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The census gives us a statistical picture of the Jews of the Eastern-European community. Shmulevitsh, Simha.

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After negotiations Rebbi Prostitutes Olkusz accepted the position as Rav also in Wolbrom, and he split his time between both cities. Besides his office as Rav in Wolbrom he was presented the crown of Rebustva, and many hasidim came to him and bestowed upon him appropriate honor. Every underpriveledged and suffering soul of the region found by him a listening ear. He was praised as a Prostitutes Olkusz and became considered as one of the last Rebbis of Polish Hasidus.

Many Prostitutes Olkusz after his death his figure is still engraved in the memories of his city folk. Wolbromer Jews were proud of their Rav and Tsaddik, and his name became mentioned with great esteem by the Wolbromer in Israel and other lands. Which Rav came in Rebbi Haim's place? The Wolbromers themselves don't know how to answer this one.

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However, we only know that the community leaders searched for a Rav who would be fit to follow in the steps of the Rav and Tsaddik who was beloved in all the city. And this was no easy task. He was a son of the Rav R. In the year he was nominated as Rav in the town of Rakov, in the province of Radamer, and in he was crowned as Rav in Wolbrom He was not a Hasid.

Prostitutes Olkusz, he won approval with his aptitudes and commitment to learning. He was a strong lamdan in written as well as oral Torah and versed in Shas with the commentaries. The entire Torah was open to him. Because of his not abiding by any hasidic court he suffered from the hasidim, and Prostitutes Olkusz from the Gerer Hasidim.

Therefore, he was greatly accepted by Prostitutes Olkusz non-Hasids which had quite a population in Prostitutes Olkusz city. As a non-Hasid he did not pray in the hasidic synagogues and, rather in the shul of the "regular Jews. He knew the halacha by heart, and in his heart his life was led with modesty. He fought for his opinions and Torah views.

He had patience and perseverance, and knew how to keep company even with his Prostitutes Olkusz. And he was respected and loved from all types of folk.

He printed a book "Ohel Moshe" Pietrikov, containing nuances in Prostitutes Olkusz, questions and answers, explanations and sayings of the ancient masters. Only the first volume was published. The rest of the writings were lost in the Holocaust of the Nazis. He died several ybefore the First World War. Two associates dayanim assisted the Rav Rebbi Moshe. They were also great scholars. He lived in Tsveigenboym's house, and prayed in the small synagogue.

He was of average height with broad Prostitutes Olkusz and black burning eyes. He was full of spirit and energy. He was counted as the elder spiritual leader of the city. His circle was immense. He was important and dear to the students of the city. He did not pursue honors. He did nothing to increase his influence, nor did Prostitutes Olkusz attach himself blindly to those deemed important.

With Rav Weinberg he did not live peacefully. He experienced the function as Rav and Teacher in his circle, and decided difficult questions of law independently. This was a common thing for him to Prostitutes Olkusz. At night he sat in the House of Study and learned with students he stringently selected. Not every student had the rare honor to learn with him. He taught for free. He married one of his daughters to Gershon Tsveignboim, a great egg- merchant and exporter to Berlin, a wealthy man; a second daughter he married to Yehiel Fishl, a wealthy manufacturer.

City legends told of his abilities and sharp mind. He reached a ripe old age, and passed away at the age of A second Dayan and Teacher in the city was Rebbi Berish Gitler, born in Prostitutes Olkusz, a great scholar, a tall and slender man, living in Lgato in Haim Simha Fultarak's house, on the second floor, intelligent and lively, a noble soul. A Jew with a stately appearance and his eyes were full of compassion. The Jewish population adored him, because he did not put on Prostitutes Olkusz airs, Prostitutes Olkusz did not pursue Prostitutes Olkusz.

He won the approval of the Prostitutes Olkusz people: artisans, laborers, small businessmen, teachers, butchers and others. He distanced himself from flattery, or from accepting money in order to better one's position in the city.

As Dayan Prostitutes Olkusz made an effort to make lenient his rulings of law, he by provided Torah passages to settle disputes Prostitutes Olkusz Jews. He sympathized with those who suffered and the unemployed, and Prostitutes Olkusz had a strong desire to help them. He ruled leniently in matters of kashrus, and rarely did he rule as non- kosher a cattle or a bird, even when he could not find a proof in the books supporting a lightening of the rule.

A Gerer Hasid, he prayed in the new synagogue for many years.

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He was a great talmid-chocham and an assiduous student. He spent entire nights learning in the synagogue. He learned with students and accepted payment, because his economic situation Prostitutes Olkusz never good. He was a humble man who rarely spoke. It was said of him that he was of the House Prostitutes Olkusz Hillel.

Many Prostitutes Olkusz to him for Prostitutes Olkusz judgements, and as arbitrator in Prostitutes Olkusz of money and property. He passed away before the First World War. His son followed in his footsteps in the years Prostitutes Olkusz the war, Rebbi Yaakov Gitler. He followed in his father's ways; whoever knew him could testify that he was worthy to fill the office.

He was also modest and quiet. He also Prostitutes Olkusz an effort to lighten halachic rulings, and never did he search for long in the sources, but he searched until he found the permission to make kosher the animal. He Prostitutes Olkusz great care not injure a Jew financially. He partook in week-long fasts like his Rebbi. He was born in Stafnits. After the First World War his Rebbi, the Ostrovtser Rebbi, searched for him in Wolbrom, and the search served as a sensation in the city, that such a Gaon genius, great man of learning Torah and Tsaddik should profer upon the city such a great honor.

The Rav Zilberberg was nominated as Rav after the Rav Weinberg, he had learned in the yeshiva of Rebbi Yitzhak Alhanan Spektor in Kovne, he received the rabinate position of Wolbrom, and tried very hard to create a yeshiva in the city, and it came incumbent upon him to act as administrator, and he became the rosh- yeshiva, and was heavily active in strengthening the learning of Torah in the city. The Rav Zilberberg Prostitutes Olkusz tried to make it as a businessman.

Soon after failing in this enterprise he became Rav in the Kielcer region. In Wolbrom he lived in Michal Feldberg's house on Shvinsko Street, and he Prostitutes Olkusz a great talmid-chocham and of the hasidic tradition.

He loved everyone, always had good word on his tongue, was careful not to offend anyone's honor, never did anything to injure anyone, and distributed much money for charity, never had disputes necessitating official judgement, rather whatever was given to him he accepted with love and friendship.

He never treated the wealthy nor the poor differently. His house was open for all and he was strongly trusted in matters of the community. The community appropriated to him a nice salary, however he was satisfied with little.

He was greatly beloved by all. He captured the hearts of his listeners with his word of Torah, on Shabbos and on the Yom- Tovim. His name came to be as one of the great rabanim and poskim and many rabbis from Prostitutes Olkusz region turned to him with their questions.

He was successful in raising the Torah- spirit in the city and region. With the construction of Prostitutes Olkusz yeshiva he dedicated his strength to Prostitutes Olkusz in the hearts of his city folk love for Torah and Prostitutes Olkusz. Of special note, he struggled to build in the city a modern mikveh, ritual bath-house, and settled for a diminution in his salary by using this money to invest in the mikveh.

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He prayed in shul, and in the weekdays he held a minyan by his own home. He was of "Hillel's students" and pleaded Prostitutes Olkusz leniency and simplification. He was calm, open-minded and aspired towards peace.

He was beloved by all in the city. His house was always full with people Prostitutes Olkusz used to come to him for various reasons, businessmen asked him for advice, people came to him for judgements, Prostitutes Olkusz people used to come to him also just to chat about Torah or worldly matters.

Many legends were told of him about his work in charity and kindness, he was considered one of the hidden righteous. He was killed by the German Nazis together with his community. From him there remained one grandson and he resettled in Israel. Tsaddikim and Hasidim The Hasidic population in Poland grew to be immense. The movement developed deep roots. Jewish Prostitutes Olkusz was mostly hasidic. The hasidim had many strong students and talmud- chochams and had a good name in the city.

The Wolbromers were greatly devoted to their Prostitutes Olkusz. In the early years Hasidism in Poland drew support especially from the small towns, and their Prostitutes Olkusz were forced, because of the need to make a living, to bow their heads to the Rebbis and hasidim. The handful of Rebbis in Poland brought in the essence of royal dynasties. And a wall was established between them and the outside world, and they joined with the Prostitutes Olkusz who yearned for faith in tsadikim.

Wolbrom was included in these towns, and her hasidim were industrious people, artisans, merchants and small-businessmen. They felt united by Torah, service to Hashem and good deeds and in the evenings of Shabbat they were liberated from their weekly chores and applied Prostitutes Olkusz diligently in spiritual goals. The Wolbromer hasidim serves as a sample of the other towns. Wolbrom was also worthy of having two hasidic dynasties.

They were: Rebbi Haim known as: R. Haim Wolbromer who besides the rabinic throne wore the crown as Rebbi, and he concentrated around himself students and hasidim and they led spiritual lives of faith and belief. The development of Wolbrom as a place of Torah and Hasidus Prostitutes Olkusz later Prostitutes Olkusz the second generation of Polish Hasidus.

Afterwards R. Haim the Rebbi opened wide horizons in the hasidic movement through his active ways, and Prostitutes Olkusz his abilities he drew to Hasidus many followers from near and far, and even Misnagdim joined with him. RebbHaim had a stormy and dynamic personality, and he was a great influence in the city.

Haim did not leave any children, and after his death there remained, for a long time, a vacuum in the city.

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Rebbi Haim did not come from a family of tsadikim, but he did inherit from tsadik-Rebbis. After him there arose Prostitutes Olkusz Wolbrom a second dynasty which was not new in the Polish- hasidic world, rather Prostitutes Olkusz continuation of one already established. He died the 25 th of Tamuz, Prostitutes Olkusz His son, Rebbi Prostitutes Olkusz, followed in his footsteps as Rebbi in Apt, and died in His son, Rebbi Yitzhak Menahem, was unable to remain in Apt, therefore his brother, Rebbi Meir the Second inherited the dynasty-chair after their father.

He left his city and chose Wolbrom. Rebbi Yitzhak Menahem did not attract to himself nor to Wolbrom a big community of hasidim. He died the 20 th of Adar and upon his grave was erected an "ohel" memorial.

About the Rebetzin Golda-Esther it was said that for years after her wedding she did not have any children, and her father the tsadik told her that he could do anything to change her suffering, Prostitutes Olkusz that she should turn to the Radashitzer Rebbi, Rebbi Ber. She traveled to him with her mother-in-law.

She approached the Rebbi and lamented to him that she did not have any children.

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The Tsadik grabbed a Prostitutes Olkusz as if he was going to throw it at her, and in angry reproof he said, "Wanton woman. Get out of here and don't defile my home. The Tsadik received her warmly and wished her good luck: "Your daughter-in-law has been helped. Only in that way could she have been helped. After Golda-Esther went to him and also she was warmly received and assured that she would have a son and that he would be a Great of Israel.

Prostitutes Olkusz blessing was fulfilled, and she Prostitutes Olkusz Rebbi Alter Meir Dovid Halevi, the Wolbromer Rebbi, who followed Prostitutes Olkusz the footsteps of his father Yitzhak Menahem, after his father's death. He preached Hasidus not only in Wolbrom, his home, but he used to travel to different Jewish towns and propagated the hasidic learning amongst the Jewish masses. He had a name as "B'al Mofet", and had many Prostitutes Olkusz.

The old hasidim who knew him well and in whose hearts was carried the memory of his pure and dear ways.

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He did not lock himself away Prostitutes Olkusz the confines of his walls. As a beautiful Rebbi he used to travel in search of rebishe houses and courts, and was very close to Rebbi Haim, the Tsanzer Rav and Rebbi, and was united to him by marriage. He died the 27 th of Adar and upon his grave was erected an "ohel".

The same dynasty existed for several generations, until the last Rebbi was murdered by the Nazis. After his death, his son Rebbi Yosef Natan Halevi followed in his ways in the year However, he did not live long.

He died the 24 th of kislev, in the First World War and did not leave any children. After him came his brother-in-law Rebbi Shalom Rukeach and led the rebustva in Wolbrom until the last World War and Prostitutes Olkusz perished in Tsamir Sandomierzhoping that there he would Prostitutes Olkusz able to Prostitutes Olkusz himself. Also the other children of Rebbi Alter rebustva in various cities. His son, Rebbi Yitzhak Menahem Halevi, established a dynasty Prostitutes Olkusz Bendin from and received a name "The Shiniver Rebbi", because his house was near to the train-tracks.

Prostitutes Olkusz the last annihilating battle of the German murderer Nazis, the dynasty was destroyed, and only a few were saved and live in Prostitutes Olkusz and in America. The Prostitutes Olkusz fervor found its expression also in the numerous little homes in Wolbrom, as the Gerer, Radamsker, Hentshiner, Aleksander, Krimalaver, Fintshever, Gradjisker, Katsker and Others. Generally, the hasidim Prostitutes Olkusz in the times of the visitings of the different rebbis in the city, and they led tishn sessions at table on Friday evenings and Motsi-Shabbos.

The enlightenment movement did not effectuate a deep impact in the city, and did not wage a battle with the hasidim. This was the first counting of the Jews in Poland since The last counting took place several years before the partition of the Polish Republic. The census gives us a statistical picture of the Jews of the Eastern-European community. According to the census there were people in Wolbrom, men, women, 21 infants. In all, there were approxiamatelyJews in Poland. Amongst the clergy mentioned in Wolbrom there were one Rav, two shameshes, one "Namn" counselor.

Together, 85 families. With the abrogation of the "V'ad Arba Artsot" all of the Jewish communities remained liable to Jews and wealthy landowners and also the government treasury. Further, Wolbrom was mentioned as liable to 16, gulden. In non-Jewish sources, we find that in the Prostitutes Olkusz from Wolbrom collected from the Jews gulden for cabbage that they received from the economics gardener.

From a list of Jewish names which were found in later documents, from the yearone sees that there were already Jews living in Wolbrom who owned properties of over nine acres. The Jews in Wolbrom already had a shul, a mikveh, a slaughterhouse, and more.

The Jewish settlement was concentrated in the section Prostitutes Olkusz the Prostitutes Olkusz called "Nove-Lanka". Reading the Jewish names in the documents one sees that there is not any common link between the first original Prostitutes Olkusz list and the new family-names.

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We bring here the Jewish family names:. Estreich, Leizer. Applebaum, Hershl. Invald, Tuvia. Bruckner, Levak. Prostitutes Olkusz, Zeinvel. Binshtok, Binyamin. Gershtenfeld, Mordecai. Dafner, Heshlik. Huberman, Avraham. Prostitutes Olkusz, Gimper. Veindling, Shmuel. Valhendler, Avigdor Hersh. Velner, Shmuel. Veinshtien, Yisroel. Veinspekir, Yaakov. Veisvald, Mordechai. Zanabend, Ozer. Cohen, Paltiel. Cohen, Kopel. Katz, Hershlik. Levit, Yaakov. Lubling, Michal. Meitlis, Alter. Meitlis, Yitzhak.

Meitlis, Malkah. Matshnik, Eizik. Neifeld, Moshe. Srebrni, Leibish. Slatnitski, Reuben. Akiva, Kalman. Potash, Pesla. Fulturak, Yitzhak Meir. Falk, Feitek. Fletsher, Meir. Tsimbalisa Shimaon. Kritsher, Greains.

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Razmarin, Litman. Raznshtein, Leizer. Radgeberg, Yosef. Raucher, Pinhas. Rinsky, Mendl. Shmulevitsh, Simha. Prostitutes Olkusz, Shlomo. After looking up in various books the count from the Jewish population in Wolbrom, we get the following Prostitutes Olkusz in there were Jews.

The rest were farmers, clerical personnel, and others. Induring the resettlement by the Nazis, the Jewish population numbered people, and all were murdered after the resettlement of Wolbrom. Jewish Agriculture and Antisemetism in the City. The Wolbromer Jews were amongst the few in Poland who had a definitive connection to agriculture.

They were employed in all fields, both in business and labor. However, amongst them there were also to Prostitutes Olkusz found those who inherited land and estates and engaged themselves in agriculture.

And not only in Wolbrom, in many villages around Wolbrom there lived Jews who worked as farmers. In the Prostitutes Olkusz of Wolbrom there were not few Jewish landlords who acted as "Pritsim" aristocratsbreeding livestock, milking, eggs, etc. Some of them acted as noblemen and came to Wolbrom in half-covered wagons hitched to strong horses and in Wolbrom people went out gladly to the market to look how the "nobles" drove in their "droskies. It seems that luck did not last long.

First, the Jews had with their diligence and commitment awoken the jealousy of the Christian peasants, they did not mix with the non- Jews and built "a town in a town," and they even Prostitutes Olkusz a Prostitutes Olkusz of study in the town.

And if they didn't have Minyan they used Prostitutes Olkusz mobilize the Jews of the surrounding towns. The peasants began to trouble the Jews by stealing from their fields, taking "potatoes" at night. The Jews, seeing that they were working "for the devil" began working in other fields which had connections to agriculture.

As such, one exported eggs to Germany.

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Others purchased from the peasants their produce and sold them in the Prostitutes Olkusz. They remained living in the towns and busied themselves with business. Just after the third partition of Poland and after Napoleon's defeat in Russia, the Russians began to issue decrees prohibiting the Jews from living in the towns, even in Poland in Russia, this prohibition had existed for some timeand they began to move Prostitutes Olkusz into Wolbrom.

Before Poland's partition there did not exist in Poland any decrees against Prostitutes Olkusz Jewish population with regards agriculture. On the other hand. The Polish Parliament Prostitutes Olkusz to get the Jews to leave the cities and go to the villages to work in agriculture, and the parliament decided to exempt from the head-tax forever, all Jews who would work the earth as farmers and also exempt them from these taxes which even peasants had to pay.

The Wolbromer Jews, as it seems, took advantage of the new decree and were freed of having to pay various taxes. But the political factor of the Polish reaction did not allow the Wolbromer Jews to rest calmly. Wolbrom was one of the cities where the Bishop issued decrees in against the Jews: "They are prohibited from being on the street during Easter, during parades and marches, and when the priest is in the street with "sacramental bread"; Jews are prohibited Prostitutes Olkusz celebrating weddings during "Advent" and the Polish fast-days; Jews are permitted to have funeral processions only at night, and if by day, in private, quietly, at home; Jews are prohibited from working on Sundays and on Christian Prostitutes Olkusz Christians are prohibited from "passing time" with Jews and are prohibited from attending Jewish weddings; Jews are prohibited from having non-Jewish maids and are prohibited from using non-Jewish mid-wives.

The crises which began with Poland's partition amongst her three Prostitutes Olkusz neighbors was not only a purely Polish crises, rather also for the gathering of Jews in Poland, which was the greatest gathering of Jews in the world, and the tracks of the crises were felt by the Jews of Wolbrom.

Wolbrom Under the Yoke of Russia. Wolbrom was divided three times amongst Russia, Prussia and Austria. With the third partition in Poland disappeared from the political map and it began a new era. Wolbrom experienced various metamorphosis along with Poland. Once Wolbrom was occupied by the Austrians, and her Jews suffered as all other Jews under her occupation.

Napoleon's war against Russia affected Wolbrom which served as a passageway for the French army on their march to Warsaw and Russia. And again the Wolbromer Jews suffered, however, not for long. From then Wolbrom remained under Russian rule untilwhen she became occupied anew by the Prostitutes Olkusz military in the First World War, until November 11,when Poland was once again independent.

Under the Russians the Jews experience was both good and bad. Prostitutes Olkusz -- the Jews had to go into the military, and the Pale of Settlement assigned to Prostitutes Olkusz Jews by Czarist Russia in Poland was abolished for them. However, they were permitted to learn different trades and make a living Prostitutes Olkusz manufacturing and business in all of Russia.

The gates of Miechov, Skala, Kielce, and other cities opened for Jews and Wolbromer Jews were amongst the first who moved there and created new income opportunities.

There Jews were not permitted to live in the villages of the border territory. Wolbrom was included in the territory in which the Jews inland were forbidden to live. The new military-decree for Jews brought with it a decree of Prostitutes Olkusz, which was Prostitutes Olkusz difficult for the Jewish community.

The Jewish community were required to Prostitutes Olkusz every year during mobilization to the military a specific number of young men from 12 to 25 years old. The Prostitutes Olkusz in the military lasted 25 years. The years until the age of 18 were not included in this counting of 25 years. The boys were raised outside the scope of the Jewish community, in Siberia, in the furthest regions of Russia.

Thousands of Kantonistn were converted and they were lost to the Jewish people. However, several of them were obstinate and held by the "old" ways and remained Jews.

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Most of the Kantonistn were poor children, as the wealthy redeemed their sons with money, and by other means.

The community Prostitutes Olkusz had given the name "The Capers" to captured children of the poor who were delivered to the Russian military. The Kantonistn-order and the problem of the police who fulfilled the administration of the Jewish community demoralized the Jewish community in Russia and Prostitutes Olkusz a deep hatred of the army class.

Furthermore, Jewish Wolbrom greatly suffered from the Kantonistn-law. Because of the lack of archival material and chronicles of the community, we do not know how many children this law cost Wolbrom. However, the survivors of the city who live in Israel remember Prostitutes Olkusz kontanistn who served 25 years in distant Russia and came back to Wolbrom. They were called "the Czar's children" in the city, and awoke interest and enthusiasm with their tales of their strength and stubborn determination to remain Prostitutes Olkusz.

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One of them was Rueben Tshuper, Prostitutes Olkusz was so Prostitutes Olkusz because he was from the town of Tshup, near Wolbrom, where he lived. He was captured Prostitutes Olkusz other children from their parents Prostitutes Olkusz they were 12 year old during Nikolai the First's reign and were sentto the furthest ends of Russia, and there they were intimidated to convert. Reuben served 25 years in the military and then came back to Wolbrom, and the whole city covered him with honors and Prostitutes Olkusz.

Furthermore, it is worth mentioning a second Reuben, "Reuben Zelner", who coming back from the military he settled in Wolbrom and lived in the apothecary's house. Also, he bore the heavy years of his long service in the military and he remained steadfast in his Yiddishkeit. And yet a third kantonistn was Itshe Setsemski, who, thanks to good credentials, had the rare privilege to be sent to Moscow and there he learned in school and after in gymnasium.

He suffered little from his colleagues. After returning to Wolbrom, he inherited property near the city and led a normal life thereafter. The kantonistn Prostitutes Olkusz were bothered Prostitutes Olkusz police or clerks of court because of their csarist privilege. The vocation of coachman was strongly developed in Wolbrom and many city-Jews made their livings in this trade.

It was understood that the train would seriously compete with the coachmen. It was said that the social- workers intended to arrange things such that the train would not pass too near to the city, rather at a certain distance, in order to leave the coachmen a place to drive passengers to and from the station.

However, no special profit was brought to Wolbrom by the train, because the city did Prostitutes Olkusz possess industry nor mines.

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However, communication between Wolbrom and more distant Prostitutes Olkusz became easier. The station in Wolbrom was constructed in The train which passed through Wolbrom was the second in Poland, after the first, the Warsaw-Vilna train- line, Prostitutes Olkusz built inwhich figured as the oldest in Russia, then the train from Petersburg to Csarskaye-Sela was destined more for the Czar's family.

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Population 65

Because of the lack of archival material and chronicles of the community, we do not know how many children this law cost Wolbrom. His house was always full with people who used to come to him for various reasons, businessmen asked him for advice, people came to him for judgements, Prostitutes Olkusz people used to come to him also just to chat about Torah or worldly Prostitutes Olkusz.

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