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Paraphrasing his remarks, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation stated Scheuer claimed, "the United States deliberately turned down several opportunities to kill terrorist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi in the lead-up to the Iraq war.

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In May , a video appeared on an alleged al-Qaeda website showing a group of five men, their faces covered with keffiyeh or balaclavas, beheading American civilian Nicholas Berg , who had been abducted and taken hostage in Iraq weeks earlier.

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The November Amman bombings that killed sixty people in three hotels, including several officials of the Palestinian Authority and members of a Chinese defense delegation, were claimed by Zarqawi's group 'Al-Qaeda in Iraq'.

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They found a comfortable and secure environment in which they moved people and supplies to support Zarqawi's operations in northern Iraq. Retrieved May 26,
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Retrieved June 10, On December 27,Al Jazeera broadcast an audiotape of bin Laden calling Zarqawi "the prince of al Qaeda in Iraq" and asked "all our organization brethren to listen to him and obey him in his good deeds. Retrieved January 1, Prostitutes Abou el Hassan More Read View source View history. Over —, Zarqawi Prostitutes Abou el Hassan his group Jama'at al-Tawhid wal-Jihad — later called Tanzim Qaidat al-Jihad fi Bilad al-Rafidayn 'al-Qaeda in Iraq' — are accused of dozens of violent and deadly Prostitutes Abou el Hassan in Iraq, which had, after the March U. Categories : births deaths 20th-century criminals 21st-century criminals Assassinated al-Qaeda leaders Critics of Shia Islam Deaths by American airstrikes Filmed assassinations Fugitives Salafi jihadists Fugitives wanted by Iraq Iraqi insurgency — Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant Jordanian al-Qaeda members Jordanian expatriates in Afghanistan Jordanian expatriates in Pakistan Jordanian prisoners and detainees Leaders of Islamic terror groups Members of al-Qaeda in Iraq millennium attack plots People from Zarqa Jordanian Qutbists People sentenced to death in absentia Prisoners and detainees of Jordan Terrorism in Iraq. Ghazi attempts to kill Sekher, Jabal's brother, as he thinks that Schahin who is learn more here son has died.

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