hozuki.

The hozuki is bitter or acid, and as a pregnant woman is supposed to like sour or acid things courtesans think that to blow the winter cherry is most ominous as it Prostitutes Kameda-honcho presage pregnancy and injure their pro- fession.

This practice seems as pleasant to the geiaha as that of chewing gum Prostitutes Kameda-honcho to some foreigners. Under Prostitutes Kameda-honcho pretexts, inexperienced persons are guided to bori-jaya by these touters, welcomed effusively, and pestered with the most fulsome flattery and attention.

Sake and food is served to them, including a number of dishes never even ordered by the guest, and by and by geisha are called in to sing Prostitutes Kameda-honcho dance, although Prostitutes Kameda-honcho visitors have not requisitioned their services.

Later on, when the guests are primed with liquor, they are urged to visit a brothel on the condition that the expenditure shall be kept as low as possible, but, once within the low stews to which they are taken, they Prostitutes Kameda-honcho per- suaded to squander money on geisha and other things.

If meanwhile the visitor, fearing heavy expenses, should desire to settle his Prostitutes Kameda-honcho, the keeper of the house will put off the matter and invent various plausible excuses for delaying the making up of the account.

Time flies and Prostitutes Kameda-honcho succeeds the night, but no bill is rendered, and every artifice and trick is employed to detain the guest, until the latter, overcome with sake and fatigue, rolls over on the floor in a drunken sleep.

Meanwhile the pockets of the unfortunate victim are surveyed in order to discover the extent of his means, and as soon as it is evident that there is no more money left to be sucked he is allowed to depart. Sometimes, Prostitutes Kameda-honcho, the visitors prove too smart to be successfully swindled, but in these cases Prostitutes Kameda-honcho houses afford them a very cold reception indeed.

Sometimes it 38 Hist yry of the YosMwara Yukwaku. In such Prostitutes Kameda-honcho case the proprietors Prostitutes Kameda-honcho allow the guest to depart under the escort of one of the employes of the house. This man exercises strict surveillance over the guest, and follows him like grim death wherever he goes until the bill is settled. He is known Prostitutes Kameda-honcho a tsuki-uma Prostitutes Kameda-honcho attendant — or " following " — horse and if pay- ment is not made he will inflict the disgrace of his presence upon the Prostitutes Kameda-honcho wight he follows, tracking the latter home to his very doorstep and there making Prostitutes Kameda-honcho noisy demand Prostitutes Kameda-honcho the money owing.

It is only fair to add, however, that such low tea-houses are not to be found Prostitutes Kameda-honcho the Naka-no-cho. Hhtory of the Yoshlrvara Prostitutes Kameda-honcho. In the tea-houses in Naka-no-cho, lattice work doors were used in Prostitutes Kameda-honcho upper floors.

It is stated that originally only the central portion of the Yoshiwara leading from Ageya-machi was called Naka-no- cho, the other portions being named Yedo-ch5 division, Kyo- machi division, etc. The " Amigasa-jaya. In passing, Prostitutes Kameda-honcho may be noted that it was a custom for these houses to be built without second- stories facing the street.

The spot has therefore Prostitutes Kameda-honcho com- " pared to the body of a peacock, and the dazzling splendour of " the Yoshiwara to the magnificent tail of that vain bird. At this time the morals of the geinin were at a very low ebb, and their conduct so lax that great trouble was experienced in the quarter. Female geisha began Prostitutes Kameda-honcho compete with the regular courtesans and openly offered themselves as prostitutes, while the male professionals Prostitutes Kameda-honcho intimacies 44 History of the Yoshiwara Yukwaku.

Daimonji-ro " Yedo-cho It-cho-ine.

All these abuses Prostitutes Kameda-honcho showed the absolute neces- sity of putting the geinin under proper control and of framing regulations for putting a check to their unrestrained intrigues, amours, and general gross misconduct. In the 8th year of Anyei a certain person named Shoroku who was the keeper of a brothel known as " Daikoku-ya " Prostitutes Kameda-honcho the question, and after consultation with his confreres established a Kemban-sho registry office for Prostitutes Kameda-honcho of both sexes.

The male geisha, it appears, were all bound to do duty Prostitutes Kameda-honcho the Kemban-sho in turn. Classes of Prostittites. The custom of dividing courtesans into higher and lower classes had already sprung into existence while the Yoshiwara was situated at Yanagi-machi close by the present Tokiwa- bashi.

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Wlience the name kwihi-jnro " Prostitutes Kameda-honcho " courtesan. History of the Yoshiwara Yuhvaku. Particulars of these changes are mentioned in various old books and can also be gathered from the lists Prostitutes Kameda-honcho courtesans published in those times. As to Prostitutes Kameda-honcho origin of the names Tayu, Koshi, Tsubone, etc. The Tayu was a courtesan of the highest class, excelling her unfortunate sisters both in respect to her beauty and accomplishments, and, as previously mentioned, this appella- tion had come into existence while the kuruwa was yet in Yanagi-cho.

In the 20th year of Kwan-ei there were Prostitutes Kameda-honcho tayu, in Prostitutes Kameda-honcho era of Manji 19, and in the 2nd year of KyohO 14, but between the 21st year of KyohO and the 1st year of En-kyo the number of tayu decreased to 6.

In Prostitutes Kameda-honcho 4th year of Kwan-en we only find one tayu in Prostitutes Kameda-honcho whole Yoshiwara, and by the end of the Horeki era the class had entirely disappeared. The age-dai-kin fee of a tayu was at first fixed at 37 momme Prostitutes Kameda-honcho Yen 6.

In Prostitutes Kameda-honcho era of Kwampo it appears to have been 97 rrumme of silver about Yen At that period the class of courtesans styled Hashi-;jdro was a very low one, and Prostitutes Kameda-honcho History of Prostitutes Kameda-honcho Yoshiwara Yukwaku.

The Koshi-joro were similar to those known as Tenjin in Kyoto. These women had their rooms within the o-goshi great lattice doors or bars and the Dobo-Goyen PMMII states that these women had the prefix of Koshi placed before the word ;"oro courtesan to distinguish them from Tsubone- joro.

Koshi-joro were next in position to the Tayu, and their fee was at first 25 momme Yen 4. In the front of the houses where Tsvhone-joro resided, wooden lattice Prostitutes Kameda-honcho screens, cut in a " figure of eight " all over pattern, of six feet in height were erected, presenting a most curious spectacle.

This class of courtesans were in their turn ousted from popularity by the Umecha-joro about the Prostitutes Kameda-honcho of Genroku Tsubone, — the "women's apartments" in the courts of princes Prostitutes Kameda-honcho daiinyo — was added to joro to find. She set out on a journey, so the story runs, to Hatake in Tosa, but was driven by stress of weatlier to Hiroshima, where poverty presently forced her to become a prostitute. The country folk of that district possessed no word in their vocabulary, applicable to a.

Kirimise-jdro were the predecessors of the present Eo- mise-jdro " small-shop-courtesans " to be found by the creek. These women lived in naga-ya barrack-like tenement houses and oflFered their services for the modest sum of mon 10 sen : in consequence of this latter fact they were described as hyaku-zo or freely rendered — " mon women ". The Teppo charged 2 Prostitutes Kameda-honcho about Yen 1. Sancha-joro was the name of a class of women which sprang up when a raid was made on the jigoku " Hell women " of Yedo and the furo-ya bath-house women were brought into the Yoshiwara in the 5th year of Kwambun The derivation of the word Sancha is very curious, Prostitutes Kameda-honcho its explanation lies in a phonetically evolved pun.

Sancha was the old time word for powdered tea, nowadays known as matcha or hikicha. In ancient times ordinary leaf tea was in- fused by placing it in a bag, Prostitutes Kameda-honcho shaking this bag about in boiling water until the liquor was extracted.

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In the Japa- nese Prostitutes Kameda-honcho verb " to shake " is furu, but this word is also used especially by courtesans to mean — " to repel " or " manifest dislike to " a Prostitutes Kameda-honcho.

The negative form of the word fwu is furazu, and furazu has the sense not only of " not to shake " but "not to repel.

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Prostitutes Kameda-honcho fee of the Sancha-joro was at first Prostitutes Kameda-honcho Bu gold about Yen 2. This class of women became very popular in course of time, and by theera5fAn-yei and Temmei this popularity had become so Prostitutes Kameda-honcho that the number and value of Tayu and Koshi began to decrease.

By the end of Prostitutes Kameda-honcho the last-named classes disappeared, and as soon as they ceased to exist the Sancha-joro succeeded in monopolizing the whole field. Their age-dai for 24 hours was 1 ryo 1 bu about Yen The Sancha were divided Prostitutes Kameda-honcho Chusan or Hirusan and Tsuke-mawashi, their charges being 3 bu about Yen and Prostitutes Kameda-honcho bu silver about Yen 5.

About the era of Genroku a class of women named Baicha- joro came into existence and entered into competition with the San-cha, but failed to maintain their Prostitutes Kameda-honcho.

The fee of these Bai-cha was originally 10 momme silver about Yen 1. By the era of Kwampo the Baieha had well-nigh disappeared. The Zashiki-mochi and Heya-mochi who existed up to the time of the Restoration are said to have been the remnants of the Baicha-JGro. Since the Restoration I-shin the different classes of prostitutes have not been distinguished by any special names, but their age-dai varies according to the position of the brothels to which they belong.

At present the fees charged run from 20 sen to 1 Yen 20 sen, and the women are divided into nine classes. Prostitutes Kameda-honcho fees of the women in o-mise large brothels and naka-mise medium brothels are Yen 1. These large and medium-sized establishments must be visited through the agency of hikite- jaya, and the latter receive a commission of 10 per cent, on the Prostitutes Kameda-honcho introduced by them. In this work elaborate descriptions of Yohi-dashi, Zashiki-mochi, and Heya-mochi are given, and they portray a 50 Prostitutes Kameda-honcho of the Yoshiwara Yuhwaku.

The goigeousness of her wearing ap- parel almost defies description. Her dress consists Prostitutes Kameda-honcho a long robe of richly embroidered silk brocade.

Every oiran of the Prostitutes Kameda-honcho class goes out walking in the Naka-no-cJio as soon as it is dusk. Fee 1 Bu about Yen 2. A couple of rooms of eight mats each are generally placed at the disposal of each courtesan. Their futon a kind of soft mattress are of velvet Prostitutes Kameda-honcho damask heavily wadded to a thickness of about nine inches covered on the surface with a specially woven crepe, and each woman possesses two such futon.

The coverlets used at night are of black velvet lined with red crepe. A Heyamochi. Fee 2 shu: about Yen 1. Fee mon — about 10 son — or mon — about 20 sen for a day and night. These are an exceedingly low class of women and Prostitutes Kameda-honcho houses are frequented by the rifl-raS and scum of the neigh- bourhood exclusively.

Type of Drees worn by a Courtesan. These women used to lie in wait for passers-by, and pulling in any lilcely patron they could find would slam to the door. Kdshi-jdro, being mild and gentle, are like the single-petaled cherry -flower booming luxu- riantly, for they Impose no sense of restraint on anyone.

The heya-mochi are like the white plum-blossom, pale in colour but very odoriferous. The following is a chronological table of the various changes of class and nomenclature of thejoro: — Yanagi-cho Period Hashi-joro.

Moto- Yosh i w ara. Kiriniise- joro. Genroku Kirimise- joro. Hashi- Tsubone- joro. Koslii- joro. Baicha- Sancha- Koshi- joro.


Kwansei Ta- yu. Ta- yu. Kamuro Young Female Prostitutes Kameda-honcho. The little girls who attended to the courtesans in ancient times were dressed in imitation of the child attendants formerly attached to the Prostitutes Kameda-honcho, and were styled Kiri-Kamuro.

Their portraits are often seen in pictures of the Tosa and Hishikawa ukiyo-e realistic pictures schools. The clothes of the Kamuro were cha-joro named 3Iiyakoji, 'belonging to the Naka-Omiya in chiefly made of white bleached Prostitutes Kameda-honcho, on which was dyed a jiinetree pattern waka-matsu no some-moyo Prostitutes Kameda-honcho, or of dyed calico.

The TayU and Koshijoro were entitled to two and three Kamuro attending upon them respectively while Prostitutes Kameda-honcho Sancha- joro had only one ; this system of limiting the number of Prostitutes Kameda-honcho Kamuro of a courtesan was instituted to distinguish the class to which she belonged. The wearing of a kind of clothes, made of material called ogiya-zome, by the Kamuro was con- sidered fashionable. In the era of Hoyei a San- Sim-machi, was attended by Prostitutes Kameda-honcho Kaynuro when she walked through the quarter, and this excited a good deal of comment, the elders of the place claiming that it was contrary to estab- lished custom.

The matter, however, was settled when Miya- koji explained that one of the little maids who had accom- panied her was the servant of a sister courtesan. This prece- Prostitutes Kameda-honcho once established, it became a custom for Sanclia-joro to Prostitutes Kameda-honcho walk out attended by two Kamuro under the pre- text that one of these girls was not her own servant. Since then Wakashu-Kaniuro and Bozu-Kamuro came into fashion, and of later years it became the custom for Kainuro to wear the same kind of beautiful clothes as the courtesan on whom she was in attend- ance.

Even at the present day it Prostitutes Kameda-honcho the custom for the Kamuro to wear cotton clothes, dyed with a pine-tree pattern, during the first week in January, a period which is known by the Japanese as matsu no uchi. In the selection of these names high-flown cognomens such as were bestowed on courtesans were carefully avoided, Prostitutes Kameda-honcho pretty innocent names were chosen.

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These names rarely exceeded three syllables, and never four in any case. In the event of two Kamxvro being attached to one courtesan, names were given them to match Prostitutes Kameda-honcho e. The courtesan to whom the Prostitutes Kameda-honcho belonged was called her " ane-joro," and this ane-joro found the Kamuro in clothes and paid all other expenses in connection with the child.

The keeper of the brothel watched the behaviour and disposition of all the Kamuro in his houses, and if any promised to become famous courtesans he had them instructed in every branch 54 History of the Yoshiwara Yukwaku. They attended to all her wants, waited on her at meals, lit her pipe when she desired to smoke, accompanied her when she promenaded in the Prostitutes Kameda-honcho, and Prostitutes Kameda-honcho all her errands in the neighbourhood.

The Kamuro would also per- form trifling services for the guests of her ane-joro such as bringing water for washing their hands, etc. When there was no available ane-joro the Kamuro used to wait on the master of the house, and if the latter found her smart, beautiful, and likely to become Prostitutes Kameda-honcho popular courtesan, he took her himself as a sort of adopted daughter, and had her educated at his own expense so as to fit her Prostitutes Kameda-honcho the calling.

On the other hand, girls who gave no promise Prostitutes Kameda-honcho turning out well in the Prostitutes Kameda-honcho were left without any education whatever, became household drudges pure and simple, and ended Prostitutes Kameda-honcho days in dismal ignorance : under the most favourable circumstances, this latter class of Kamuro would not be able to attain to reading characters other than hiragana an easy form of native script and to a slight smattering of samisen playing.

When a Kamuro attached to a courtesan was sick, her place was taken by one of the girls History of the Yoshiwara Yukwaku. There were no particular rooms assigned to the Kamuro but they generally slept in a room next to that of their ane-joro. They took Prostitutes Kameda-honcho meals in the kitchen together with Shinzo see chapter headed thus and Wakaimono see that heading and in the day-time were allowed to romp about the galleries of the brothels and play together.

The term Kamuro has only been employed in the Prostitutes Kameda-honcho wara, and in the Okabasho which includes the prostitute quarters at Shinagawa, Shinjuku, Senju, etc. Even in the Yoshiwara there was a rule limiting the number of kamuro to attend to a courtesan of a particular grade. When kamuro these girls generally entered service Prostitutes Kameda-honcho the ages of five to seven years had grown up to thirteen or fourteen they were made Shinzo, according to the discretion of the ane-joro.

It is used mixed with powdered gall-nuts by married women, and formerly by court nobles, to blacken their teeth. The custom is dying out fast. Sometimes sekihan rice boiled with red beans was distributed instead of buckwheat macaroni. It was also the custom on these occasions to put out a large number of seiro vessels for steaming food ranged in a row in front of the brothel, and to place them on a long table of unpainted board measuring from 9 to 18 feet in length.

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Satomi Hitsudai's Honchô shokukagami (The Encyclopedia of Food in our Land) which first At a place called Kameda in Ezo, divers harvest it with sickles. Honcho, Hondo, see Main Hall. Hori Ichiro, Kameda daimyo, see I waki. Takayoshi Prostitutes, Y oshiwara, , See also Raisan. we will see, brothels would play an important role in the early economy of Sapporo, (honchō), which varied in scope over the Colonial Agency period but.
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Stay updated. So thoroughly do the Kalisz Prostitutes in the kemban-sho know their business that no further con- versation takes place, and the geisha is sent out forthwith : in most cases the clerks do not even enquire from whence the messenger has come as they generally are quick to recognize his or her identity, and at night a glance at the lantern of the applicant Prostitutes Kameda-honcho always bears a name or device Prostitutes Kameda-honcho them the house to which the geisha is to proceed. Whores Honcho, She did, she said, and flashed a thumbs-up. In the castles of the knights, the ladies often attended on the male guests in the bath and vice versa, and in bathing resorts, such at Https://, for instance, Frau Venus seems to have reigned supreme. These things ceased at the end Prostitutes Kameda-honcho the Horeki era Human nature is fixed and immutable, is, always was, and ever will be the same ; and while race environment and Prostitutes Kameda-honcho may affect its outward form, the animal man is Prostitutes Kameda-honcho the same throughout the entire globe. Web icon An illustration of a computer application window Wayback Machine Texts icon An illustration of an open book.

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View Expanded. They invariably wore maki-obi a girdle simply wound round the waist without being crossed at right angles at the back. This action of Prostitutes Kameda-honcho girl's parents meant some loss to the original master, as he had to go to the trouble and expense of training another courtesan in all the tricks of the profession, Prostitutes Kameda-honcho, if he had secured the kamuro, he would have had a girl who knew every little point regarding the Prostitutes Kameda-honcho routine, Ilislory of the Yoshhcara Yuhvakv.

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Population 38

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Timezone Asia/Tokyo

Index in: Prayer and Play in Late Tokugawa Japan