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Guyau, a tinker and moralist, endorses the same affirmation considered by him as an appetite that frees the species. Topics: egoismindividualismMax Stirner.

It is that the century had given birth to two men and, consequently, the works and prose that they have produced have left the Earth to fill Prostitutes Igualada Cosmos, for cosmic thoughts populate the brains of these unique.

Both represent the two paths that the world has to follow, the two paths it will walk, the two principles Prostitutes Igualada concepts that men will use to regulate their lives.

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The former are triumphant; gradually walking, the Hellenic grace disappears and with it the joy of living, the Prostitutes Igualada of Tanagra Prostitutes Igualada the majestic marbles of Phidias following. Then arrives Christ, prohibiting thought and belittling man, entering into the Middle Ages with his procession of darkness. And though it produces a kind of renaissance, life falls Prostitutes Igualada a stupor.

Ideas ruminate, they are not thought. Christ prevails, and with him enter or prevail over the world Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, his precursors. But as the path of manhood could not be stopped nor directed askew, though banned, men work in the shadows, clandestinely, digging a tunnel in time to emerge in the 19 th century.

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Because of this, Stirner, heir of Thales and Anaximander, strains himself, like others, in putting the world at the service of man, for that which leaves the Earth, Prostitutes Igualada elevates man to space, finding in it an immense vacancy: the Aristotelian god, who is so feared, is a spook created by feverish imaginations; the Prostitutes Igualada of man are free of nuisances and can travel them without fear.

How Prostitutes Igualada would have enjoyed, if he were alive, the affirmations of his brother Darwin! In power and in truth, the glory was in the Earth, filling all of it, and it would be tomorrow if one creature after another were abandoning their false positions from the nobodies Prostitutes Igualada the species to acquire the hierarchy of unities, of individuals, of men, of unique.

For if there are not gods, we can understand ourselves, we that live on this land, which should no longer be a valley of fears. Give me Prostitutes Igualada, clear fronts that are Prostitutes Igualada clean, open skies through which worlds of light circulate.

Stirner is not known. Philosophers, who should Prostitutes Igualada him, are panicked at the irreverent that rises up against all divine and human dogmas, and libertarians, who should not ignore him, have only read intentionally misrepresented excerpts from his portentous work or evil spins of criticism from those who could not understand him.

Today makes one hundred years since the death of Stirner, and like the world of hypocrisy, and that of barbarism, and that of cowardice remain the same as those he wrote, his thoughts, from which the great libertarians who succeeded him seem so fresh, clear, and pure, as if they had just been written today.

For being a child of the Prostitutes Igualada, it was this, his great parent, who gave him brand and name. Brand, because he gave him a clear and beautiful Prostitutes Igualada name, to enhance its attributes.

In the baptismal font he was adopted by Juan Gaspar, that is to say, zero, nothing; the century, not conforming, baptized him in light. Stirner, child of Time, would fill the coming centuries with light. Because thoughts flow within that create cranial box, his young friends call him the century, and in the University, he is known as Stirner, for his beautiful forehead. Without a doubt, they see or admire that which stirs in that head as without equal.

Needing language as a necessary, precise, and reliable instrument to express the beauty and charm of the thoughts that dwell in his young mind, he becomes a philologist, longing to know that which each word carries, its formation and origin, since through words passed down the world can Prostitutes Igualada the men that gave it life; and because he needed to know how to pierce through things, and through the acts that produce things, he studies philosophy.

With these weapons, that only the unique knows and can brandish, he charges against the ideas of God and the State, considered by him as the most harmful ideas that could harbor in the mind of the human creature. He studies with Hegel in the University of Berlin; but he quickly fights with his teacher, a metaphysician with grand views of rationalism. Who could have imagined Prostitutes Igualada that the young man with a wide forehead, blue eyes, and a clear and dreamy look would Prostitutes Igualada to be the greatest nonconformist that the human race would ever meet!

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Michelet, Prostitutes Igualada at the head of the Hegelian left, gives some courses in the University of Berlin, and, knowing of it, there runs Stirner, anxious to drink from the fountain of pure thought. Prostitutes Igualada neither did it satisfy him, nor did he shape him. A Prostitutes Igualada had been produced between teachers and disciples, and that powerful mind went off drawing a new path. In the Life of Jesusby Strauss, was published, producing a deep stir in the spheres of German intellectualism.

Today, April 1, , I found it in the background of an old, abandoned trunk and I hasten to publish it.

There were moments where it appeared that Prostitutes Igualada the garden of intellectual life the beliefs in divinity were blooming for the last time; but Strauss, who poetized religious legends, making them more attractive and beautiful, reinforced Prostitutes Igualada idea of God.

In the Life of JesusChrist is more god and less man than in the biblical legend. It is said that Hegel had been overcome, that the concept of Prostitutes Igualada liberty, and that of the individual, are going to bloom, but Protestantism, which brings God down from the heavens to seat him in each home to preside over family gatherings, reinforces, rather than destroys, the idea of divinity.

The Prussian government paid its zeal through making the Hegelian philosophy obligatorily the official philosophy of the State.

So, many believe, few think, and all argue, as both Marx and Engels, who stroll through those circuses, make the Hegelian dialectic their own, which has so much use in supporting their God-State theories.

The strongest, firmest, most thought-provoking, and the one that stays the surest, is The Unique and Its Propertywhich is the Prostitutes Igualada that most shakes the foundations of the old; the one which, for its great originality, encapsulates in its pages the most audacious and novel ideas; the one which Prostitutes Igualada you to think.

Strauss and Feuerbach are Christians, though the latter calls himself an atheist. Stirner, not needing to make a show of his atheism, is Prostitutes Igualada supreme negator of God. Socialism is, then, though a negator of Prostitutes Igualada, a Christian sect: it denies God in the heavens, but erects the State, which is its God, and even has its iconography. Like ancient Christianity, its ancestor, socialism comes to be the religion of the poor, of those that neither want to Prostitutes Igualada nor feel like having.

The huge Prostitutes Igualada houses of Prostitutes Igualada are the successors of churches, collective houses of yesterday, and the Prostitutes Igualada family is the same Christian family that has changed in name.

Therefore, if yesterday it was burning someone who denied God, today it shoots someone who denies that State, because those men fit neither in the house of God nor in the house of the People. But then why do socialists laugh at Mosaic law? A current socialist minister Prostitutes Igualada on the jurisdictions of a cardinal, and the provincial governors are equated to the old Prostitutes Igualada.

From there they invoke the same rights — oh how they confuse divine and human rights! And those catechized are not the men, we have them for sure, but spooks of men, human nothings. And as reforming is reinforcing, reinforced are those who reform. The day that Luther nails into the doors of the Church of Wittenberg his ninety-five theses against Catholicism, begins Prostitutes Igualada Reform and, consequently, a new historical epoch, making the fall of Byzantium represent no more than an episode, a guerrilla skirmish with luck for the Turks and disgrace for the Byzantine.

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With him, then, with Luther, the Middle Ages die and the Modern begins, which is the time of Socialism, or that of the collective or common against the human unit; that of the flock against the individual; that of the masses against the man.

Prostitutes Igualada had to be born by force in the rich land by the protestant, and Karl Marx is as Lutheran as Luther, his putative father, as protestant and as reformist and as reinforcing Prostitutes Igualada him. Thinking in detail and examining carefully and attentively the intellectual movement of Germany of the 19 th century, it is easily explained that socialism was born from the fatherhood of Luther, and that Marx, son of a German Jew, was who filled it with breath and provided it with life.

Israel and Germany are two nations that considered themselves the chosen people, and Marx, raised and cultivated in this double environment of religion and authoritarianism, believed, like another Messiah of Moses Prostitutes Igualada Wotan, that he was chosen to reincarnate Prostitutes Igualada new God State.

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The idea of Prostitutes Igualada did not Prostitutes Igualada such development in the Middle Ages as socialism Marxism has reached in the present, having overcome Lutheranism, of which it is a direct, legitimate descendent.

The Lutheran Hegel would say that the State was the reality of moral life, because it was the manifestation of God on Earth.

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Hence, he would also need to make clear the idea of the Prince, of the First, incarnated in him the idea of the State, being the Prince a kind of God against whom creatures are worthless nothings. The Prussian government paid its zeal through making the Hegelian philosophy obligatorily the Prostitutes Igualada philosophy Prostitutes Igualada the State. Hegel coincided with Calvin in that the Church and the State were divine institutions, and with Marx in that the State is the regulator of life.

The Prostitutes Igualada, the only moral force, is the regulator of life Wotan. Alone, defiant, upright towards everyone, Stirner raises his powerful voice denying from gods, popes, princes, and governments their human and divine rights, showing with his accusing finger at the Prostitutes Igualada of all sorts and faiths that, covered in false principles, that Prostitutes Igualada build with sacred doctrines, they overexploit man.

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And with that it is explained that all the religious hate him: among the flocks. Stirner is the man; among the human nothings, Stirner is the unit of value; among those that permit that they be divided, Stirner is the individual, the indivisible; among those that, through fear, stay mute, Stirner is he who speaks, Prostitutes Igualada therefore, the rebel, the deserter, the Unique, he who sends to man, his brothers, the message Prostitutes Igualada freedom that has never been heard on the planet.

The job of man is not to conquer bodies to Prostitutes Igualada and devour them, that is the job of rapacious animals; the job of man is that of creating light. A candle, is to say, a light.

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And that was his job. Until Prostitutes Igualada arrived, such irreverence was never pronounced, hence he is paid with contempt, casting a thousand curses upon him that he always hears with Olympic disdain. With Socrates, the Moral was a religion for which he would die.

The cause of Socrates is the cause of the Moral, the ungodly God who, like the other gods, demands sacrifices. And we should ask ourselves in order to see how, though we changed in the Prostitutes Igualada, that Prostitutes Igualada in our insides, Socratic ideas perpetuate.

Like Socrates, they are all ready to die for their cause, which is God. How does a freedom that gives you nothing serve you? Because one can be without many things, but one cannot be without everything.

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And I will Prostitutes Igualada free of him and of his whip. And later on, continuing with the same theme, since the changes mean nothing more than greater exaltation of Prostitutes Igualada individual, he affirms:.

For me, to be man is to be individual… I am who I am… because I am without rule, without law, without model. And the Christians tell me the same, and the communists, and the socialists, and the libertarians, ignoring or wanting to ignore that who gives me rights can take them away whenever he pleases, because if I do not submit, Society, the State, the Prince, Prostitutes Igualada the President may declare me outside the law, amassing any Prostitutes Igualada or treasonous laws against me.

That is to say, the law, whatever it is, god, whatever it is. The barbarian Roman emperors spoke of the sacramautoritatemand Augustus, Prostitutes Igualada himself, turns Rome into the Urbs Sacra. Prostitutes Igualada open the window of your intellect to all the winds, and when you have bathed in them, judge and tell us, with serene judgment, which was the purest. Hence, he calls to men — the single call that records history, because it is the call of an unmatched consciousness — to be units of value, to not just look like it, because only among high individuals, between unique, can there be understanding, and because only among them, among egoists, cultivators of their personality, can they enjoy true freedom.

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Hence, when he exalts force it does not refer to the force of subduing, but, on the contrary, to the force that does not allow himself to be subdued. Can our trade unionists speak like this, whatever their ideological or doctrinal position, as they call it?

No, they cannot, because if one day they began speaking like this it would be because they had quit being herders of men. If the workers were advised not of production, but of insubmission; if they were made to desire property and manhood, instead of working for the bourgeois, they would work for themselves, and the bourgeois, who will exist as long as they have employees at their service, would have to partner with Prostitutes Igualada who are trained to produce.

And then the unions would disappear, that tyranny, just as the churches will disappear when Prostitutes Igualada fear of God disappears. This is some of the business of Eduardo Mendoza's brilliant comedy thriller, translated from the Spanish as An Englishman in Madrid.

Inthe book won the Prostitutes Igualada Prize offered since by Prostitutes Igualada Planeta Publishing House for the best novel written Prostitutes Igualada Spanish in a given year. The English title - in Nick Caistor's otherwise sprightly translation - is stolid, but no doubt dictated by the market.

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In Spanish, the novel was called Rina di Prostitutes Igualada, Madrid Cat Fight, Madridwhich is truer to the spirit and the letter of what Mendoza achieves. This is not least because Whitelands successively deflowers the daughters of the Prostitutes Igualada.

The other cat fight in which he is involved is with Edwin Garrigaw alias Violetelderly curator at the National Gallery, over the authenticity of a Velasquez hidden Prostitutes Igualada the basement of the Duke's mansion, and from whose sale he hopes to help fund the conservative opposition to the Spanish Republic.

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Garrigaw, Mendoza drolly informs us, wasted his youth in homosexual adventures, while ''his mature years were lost in professional struggles''.

The novel contains illuminating and light-handed accounts of Velasquez's career, Prostitutes Igualada well as providing a guide as clear as circumstances allow to the political forces soon to be at war over the future of Spain. The Duke is wary of di Rivera, who loves Prostitutes Igualada elder daughter, but admits that ''I'm not so blind I cannot see the injustice that has dogged Spain for centuries''.

For all the solemnity of the events that it treats, the mode of An Englishman in Madrid ranges from high to low comedy. Here is the nature of Spanish aristocracy Prostitutes Igualada a name well, a number of them : ''Victoria Francisca Eugenia Maria del Valle y Martinez de Alcantara, the Marquess of Cornella, whom they all called Paquita.

Sometimes the comic register is urbanely analytical: ''By common accord between all those concerned, the miseries that Prostitutes Igualada vicissitudes of history, misrule of the nation and conflicts between opposing groups had heaped on Spain in were momentarily suspended at Prostitutes Igualada hour''. The dominant comic mode, however, is farce. One of Whitelands' women watches from a cupboard as he copulates with another. The man himself hides behind curtains where he overhears the plotting of Franco and two other generals and under beds; escapes over balconies and walls; confounds Prostitutes Igualada best efforts of extremists and security services to put an end to him.

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Like all true heroes of this Prostitutes Igualada of comedy, Whitelands feels acted upon, as he ''watched the development of this farce he had set in motion''.

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Because there is no individuality in humanity taken collectively; there is individuality in the ego. This is some of the business of Eduardo Mendoza's brilliant comedy thriller, translated from the Spanish as An Englishman in Madrid.
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Inthe book won the Planeta Prize offered since by the Planeta Publishing House for the best novel written in Spanish in a given year. Because there is no individuality in humanity taken collectively; there is Prostitutes Igualada in the ego. And I will be free of him and of his whip. Topics: egoismindividualismMax Stirner. Like ancient Christianity, its ancestor, socialism comes to be the religion of the poor, of those that neither want to be nor feel Prostitutes Igualada having.

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Stirner is the man; among the human nothings, Stirner is the unit of value; among those that permit that they be divided, Stirner is the individual, the indivisible; among those that, through fear, stay mute, Stirner is he who speaks, and therefore, the rebel, the deserter, the Unique, he who sends to man, his brothers, Prostitutes Igualada message of freedom that has Prostitutes Igualada been heard on the planet. Understand why Prostitutes Igualada word individualist is spoken with contempt and why it is wanted to be made synonymous with inhumane. The Duke is wary of di Rivera, who loves Prostitutes Igualada elder daughter, but admits that ''I'm not so Prostitutes Hajdunanas I cannot see the injustice that has dogged Spain for centuries''.

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