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A Muslim leader in southern Kaduna stated all government positions in the region were reserved for Christians. Prostitutes Suleja honours his Word. It would be recalled that Aliyu had declared his intention to seek the presidency on February 7th during the launch of The Accidental Public Servant, the controversial book by Nasir Elrufai.

Christians and Muslims reside in approximately equal numbers in the central region and southwestern states, including Lagos, where the Yoruba ethnic group, whose members include both Muslims and Christians, predominates. In the southeastern states, where the Igbo ethnic group is dominant, Christian groups, including Catholics, Anglicans, and Methodists, constitute the majority. In the Niger Delta region, where the Ogoni and Ijaw ethnic groups predominate, Christians form a substantial majority, and a very small minority of the population is Muslim.

Evangelical Christian denominations are growing rapidly in the central and southern regions. Ahmadi Muslims maintain a small presence in several cities, including Lagos and Abuja. The constitution stipulates neither the federal nor the state governments shall establish a state religion and prohibits discrimination on religious grounds.

The constitution provides that, in addition to common law courts, states may establish courts based on sharia or customary traditional law. Sharia courts function in 12 northern states and the Federal Capital Territory. Customary courts function in most of the 36 states. The nature of a case and the consent of the parties usually determine what type of court has jurisdiction.

At least one state, Zamfara, requires civil cases in which all litigants are Muslim be heard in sharia courts, Prostitutes Suleja the option to appeal any decision to the common law court. Non-Muslims have the option to have their cases tried in the Prostitutes Suleja courts if they wish. The constitution Prostitutes Suleja silent on the use of sharia courts for criminal cases.

In addition Prostitutes Suleja civil matters, sharia courts also hear criminal cases if both complainant and defendant are Muslim Prostitutes Suleja agree to the Prostitutes Suleja. Defendants have the right to challenge the constitutionality of sharia criminal statutes through common law appellate courts.

The highest appellate court for sharia-based decisions is the Supreme Court, staffed by common law judges who are not required to have any formal training in the sharia penal code.

Sharia Prostitutes Suleja often advise them. The states of Bauchi, Borno, Katsina, Prostitutes Suleja Yobe maintain state-level Christian and Muslim religious affairs ministries or bureaus with Prostitutes Suleja mandates and authorities, while many other state governors appoint interfaith special advisers on religious affairs.

Both Prostitutes Suleja and state governments have the authority to regulate mandatory religious instruction in public schools. The constitution states schools may not require students to receive religious instruction or to participate in or attend any religious ceremony or observance pertaining to any religion other than their own. State officials and many religious leaders have stated students have the right to request a teacher of their own religious beliefs to provide an alternative to any instruction offered Prostitutes Suleja a religion other than their own.

The constitution also says no religious community will be prevented from providing religious instruction to students of that community in any place maintained wholly by that community. Several states have laws Prostitutes Suleja licenses for preachers, places of worship, and religious schools of registered religious Prostitutes Suleja. A Katsina State law establishes a board with the authority to regulate Islamic schools, preachers, and mosques, including issuing permits, suspending operations, and imprisoning or fining violators.

The army released a statement saying the IMN had set up illegal roadblocks in Abuja, blocking the path of an army convoy transporting missiles. The army stated it opened fire in response, killing three civilians, while the IMN said 10 of its members died in the incident. On October 29, with IMN marchers confirmed by Prostitutes Suleja press to be approaching the city along at least three major feeder thoroughfares, an additional clash occurred at a military checkpoint at the border between Nasarawa State and the Federal Capital Territory near Abuja, in which the army used live rounds to break up the crowd.

Amnesty International Nigeria reported at least 39 deaths and numerous injuries among the marchers. The government reported it opened an internal investigation of this incident but did not publish its findings, and no Prostitutes Suleja or police were held accountable. On December 17, the New York Times reported that video footage appeared to show armed forces Prostitutes Suleja beating and Prostitutes Suleja unarmed protesters.

The video contained no evidence the soldiers were provoked.

Now that President Jonathan is in power, Okupe has shifted his loyalty to Jonathan, claiming rather ridiculously that President Jonathan is the best president Nigeria has ever had!

The federal government continued to detain IMN leader Sheikh Prostitutes Suleja El Zakzaky despite a December court ruling the government should release him. In Prostitutes Suleja the Kaduna State government charged Zakzaky in state court with multiple felonies stemming from the death of the soldier in Zaria.

The charges include culpable homicide, which can carry the death penalty. There were no reports of accountability for Prostitutes Suleja implicated in the December clash between the army and IMN members that, according to a Kaduna State government report, left at least IMN members and one soldier dead, with IMN members buried in a mass grave. Approximately additional IMN members remained in detention. According to international media reports, on December 25, unidentified gunmen abducted two Prostitutes Suleja priests from St.

Both Muslim and Christian groups again said there was a lack Prostitutes Suleja just handling of their mutual disputes Prostitutes Suleja inadequate protection by federal, state, and local authorities, especially in central regions, where there were longstanding, often violent, disputes among ethnic groups.

In disputes between primarily Christian farmers and Muslim herders, herders stated they did not receive justice when their members were killed or their cattle stolen by farming communities, which they said caused them to carry out retaliatory attacks.

Farmers stated security forces did not Prostitutes Suleja when herdsmen attacked their Prostitutes Suleja. Christian groups, including the Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria and the Christian Association of Nigeria, criticized the ruling.

Amasa was denied participation in the call to the bar ceremony in December for refusing to remove her hijab, Prostitutes Suleja to media reports. According to international media, on November 13, the Lagos State government ordered the tutor-general and permanent secretaries and principals to permit use of the hijab in public schools immediately.

According to the government, since the case of wearing hijabs was still pending in the Supreme Court, schools should revert to the status quo, allowing the use of hijabs with school uniforms. In March the federal government Prostitutes Suleja security forces to halt the increasing rural violence occurring in several Middle Belt Prostitutes Suleja, where several conflicts occurred between Muslim and Christian groups.

In May the military launched Operation Whirl Stroke to increase security in Benue, Taraba, Nasarawa, and Zamfara States, where some of the ethnoreligious violence took place.

In July the Plateau Peacebuilding Agency organized a three-day peace and security summit, which included participation from religious leaders, traditional youth leaders, and female Prostitutes Suleja, along with state government ministries and heads of the security Prostitutes Suleja operating within the state.

The committees in each LGA were Prostitutes Suleja be comprised of traditional, religious, and youth leaders, who would cooperate on peacebuilding among ethnic Prostitutes Suleja religious groups. The event included government, military, paramilitary, traditional, and religious leaders, along with civil society organizations and Prostitutes Suleja from farming and herding communities.

Prostitutes Suleja participants agreed to set up state-level JSD models developed during the event to manage ethnoreligious conflicts, as well as criminal activities, which sources stated often exacerbated conflicts. State-level stakeholders began preparing to set up the models, and as of the end of the year, the state-level police commands had nominated officers to attend training in that is expected to be designed and conducted by the OVP, NHRC, and IPCR.

Christian groups reported authorities in some northern Prostitutes Suleja refused to respond to requests for building permits for minority religious communities for construction of new places of worship, expansion and renovation of existing facilities, or reconstruction of buildings that had been demolished. A Christian religious leader in Kano noted Christians could build churches freely in Sabon Gari, a part of town reserved for Christians, but only very old churches had valid permits; he added new permits had not been granted in decades.

The Christian Association of Nigeria CAN in Zamfara noted a case where a Christian businessman sold land and the certificate of occupancy to a Christian church during the year. The church attempted to register the sale with the state government, but the sale was not approved because, according to the church, the government was concerned it would build a church.

CAN also said Christians in local communities in Zamfara occasionally did not inform the government when building a church because they feared the government would have it demolished. He noted some Muslim traditional rulers have also had difficulty getting the sales approved when they have sold land to Christian churches.


Muslim students at Rivers State University Prostitutes Suleja Science and Technology continued to complain they were unable to construct a place of worship.

Prostitutes Suleja the university prevented Muslim students from constructing a mosque, leaving them with no place of worship. The Hisbah continued to arrest street beggars and prostitutes, and destroy confiscated bottles of Prostitutes Suleja.

There Prostitutes Suleja no reports of Christians being forced to use sharia courts. In January Prostitutes Suleja Kano State Hisbah arrested 94 individuals who violated the law banning street begging, and in April the Hisbah received 36 cases of prostitution. In May Zamfara State signed a bill conferring Prostitutes Suleja powers on the state Hisbah commission to interrogate and arrest individuals and to undertake searches for evidence of anti-sharia activities or substances banned by sharia.

In September the Prostitutes Suleja State Hisbah stated it confiscated 12 million bottles of beer within the past Prostitutes Suleja years, including more than 17, confiscated in September. Prostitutes Suleja to international media, in December Hisbah arrested 11 women for planning a lesbian wedding in Kano.

Both Islam and Nigerian laws prohibit same-sex relationships. Christian Prostitutes Suleja Muslim groups continued to report that individual administrators of government-run universities and technical schools in several states Prostitutes Suleja to admit certain individuals or delayed the issuance of their degrees Prostitutes Suleja licenses because of religion or ethnicity. A Muslim leader in southern Prostitutes Suleja stated all government positions in the region were reserved for Christians.

He said Hausa and Fulani Muslims earned livelihoods predominantly in the private sector because there was no alternative. In certain states, especially in the Middle Belt, the divide between Christian indigenes and Muslim settlers was religious as well as ethnic and economic. According to international reporting, on May 10, the Southern Kaduna Peace and Reconciliation Committee brought together security agencies in the state including police, army, civil defense, Department of State Security, and civil society, including religious leaders.

In the previous two years, southern Kaduna had experienced large-scale ethnoreligious violence, and the event was organized to foster trust through dialogue between the religious communities and security agencies.

Participants discussed the importance of resolving issues peacefully, how to focus on things the communities have in common instead of what divides them, and how security services could serve as assets in conflict mitigation. Although the U. While Boko Haram no longer Prostitutes Suleja as much territory as it once did, the two insurgencies nevertheless maintained the ability to stage forces in rural areas and Prostitutes Suleja attacks against civilian targets across the Northeast.

Boko Haram continued to employ suicide bombings targeting the local civilian population, including places of worship. On January 3, a Boko Haram suicide bomber attacked a Gambaru mosque, killing 14 and injuring Nigeria, home to more than million people, is largely divided into a Christian south and a Muslim north. Iran has backed Shiite groups in Nigeria in the past. Iran has previously been involved in police actions in Nigeria.

The shipment was supposedly bound for Gambia. VIA Fox News. The statement said the changes were in furtherance to the ongoing efforts to reposition and strengthen the Governor Aliyu-led PDP government for enhanced service delivery and the attainment of Vision Prostitutes Suleja government statement says the new appointees would be sworn in later in the week. Ebere Uzoukwa, after a meeting with his political associates on Saturday.

According to him, Okorocha, who is coordinating the APC activities in the South-East, Prostitutes Suleja started putting the necessary structures on the ground toward strengthening the party for victory in the forthcoming elections in the zone. Speaking at the occasion, Jonathan reiterated the commitment of his administration to institutionalise the framework that would ensure the availability of qualitative education in different levels in the country.

The president also called for more involvement of old students in the provision of amenities to make teaching and learning conducive in schools. Jide Adeniji, praised the courage of the old students of the school for remembering their alma mater and collaborating with government to improve amenities available for teaching and learning. Jonathan noted that he used to remember with nostalgia the period he Prostitutes Suleja with the Prostitutes Suleja, stating that Iresi will always be his second home after Otu Oke and thanked the host community of the school for their hospitality towards him during his service year.

He enjoined the students to be committed to their studies and Prostitutes Suleja leverage on the sincerity of purpose of his administration to improve the standard of education in the country, being a Prostitutes Suleja component in his transformation agenda. However in his address, the National President of Ebekun Secondary Commercial Grammar School Old Students Association, Alhaji Ibrahim Moronfolu, said since when nine old students of the Prostitutes Suleja came together to form the association, its membership had continued to grow.

While enumerating some of the achievements of the old students association of the school, Moronfolu said leaking roofs of two classrooms were repaired and books worth N, Prostitutes Suleja core subjects were donated to the school. He stressed that a computer Prostitutes Suleja with printer and generating set were also donated for the use of students by the association. According to him, the responsibility of repositioning the Prostitutes Suleja has gone beyond what old students alone could cope with, making it pertinent to get other stakeholders and friends of the school involved in the Prostitutes Suleja.

In that case, the party would skip primary election for that office. The idea, the source said, is to pattern the presidential contest after that of the United States of America, where an incumbent is given express ticket to contest the election. He also declared that the move was a done deal. Nothing will stop the move. However, the source revealed that the sudden move may not be unconnected to fears that the president could face a steep battle going into the primary contest, a development that is capable of tearing the party apart.

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The party, he further said, is Prostitutes Suleja itself to counter the surging wave of the newly announced opposition merger platform, the All Progressives Congress APC. We are completely unaware of any Prostitutes Suleja to change the constitution of the party.

Even the Prostitutes Suleja of the country is being amended; the constitution of the party can be amended if they party leaders decide to.

Does the law allow them to do that? Look, Prostitutes Suleja are guided by the laws of the land. There have been debates as to the propriety or otherwise of President Jonathan contesting the election. The emergence of the APC, sources said, might have ignited the new thinking in the ruling party.

The former Senate Whip told our Prostitutes Suleja of correspondents in a telephone interview on Sunday that Prostitutes Suleja personally raised the matter during the said meeting and that Jonathan did not make any promise of serving just one Prostitutes Suleja. Aliyu had in an interview aired on Liberty Radio, Kaduna, claimed that President Jonathan had agreed to serve for only one term of four years beginning from You see, I will explain clearly what happened.

Even if we want to convince our people, we have to take something to them, can you please confirm to us here and now that you are only going to run for Prostitutes Suleja term? You get it clear? That was exactly what happened. President, we are with you but I was the one who bluntly asked him if he was going to run so that we can go and tell Prostitutes Suleja people.

The governor was, however, non-committal when asked whether the said agreement existed and if there was a document to back such a claim. Calls to the mobile telephone number of Senator Danjuma Goje who attended the meeting as governor inwere not answered. He also did not reply a text message sent to him on the subject. Prostitutes Suleja a former Senate Leader, Prostitutes Suleja Folarin, said that the issue of second term bid by Jonathan was not raised in meetings held before the general election that produced him as the president.

That was the focus.

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Honestly, I cannot recollect any discussion or issue raised about whether he would recontest or not. A Presidency source also challenged those making such claims to produce the said document if indeed it exists. The source claimed that Jonathan neither signed any document nor committed himself to serving only a term in office.

The council polls of the Nigerian capital will hold on March A week after, the new party rolled out its basic programmes and set up contact and mobilisation committees in the six geo-political zones.

Prostitutes Suleja yet to be registered, the APC has stated that it is ready to be a Prostitutes Suleja opposition prior to with a view to upstaging the PDP in the elections. Prior toProstitutes Suleja, the new party would have several opportunities to test its strength against the PDP.

Gubernatorial and local government elections will be held in some states. The immediate test before the new party, however, is the Abuja council polls coming up in a few weeks. The Abuja elections Elections into the six Area Councils in Prostitutes Suleja Federal Capital Territory, Abuja slated for the March 16, have been described as a testing ground for Prostitutes Suleja workability of the merger of the four parties. As part of the test of their merger, the parties are already working together Prostitutes Suleja defeat the PDP in the council polls.

One of the councils where the merger is being tested is Abaji Area Council. We learnt that the parties have all come together to present joint candidates for the polls based on their strengths. As part of the arrangement, the ACN, whose candidates narrowly lost the council chairman seat to the PDP in the last elections, will present the Chairman and Vice Chairmanship candidate. Mohammed said.

Mohammed also said part of the deals agreed within the three parties is to share the councillorship seats based on the areas of Prostitutes Suleja of each party across the wards in the Area Council. The Prostitutes Suleja member of the alliance, APGA, has no strong presence in the council. He added that three wards in the central zone have been allocated to the CPC, while the wards Prostitutes Suleja the south east zone of the council were allocated to the ANPP and the remaining one ward in the North East left for the ACN.

Mohammed said the merger has made Prostitutes Suleja practically impossible for the ruling PDP Prostitutes Suleja win the chairmanship Prostitutes Suleja. The PDP is however undisturbed by the opposition alliance.

The party on February 11 flagged of its campaign in the Abuja councils. The election, set for March 16, will be the first test of the merger against the PDP. Governor of Niger State Babangida Aliyu has revealed of the existence of an agreement signed between President Goodluck Jonathan and some Northern governors in which Jonathan pledged to do only one term of four years from to The governor said it was on the basis of that agreement that himself and some other Northern Governors, especially those of the ruling Peoples Democratic Prostitutes Suleja supported the President during the Presidential election, a decision that majority of the people of the region found offensive.

In an interview he granted Liberty FM Prostitutes Suleja would be aired for the first time tomorrow, Governor Babangida Aliyu who is also the chairman of Northern Governors Forum NGF said he and others are with copies of the agreement which Jonathan duly signed, Prostitutes Suleja in which he promised to do only one terms of Prostitutes Suleja years. The Governor said he and the other signatories of the agreement have no doubt that the President would keep the terms of the agreement.

He added that President Jonathan has not told them that he will contest the Presidential election as is being speculated. It would be recalled that Aliyu had declared his intention to seek Prostitutes Suleja presidency on February 7th during the launch of The Accidental Prostitutes Suleja Servant, the controversial book by Nasir Elrufai.

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Joseph Daudu and Olalekan Ojo, representing Messrs. Al-Mustapha and Shofolahan respectively, on Friday, applied for a regularization of their briefs of argument.

The appellate court, presided over by Chima Centus Nweze, granted both counsels the order as prayed, before adjourning for hearing of the appeal. Abiola in June Prostitutes Suleja, along the Lagos-Ibadan Expressway.

The victim was the wife of late politician and business mogul, Moshood Abiola, who won the June 12, presidential election.

He was in detention for declaring himself Nigerian president when his wife was Prostitutes Suleja.

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Rogers and Mohamamed Abdul a. In his testimony, Mr. Falomo had stated that the bullet Prostitutes Suleja from Mrs. Falomo qualifies only as a medical doctor and not a ballistician.

The doctor was a family doctor of the late Mr. Jabila and Abdul that were favourable to their Prostitutes Suleja. More photos below…. Our sources disclosed that the accident occurred 15 minutes away from the Elysee Prostitutes Suleja, the venue of the official meeting with the French leader. Jamilu Waziri, a presidential liaison officer PLOwas injured in the accident and had to be taken to a Paris hospital where he received treatment for a broken ankle.

Prostitutes Suleja a result of the accident, Mr. Waziri was unable to attend the meeting. Our source said Mr. Waziri later flew with President Jonathan who is due to arrive in Abuja shortly. The wounded officer walked with aid of a pair of crutches. A French official confirmed the accident The large size of the Nigerian delegation meant Prostitutes Suleja Mr. According to the Prostitutes Suleja source, a car rented by the Nigerian embassy in Paris to convey some of the Nigerian delegates was involved in the accident.

He dusted up all his files and found petitions against the then Katsina State governor and launched investigations. The investigations, he said, led to the arrest of local government chairmen in the state, on the allegation of diversion of local government funds. The former minister said he had to persuade Ribadu to stop the investigations, saying that people would read meanings into all his actions. Prostitutes Suleja also said leaving office as the President of Nigeria in was very painful for Obasanjo.

I never thought of losing power as being that painful, but he was visibly pained. However, a source close to the former Prostitutes Suleja said that el-Rufai, who Prostitutes Suleja Minister of the Federal Capital Territory under Obasanjo, said he el-Rufai decided to Prostitutes Suleja the former President because he did not anoint him as his successor. Kuku gave the directive on Tuesday in Abuja at a news briefing he addressed in Prostitutes Suleja to the submission Prostitutes Suleja assorted weapons by a militant group in the region.

The special Prostitutes Suleja, who is also the Chairman, Presidential Amnesty Office PAOsaid the arrest and prosecution of the militants had become imperative since the period slated for disarmament was over. Amnesty history The presidential aide recalled that when the FG proclaimed unconditional amnesty for the militants on June 25,a total of 20, former agitators gave up their arms and ammunitions. Kuku said the ex-militants were then enrolled in the first phase of the amnesty programme.

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He said the Prostitutes Suleja of the amnesty included the willingness and readiness of the agitators to surrender their arms on or before October 4, ; unconditionally renouncing militancy and signing of an undertaking to that effect.

Kuku said. He said the Federal Government also approved the inclusion of another 3, former militants, bringing the total to 30, in October, Kuku said the PAO was committed to funding the disarmament process of 3, former militants newly enrolled for the third phase of the amnesty programme.

He said this was aimed at reconciling the disarmament records of the former agitators, who have surrendered their arms to military formations and security agencies, in the third phase of the amnesty programme The Inaemi David group on February 1 submitted six wraps of dynamite and one AK 47 assault rifle, three locally-made pistols, one automatic revolver and 12 locally-made single barrel rifles.

Others are two fully-loaded magazines, dozens of 7. Source News Agency of Nigeria. President Goodluck Jonathan did everything and said anything to win the presidential Prostitutes Suleja of the PDP, including empowering the governors whose Prostitutes Suleja he is Prostitutes Suleja so desperate to curb.

Jonathan encouraged Prostitutes Suleja supported the activities of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, Reform Group, led by Ken Nnamani, which was eager to free the party from the stranglehold of the governors. El Rufai said he told Mr. I Prostitutes Suleja clear in my view that Jonathan had Prostitutes Suleja shown enough leadership in political and economic matters to earn any public Prostitutes Suleja. Orubebe that he could not join Mr.

Orubebe also came with a sweetener, asking Mr. According to the author, he told Mr. Orubebe that the government should let the courts decide, and that he would not accept a withdrawal of the charges. Orubebe assured that he would not relent in Prostitutes Suleja efforts to bring Mr. El Rufai back to the PDP fold. Orubebe arranged a meeting between Messrs. Jonathan created when he denied the existence of the Prostitutes Suleja provisions that were so explicitly stated in the Prostitutes Suleja of the PDP.

The blunt memo Mr. El Rufai sent back marked the end of the recruitment effort. Nnamani, with Prostitutes Suleja. Jonathan had double-crossed his allies in the Prostitutes Suleja group by reaching an accord with the governors.

He repudiated the reform group, and looked on as the governors took their revenge Prostitutes Suleja suspending the leaders of the reform group from the party, the book stated. Nnamani and Masari both challenged their suspension in court. El Rufai said that the politicians involved in that episode learnt that President Jonathan could not be expected to keep a promise. While this newspaper Prostitutes Suleja unable to determine how much was spent in procuring the late January CNN and Aljazeera interviews with Mr.

Jonathan, Prostitutes Suleja are in possession of documents suggesting that the presidency has retained the services of an American lobbying firm, Fleshman-Hillard Inc. The lobbying firm submits bills to the presidency as it pleases.

Jonathan planned at the time to announce his intention to run for president in the presidential election. But the firm was only able to deliver on the CNN interview. It was unable to get interviews Prostitutes Suleja the president on the other platforms. It is not known why the President needed to hire a lobbyist to procure interviews for him even when he has a Reuben Abati, a Doyin Okupe, and a Reno Omokri among his numerous media aides.

He would not force himself to see Mr. Regardless of the channel through which he opened up, the interview was well-received as the president also spoke on governance, promising improved electricity supply which he enjoys Prostitutes Suleja POWER and security.

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Jonathan has yet to grant exclusive interviews to Nigerian channels. The closest to that is the occasional presidential media chat on the state-run Nigerian Television Authority.

Critics say the last interview was even worse. Fleshman-Hillard was also mandated to hire a trainer to work on the president, to help improve his delivery. The firm was yet to deliver on that as at the time the document seen by this newspaper was filed. A presidency source said the presidency has continued to retain the Prostitutes Suleja for the foreign interview arrangement.

But Fleshman-Hillard could not be reached for comments Friday. She is yet to return the calls. Presidential spokesperson could not also be reached for comments. Information reaching suleja sky indicates that the cease fire announced by the dreaded Prostitutes Suleja group, the Boko Haram may have been a hoax. With just 48hours into the ceasefire, unknown gunmen suspected to be operatives of the Jihadists group struck against sensitive locations within headquarters of the Birin Gwari Local Government Area in northern Kaduna State.

According to the information received, heavily armed gunmen numbering between 20 and 30 pounced and attacked the Birnin Prostitutes Suleja Police Station, burning vehicles and motorbikes. The gunmen commenced to engage the police officers in a heated gun battle Prostitutes Suleja two hours — after which the gunmen lit the police station on fire — with the police officers trapped inside the station.

Eyewitnesses indicate scores of policemen died in the attack — and the police station was reported to have been completely sacked. In addition to the Prostitutes Suleja station being sacked, the gunmen proceeded to set fire on Churches and Banks located along the Birinin Gwari — Lagos road. According to an eyewitness, the attack began Prostitutes Suleja minutes to midnight on Wednesday January 30, and lasted till minutes after 2am.

Birinin Gwari is a town dominated by Gwari indigenes who are mainly non-Muslims. The town had been isolated from the violence that have raveled Kaduna State. The number of casualties remain unknown. Prostitutes Suleja reaching Suleja sky indicates that the cease fire Prostitutes Suleja by the dreaded Jihadist group, the Boko Haram may have been a hoax. ANP in a statement issued through its national secretary, Jessica Elvis urged the national team to make the country proud by moving on to the finals and bringing back the trophy.

We want to assure them of our usual support and partnership, we want them to bring back our lost glory in football. Speaking further, Jessica added that the Association would declare one week of free sex if the Eagles Prostitutes Suleja the trophy. The Super Eagles would be confronting the Ivorian national team, the Elephants in a knockout stage on Sunday. Five men playing a game Prostitutes Suleja draught have been shot dead by militants in Kano metropolis around PM Nigeria time according to police sources.

The gunmen riding motorbikes attacked young people in Dakata quarters as they gathered around in the area playing the game of draught, killing 5 persons and injuring two others. A South African court has found Henry Okah guilty of terrorism charges leveled against him by the federal government of Nigeria. Okah was allegedly the leader of the Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta Mendthat claimed responsibility for the blasts. He was charged with engaging in terrorist activities, conspiracy to engage in terrorist activity, and delivering, placing, and detonating an explosive device.

Okah denied involvement in the attacks, which were claimed by MEND militants, and also Prostitutes Suleja being the leader of the group. Tukur has the backing of the president. The crisis has already led to the replacement of the National Secretary of the Party, Olagunsoye Oyinlola, with his deputy after a court annulled Mr.

Oyinlola, the immediate past Governor of Osun State, is seen as the arrowhead of the anti-Bamanga faction within the leadership of the party, and has gone to Prostitutes Suleja Appeal Court to challenge his removal.

As reported by Suleja sky, the ongoing crisis, though occurring now, is really a battle for and Mr. Chiza was elected almost a year ago in March at Prostitutes Suleja same time as other PDP leaders like Messrs Tukur and Oyinlola ridiculing any claim of Prostitutes Suleja thank you visit on his behalf.

However, in a chat with newsmen after the event, Mr. Abdulrahman denied that Mr. Aliyu is nursing Prostitutes Suleja ambition to contest the presidential race.

He therefore, called on other states in the zone to team up and present a credible candidate who will be acceptable by all. The delegation will is also billed to visit Lafia, the Nassarawa State capital; and Prostitutes Suleja, Benue State; for the same purpose, while the journey of the team will terminate in Abuja on Wednesday, after they might have visited Kogi and Kwara States respectively. A recent research has revealed that 70 percent of the nine million almajiris who engage in street begging across Nigeria are from north west geo-political zone.

The state government had organised the workshop to seek solutions to the problem of street begging in the state. Professor Okene, who Prostitutes Suleja a chairman of the event, further said that the only way to reverse this appalling statistic was through robust collaboration among governors in the region to check the abuse of the almajiri system in particular and street begging in general.

The dean lamented that the situation had made the region vulnerable to security breaches, like the one facing the nation at present, and noted that it could be better if efforts were made to Prostitutes Suleja Islamic and western education. He explained that Malaysia and Thailand had walked the path of the north in the past, but were able to overcome the situation with diligence and political will.

The Niger State attorney-general and commissioner for justice, Alhaji Abdullahi Bawa Wuse, Prostitutes Suleja his part disclosed that there were more than nine million almajiris in northern Nigeria. Now It is a shame that these same helpless kids whose elders left them astray to feed on craps and crumbs are clamouring for power to return to the Prostitutes Suleja. For what? The year old woman was abducted at A statement by the Media Assistant to the Speaker, Piriye Prostitutes Suleja, said the gunmen stormed the residence Prostitutes Suleja the woman and forcefully took her away to an unknown destination.

Kiyaramo said. He said the incident has been reported to the police. Odunna said. Odunna said the command had since dispatched a team of crack detectives to track down the criminals. He is currently enmeshed in a corruption scandal as the Prostitutes Suleja seek his prosecution for fraudulently obtaining millions of Naira from the Bayelsa government Prostitutes Suleja a seminar he did not attend. Kidnapping has been on the increase in several states across Nigeria. The victims Prostitutes Suleja been Prostitutes Suleja and include political office holders, their families, as well as businessmen and women.

Acolytes of former Nigeria President, Olusegun Obasanjo, plan Prostitutes Suleja two-day long birthday celebration for him despite not knowing his real date of birth.

Vice President Namadi Sambo has indicated he will attend. The former Nigerian leader had recently engaged in public spat against Mr. Jonathan over his plans to Prostitutes Suleja for office again, publicly Prostitutes Suleja him for poor governance and incompetence. Nigerian First Lady, Patience Jonathan, is scheduled to visit hospitals in Germany and Spain in a few days, according to medical sources in Abuja.

Jonathan, who returned to Nigeria last year after a prolonged stay at a German hospital, is officially headed for Spain but Prostitutes Suleja source Prostitutes Suleja she is scheduled for medical treatment in Germany to ready her fit enough so that she can attend an African First ladies event scheduled for Addis Ababa later in the month.

Since her tumultuous return from her extended trip abroad last year, Mrs. Jonathan has remained largely marooned inside the Presidential villa only attending few public events and church services in Abuja.

Although SaharaReporters fully reported on her medical excursion in Germany throughout her absence from Nigeria, she claimed not to have been in a hospital. Our source said the First Lady Prostitutes Suleja been struggling with a variety of ailments that have refused to go away, some of them being complications relating to the surgery she embarked upon during her medical trip abroad.

Concerning Mrs. It is there that a former Nigeria First Lady, Stella Obasanjo, tragically lost her life in a Prostitutes Suleja surgery operation in The presidency has convinced former head of state General Muhammadu Buhari to settle out of Prostitutes Suleja the libel suit Prostitutes Suleja had initiated against the special adviser to the president on media and publicity, Dr Reuben Abati. In it, he claimed that Buhari made an inciting statement which led to the post-election violence that rocked some parts of the north.

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The former presidential candidate of the Congress for Prostitutes Suleja Change CPChowever, regarded the publication Prostitutes Suleja defamatory, intended to lower his integrity and to bring him into public ridicule.

Buhari consequently dragged Abati and The Guardian to court via suit no. In the terms of settlement dated December and filed before the administrative judge of Lagos State, Justice Opeyemi Oke, the claimant BuhariMr.

Tope Adebayo lawyer to BuhariAbati Prostitutes Suleja Mr. Kunle Sanyaolu lawyer to The Guardian signed the terms of settlement. But the lawyer to the first defendant AbatiDame Carol Ajie, declined to sign the document. The document quoted the claimant and defendants as having explored the option of amicable settlement of the suit and agreed that, by virtue of the execution of the terms of settlement, all issues relating to the suit should be determined.

The parties further agreed that Abati and The Guardian should retract and apologise to Buhari in certain form and contents. Since the publication, however, we now have reason to believe that certain parts of the story were not verified to be correct before the publication. If you are Prostitutes Suleja in doubt with the notion that big governments fail big time, the current Nigerian government will shove that doubt down your mind. If there ever was a bad advert for government, the Nigerian government would serve as the poster brand.

Over the past few months the largesse of public funds have found their way into Prostitutes Suleja pockets and enterprises like stockbrokers, airlines, banks, textile companies even as farmers will likely get their own token — if the phones reach them — as government looks to Prostitutes Suleja phones worth about N60 billion — pre denial — or at least 10 million phones amongst as many of them.

This was touted as a forbearance of margin loans but was in effect an incentive to take risks that the public will always come Prostitutes Suleja bear. The same companies Prostitutes Suleja only a part of companies that had refinanced their debts by, in some cases selling off their assets. The 84 companies bailed out are not likely to be seen as the moral hazards they truly are, in a country where government officials and Prostitutes Suleja cronies are bailed out on everything from organizing weekend parties to flying all over the world to treat headaches, Prostitutes Suleja tummies and the other nameless diseases.

The message here is clear enough; no matter how irresponsible your firm has been, Prostitutes Suleja government will Prostitutes Suleja you a clean state. In Nigeria today, it is essentially more profitable to be irresponsible than to do things right. One of the beneficiaries of the fund, Air Nigeria who got N The owner of the company Bar.

Hard to doubt these allegations, because just before the airline finally died on the weight of Prostitutes Suleja it did not even have Prostitutes Suleja money to fuel a Lagos bound flight from London. Passengers were appealed to fuel the plane despite having paid the full cost of the flight.

Absurd yes but absurdity has become normalcy in our climes. The Textile Industry enjoyed a N billion bailout but it remains in Prostitutes Suleja. The monies as usual have not been accounted for and no one is Prostitutes Suleja questions because the government keeps Prostitutes Suleja new distractions anyway.

The latest in this distraction ballad is the N60 billion Prostitutes Suleja for farmers. In a face saving attempt, the Minister of the said ministry Dr. Adesina said his PS was quoted out of context.

It sounded like the same song by different musicians. One only sang it for longer. Is the government trying to procure 10 million phones for farmers?

In Suleja, Niger state, a year-old girl has been caught among four men having sex in an uncompleted build­ing. A police source said that the girl who hawks sachet water known as pure water meets the men daily to have sex and in re­turn they pay her between N to N She disclosed that she started sleeping. May 30,  · In Suleja, Niger state, a year-old girl has been caught among four men having sex in an uncompleted build­ing. A police source said that the girl who hawks sachet water known as pure water meets the men daily to have sex and in re­turn they pay her between N to N She disclosed that she started sleeping.

Are we saying that in a country with Prostitutes Suleja phones, farmers do not have phones of their own? Are we saying that were Nigerian farmers to release a document containing their scale of preference, phones will be number one? With some 60 per cent post-production waste, inadequate irrigation, bad road, not to talk of inhibiting export policies, farmers would rather the government thinks with its head and not its stomach. If government must spend, it should at least spend with priorities in mind.

Farmers already spend a Prostitutes Suleja of money on middlemen to access government support, it would not hurt them to spend one final one to acquire phones for themselves if truly it would help cut out these middle men. Bailouts are also rampant in the run up to elections. Many claim these monies are a reflection of efforts to build election war chests.

Prostitutes Suleja has not been proven but what has been Prostitutes Suleja is that the Nigerian government remains clueless at getting the right things Prostitutes Suleja. Like the money released for national security year after year with the nation grappling with kidnappers, armed robbers and terrorists, funds released for food security have only left Nigeria with million poor people, 70 million jobless people and fat politicians with fat foreign accounts.

One of them — Governor of the least populous state — had 48 posh properties in FCT Abuja seized from him recently. He was Governor for only four years. Prostitutes Suleja mathematics is pretty simple, the bigger money available to Nigerian public office holders to spend, the bigger money they spend on themselves, Prostitutes Suleja, cronies and relatives.

This has been proven over and again. As Prostitutes Suleja government goes shopping again, Prostitutes Suleja only wonders who the beneficiaries are this time; agricultural farmers or political farmers?

R Mohammed on December 28, Cadastral Zone A01, Garki, Abuja.

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Sylva was first arraigned on Tuesday June 5, One of the factors Prostitutes Suleja encouraged my failed attempt at studying Medicine at the University is my passionate dislike for mathematics.

But President Goodluck Jonathan in his infinite capacity for the Prostitutes Suleja sent me back to school for extra classes in Basic Arithmetic on Tuesday 11th December when I read a report that the President had made a request to the National Assembly for a Supplementary amount of N billion as fuel subsidy payment for the remaining three weeks in this year as, according to him, the original N billion budgeted for that purpose for the whole of the year had been exhausted. Now, there is no reason to suspect our dear President of falsehood, but the Coordinating Minister for the Prostitutes Suleja and Minister of Finance, Dr.

Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala had on October 21 said the N billion allocated for subsidy payments in the budget should be enough to pay petroleum product importers and that government might not need supplementary appropriation for subsidy payments in So I thought maybe Mr. President had been misled, yet again, by his retinue of ineffective, over-paid aides into submitting a supplementary budget request for the wrong purpose, or maybe there was a typographic error on the request paper and Mr.

Jonathan meant to ask for N Anyway, I brought out my Prostitutes Suleja to crunch some Prostitutes Suleja to see where lays the error. Just so you know how big N billion is, at least in budgetary terms, consider how it compares to some selected allocations in the Budget Proposal presented Prostitutes Suleja President Goodluck Jonathan to the National Assembly some weeks back:.

Now that we know just how Prostitutes Suleja the additional N billion Mr. President Prostitutes Suleja asking for is, please follow me diligently as we go through the arithmetic of year fuel subsidy payments. Please note that some of the figures used here are approximates. So far, we have spent N billion on fuel subsidy for 49 weeks, which translates into about N18 billion per week, N2. According to Mr. President, we need an additional N billion to pay for fuel subsidy for the remaining 3 weeks in Prostitutes Suleja year, which translates into about N On January 1st when the government of Goodluck Jonathan decided to completely remove subsidy on fuel, one litre of PMS sold for N After the OccupyNigeria nationwide protests and help from Labour Unions, government agreed to a partial subsidy regime, with PMS to sell for N97 per litre.

So the federal Prostitutes Suleja has used N billion to, benevolently, subsidize 20 billion litres of fuel between January and now, which puts consumption at 20 billion litres in 49 weeks, million litres per week, N58 million litres per day, 2.

So how many litres of fuel can we subsidize with N billion at the rate of N44 subsidy per litre? So the federal government is going to use N billion to, benevolently, subsidize 3. So government estimates that Nigerians are going to consume three times more fuel in the next three weeks than they did at any point during the past 49 weeks. If the National Assembly approves the N billion Fuel Subsidy Supplementary Budget request as made by Goodluck Jonathan, total amount spent on fuel subsidy in year would be:.

So how many litres of fuel can we subsidize Prostitutes Suleja N1. So the Prostitutes Suleja government is going to use N1. The answer Prostitutes Suleja this question depends on the source you consult. Prostitutes Suleja Stanley, the Executive Secretary of the Petroleum Products Pricing and Regulatory Agency PPPRANigeria imports 59 million litres of fuel per day, but Nigerians only consume 35 million litres, while the remaining 24 million litres are unaccounted for; while the Nigerian National Petroleum Prostitutes Suleja puts national daily Prostitutes Suleja figures between 30 and 33 million litres.

So we can safely assume Nigerians consume 35 Prostitutes Suleja litres of fuel per day, which translates into about million litres per week and about 13 billion litres for the entire year.

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If Nigerians consume 35 million litres of fuel per day, and government pays a subsidy of N44 on each litre:. The federal government claims to have spent N on fuel subsidy for the past 49 weeks when in fact that actual amount should be N billion. The federal government proposes to spend N billion on fuel subsidy for the next 3 weeks when the actual amount should be N If request for supplementary fund is granted, the federal Prostitutes Suleja would spend a Prostitutes Suleja of N1.

But do note that N billion is almost 3 times N billion. Every single day in yearfor all of the days in the year, including public holidays, and Sabbaath days which God asked us to keep Prostitutes Suleja, Goodluck Jonathan is short-changing Nigerians to the tune of N1.

Every single hour in yearN55 million disappears under the government of Goodluck Jonathan. The machine dispenses N55 million every hour, almost N1 million per minute, round the clock. And that machine is about to get really busy in the next three weeks, if the National Assembly rubberstamps that N billion request. President has declared an end of the year bonanza for his friends, it would cost the nation N billion.

In closing, I bring you the words of Mr. We have been in this business for Prostitutes Suleja long time and we know what the trends are. I Prostitutes Suleja happy that our position has been justified. We are calling on the National Assembly to quickly Prostitutes Suleja request of the President so that supply of products can increase. Once the money is approved, Nigerians Prostitutes Suleja assured of a good holiday period to ensure adequate supply of fuel during Christmas.

Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala: after the resurrection of her conscience, refused to release funds for the yuletide looting bonanza.

Goodluck Jonathan: promised to create wealth, presents an end of the year, chop make I chop proposal to the National Assembly. Unlike his usually boisterous, self confident mien, former President Obasanjo appeared humble, perhaps for the first time, Prostitutes Suleja his life. During the Ibadan visit, last, the Owu Chief appeared to have a very good reason to be worried as it was obvious that he is, perhaps, faced with a formidable fight that could be as immense as the horrifying experience he had Prostitutes Suleja prison during the reign of General Sani Abacha.

In Ibadan, he made his equally worried friend, a leader of an opposition party and former governor of Oyo State who received him along with political associates, to know Prostitutes Suleja things were really being made to Prostitutes Suleja bad for him at the moment and blamed President Goodluck Jonathan whom he called unprintable Prostitutes Suleja for his woes.

He hinted that the president, whom he committed everything to help into power, has bitten the fingers that fed him. According to the former president, it was unthinkable that the president could turn against him after all he had done for him, bringing him practically from obscurity to limelight to become the president. He was said to have vowed to do everything in his power to ensure his discomfort does not continue in Prostitutes Suleja At that stage, the political leaders moved to the inner recesses of the house for a strategy session which, obviously have to do with how to engage the impending battle.

Sources from the meeting said the former president was not leaving anything to chance in the struggle to engage Jonathan squarely, in the race. According to the sources, in his calculations, the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP would likely, field Jonathan as its candidate for the Presidential election, in spite of any opposition within the party.

The President, Obasanjo was cited to have said, has pocketed the national executive members of the party. Hence, they will do his bidding any day. Consequently, the only option left to stop Jonathan is for politicians of like minds in PDP as well as the opposition to come under one umbrella to stop him. It Prostitutes Suleja learnt that a major plank of Prostitutes Suleja and his associates disagreement with the President, which will also form the thrust of their campaign against his candidacy Prostitutes Sulejais an alleged non-performance of the Jonathan administration, especially, in the area of security, in spite of the immense amount of resources available to it.

Besides, the former President is reportedly, miffed that the President does not consult him on crucial Prostitutes Suleja neither does he listen to his advice when offered. He was also said to have complained of the growing spate of insecurity in the land especially with the macabre rave of Boko Haram attacks in up country.

He was said to have lamented the dire situation which the PDP in the South West Prostitutes Suleja itself, currently, stressing that it was a ploy by the President to ensure that the party in the zone which championed his emergence Prostitutes Suleja is Prostitutes Suleja perpetually in disarray to prevent it from providing a credible opposition to his re-election bid within the fold.

The former president was particularly piqued that despite the fact that it was the South West that was instrumental to his rise into power sincethe zone had nothing to show for bracing all odds to ensure his success. According Prostitutes Suleja the former president, the zone is nowhere to be found in the current political calculations of the country. Hence in places Prostitutes Suleja decisions that affect the existence of the nation Prostitutes Suleja taken, the highest decision levels at the Prostitutes Suleja, legislative and judiciary arms of government, the South West is not represented.

He added that the same thing obtains at the top management level in the federal civil service and even in the military top brass where they have become the underdog. As a result, he said the zone was left at the mercy of the opposition Action Congress of Nigeria, ACN which has been given free reign to roam the zone such that it had the temerity to be broaching the idea of a regional exclusion in Prostitutes Suleja zone. He specifically, blamed President Jonathan for this development, as he allowed the North to hijack the position of the Speaker of the House of Representatives which, according to Obasanjo, was allocated to the South West zone.

The former President reasoned that if Jonathan was keen on retaining the equation, he could have stopped them in order not to allow the South West to be relegated to the background in the national political equation. He therefore deemed it a game by Jonathan to keep the zone down so that he can use it for his own advantage. Sources said the former president has been criss-crossing the country, especially, parts of the north, holding consultations with leaders across board on the way forward.

He is said to be touting the idea that the Presidency should go to the north inwhile already shopping for a credible candidate of northern root that would confront Jonathan. It is yet to be seen how far the former president can go given the fact that most of the people he has been holding consultations with tend to be cautious about jumping into his wagon, considering especially, Prostitutes Suleja way he dealt with the north during his eight years in power. Indeed, many of the northern elders tend to read the current situation as some kind of nemesis that is catching up with the former President whom they believed betrayed them in after they had helped him into Prostitutes Suleja in spite of spirited opposition from his people in the South West and the South East who Prostitutes Suleja not want him as president or had better candidates to push.

Some of them even queried Prostitutes Suleja credentials to condemn Jonathan for non-performance and his hints of corruption in the current administration, insisting that he was not better when he was in power. Perhaps more damning for the ex-president is that some of the people he had contacted within the PDP and had reportedly, touted for replace Jonathan as President inhave come out Prostitutes Suleja turn the idea down. One of such persons, the governor of Rivers State, yesterday disclosed Prostitutes Suleja the story being spread that he is going to run in as a vice presidential candidate is not true as he habours no such ambition.

Similarly, others have said in several fora that they had no agreement with him. The Nigerian Compass learnt that some of them, mostly serving governors, were said to have towed the path of the Rivers governor, in order not to incur the wrath of President Jonathan, who Prostitutes Suleja appear lame but is capable of acting decisively, when matters get to a head. Those who flee from Prostitutes Suleja counted were said to have cited the cases of former governor of Delta State, Chief James Ibori, who is now languishing in jail in London on corruption charges as well as former governor of Bayelsa State, Timipre Sylva, who was denied the PDP ticket for a second term in office over irreconcilable differences with the President.

President Jonathan may also have scored a bulls-eye against Obasanjo during his last media chat when he nailed the former president in a succint refrence to the oddities of the invasion of Odi, Bayelsa State by the military during the administration of the former president, saying only women, children and old people were killed instead of the militants who Prostitutes Suleja the targets.

The reference to Odi, many analyst note, is a veiled but unmistakeable threat that the ex-president may be dragged before the world court of justice for war crimes if he does not allow Jonathan a peaceful reign. The coming weeks will definitely witness more of the battles ahead. Whether the former president still has the Prostitutes Suleja and courage to continue to confront Jonathan after this is yet to be seen.

An Army Officer told the Federal High Court in Abuja Prostitutes Suleja Thursday that the bomb components seized from four suspects of the Suleja bombing could produce explosives. He had on Dec. When asked how he concluded that the items were components for making explosives, the officer Prostitutes Suleja that the materials were subjected to expert scrutiny. NAN recalls that the witness had during his evidence in chief, read two messages from the phones confiscated from the suspects containing secret code to arrange and detonate explosives.

President Goodluck Jonathan has directed Prostitutes Suleja aides to stop the Prostitutes Suleja war against former President Olusegun Obasanjo with a warning that any aide that errs will lose his job. The party lords were said to have asked the President to caution his aides. A Presidency source, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said some members of the party felt that the exchange of words between the President, his aides and the former President was not good for the image of the party.

This is because some leaders of the PDP have advised him not to take on the former President in a fight. He will not do anything that will widen the gap between them. I am sure that the disagreement will be settled. A member of the National Working Committee of the party, who spoke with selected journalists in Abuja on Sunday, said the party was worried about the increasing animosity between the two senior members of the party.

The former President said he directed the security Prostitutes Suleja to fish out the militants who killed some security men in Odi, Rivers State, during his tenure as President. Rather, he said, innocent lives were lost as the security operatives did not succeed in killing the militants that were suspected to have killed Prostitutes Suleja security men. Information Prostitutes Suleja Suleja Sky indicates that an explosion has rocked the city of Kano at a Prostitutes Suleja along the popular Prostitutes Suleja market in the commercial city this morning at 9am.

The checkpoint is located near a Mosque. Prostitutes Suleja bomb explosion was said to not pack the gravitas of a major explosion. Unofficial statement by eyewitness account indicate that three people may have died as a result of the bombing. Information available to ureports. President recently. It was learnt that Mr. President Prostitutes Suleja elated over the idea of a Good Governance Tour when it was initially proposed at the Federal Executive Council meeting by the Information Minister — partly because the Tour would enable uplift a fast dwindling political currency.

President immediately bought into the idea — and tapped his men to help make Prostitutes Suleja the necessary logistics to facilitate the Tour. The Information Minister was given the go ahead Prostitutes Suleja along with the authority to approach the various Federal Ministries, Departments and Agencies for financial support — and a list of their various projects.

The information Prostitutes Suleja also approached each state governor for the same. But with roughly over one month into the tour exercise, the initial elation felt by the President evaporated as the media headlines appear to have not carried the efforts in the manner he [presidency] thought was fitting.

Rather, the Honorable Minister opted to focus primarily on federal government owed media houses for the dissemination of the Tour findings and developments. Of which our source indicates the President was grossly unimpressed. On the part of the reporters — who had tagged along the entourage of the Tour — as official selected reporters to report on the findings along the Tour — the matter appears uneasy. The reporters, according to the Tour details, were selected Prostitutes Suleja a wide variety of media houses and embedded with the Tour.

They were to receive a daily allowance of N, from the Ministry of Information. Also, to augment their daily allowance, the reporters expected to receive monetized goodwill messages from the various State Governors following the completion of each State tour.

But the reporters have yet to receive the monetized messages — of which ureports. But the Information Minister hoards the money without Prostitutes Suleja the monies to the Prostitutes Suleja. As a result, the Reporters remain unhappy.

Dama disagrees. In a text message to ureports. Labaran is prudent with the good governance tour expenditure and no reporter has been short changed as Prostitutes Suleja. All reporters are being paid their duty tour allowances as and when due as we Prostitutes Suleja on the tour. You can call any one of them on tour team and they will confirm that to you. Again Prostitutes Suleja allegation that the presidency is unimpressed is equally not true.

This is because Labaran briefed the Federal Executive Council on the tour two weeks ago and it was adjudged to be good. If the presidency has found any fault with the good governance tour it would have said so and even be reflected on their resolutions for last week that he briefed council but nothing of such was reflected. Please ignore all the lies being spread about the good governance tour. Meanwhile, preliminary investigation carried out by our correspondent indicates the Information Ministry to be administered under a less prudent administrator.

Our investigation showed the Information Minister as a familiar player in the art of funds misappropriation. Specifically, the budget for the Information Ministry earmarked N However a visual inspection of the building facility [both external and internal] shows a disparity — a structured disparity.

During a recent conference on youth employment in Dakar, Senegal, former President Olusegun Obasanjo shocked his audience by openly calling for a revolution in Nigeria. Most Nigerians are unable to understand why and how a former President could incite the people to Prostitutes Suleja path of revolution as a measure to check Prostitutes Suleja. They become jittery when such comments come from a retired Army general of the calibre and stature of Obasanjo.

Also, he has the opportunity to meet Jonathan one-on-one during their monthly National Council of State meetings in Aso Rock. And so why does the former President rage and attempt to pull down what he has helped in building?

Like all human beings, the former President has his own shortcomings. The most prominent of these is his pay-back mentality for any request scorned or denied. He believes so much in the myth that he is a superhero.

The Arab Spring or Arab Uprising started in Tunisia on December Prostitutes Suleja, when a Tunisian unemployed graduate Mohamed Bouazizi set himself ablaze to protest police Prostitutes Suleja and brutality. The ensuing protest spread throughout Tunisia with increased violence. Today the dregs of the Arab Spring are yet to settle.

President Hosni Mubarak was forced to flee on February 11, Even with Prostitutes Suleja democratic election of President Mohammed Morsy of the Moslem Brotherhood, Egypt is as unstable as an ancient blackboard standing on three Prostitutes Suleja, with the hind leg broken off. People like him should not pray for a revolution, not even for their children because revolutions are cataclysmic, destructive and unpredictable.

The no-nonsense former President needs some tutorial on revolutions.

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President Obasanjo does not have any moral right to cry foul when he, as the C-in-C, failed to oversee a free, fair and credible election, which brought the ailing president into office! In the midst of the June 23 attacks in Barkin Ladi, Imam Abdullahi Abubakar sheltered his Christian neighbors in his home and in the mosque while confronting the attackers, and he refused to allow them entry.
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2018 Report on International Religious Freedom: Nigeria
In Suleja, Niger state, a year-old girl has been caught among four men having sex in an uncompleted building. white house zuba. father in shame after hearing of my assignations with village prostitutes, They used their ill gotten gains to buy a bus which went from Suleja to.
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Another source at Prostitutes Kufstein prestigious military institution said the first blast occurred at about pm when the church service was over and the congregation had dispersed, leaving only the elders of the church who were holding meetings. This is the Bible and nothing changes this! We wonder why people still kill each Prostitutes Suleja in places like Jos. Jonathan encouraged and supported the activities of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, Reform Group, led by Ken Nnamani, which was eager to free the party from the stranglehold of the governors. According to international media, on November 13, the Lagos State government ordered the tutor-general and permanent secretaries and principals to permit use of the hijab in public schools Prostitutes Suleja. Status of Societal Respect for Religious Freedom Numerous fatal clashes occurred throughout the year in the central Middle Belt region between Prostitutes Suleja Christian farmers from various ethnic groups and Prostitutes Suleja Fulani Muslim herders.

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This we gathered explained the reason Adeola invited Bisola over though they both agreed to be extra careful and thus her reason for leaving his place that night, those who were aware of the his health conditions vowed that, Adeola was hale Prostitutes Suleja hearty Prostitutes Suleja that night and also had enough inhalers to attend to himself. The callous indifference of northern leaders to the fate of Al-Mustapha is shocking and incredible.

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